I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 295 Attacking Jiangyi City

Chapter 295 Attacking Jiangyi City

"System, where is my Guan Yu?"

After dawn, Ye Qing and the others finally arrived at Huishui. At this time, the water was frozen.

Ye Qing asked the system while sending someone to check the thickness of the ice.

Both Xu Huang and Sima Guang appeared in scriptures.

Guan Yu, however, did not show up for a long time.

"My lord, Guan Yu has entered your camp with the scriptures, so there is no need to worry about getting lost!"

"Yijing has entered my camp, where is it?" Although Ye Qing was a little relieved when he heard this, he was speechless.

I am most short of generals now.

There are people who can do things well.

"I can't go into details about this. Anyway, master, your Guan Yu can't escape, so don't worry!"

rest assured?

Just don't worry!

"My lord, we have checked the ice surface, it is thick enough to cross the river!"

Both Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao came back.

Even Huang Zhong went down to build a school and checked all over the river.

"Okay, as long as we can cross the river, we can shuttle smoothly on both sides of the river, and it will not be easy for Beishi people to catch up!" Ye Qing got on his horse and ordered:
"The cities in the northeastern part of the river are all north of the Weishui River and the north of the Fenshui River, so we have to go to the other side of the river first, looking for a place that can shelter from the wind and snow, keep out the cold, and have food and grass."

Li Cunxiao said: "My lord, if you attack the city, your whereabouts will be exposed. The Northern Stone Army and Baibogu will soon find out and surround them, so we can only attack some cottages, and they belong to the sect of Baibogu. .”

"This is really easy to handle. The Liu family gave us the map and the list. There are many places that meet the requirements. We can easily find and take them down!" Zhao Yun nodded in agreement.

Ye Qing looked at Huang Zhong who did not speak.

Huang Zhong had a yellow face, matured and solemn, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, since we have come to the north according to the scriptures, the Beishi Army and Baibogu will definitely know about it. Instead, it is the people here and those who secretly fight against the Beishi Army and Baibogu. The righteous people don't know us, so we should fight a battle, strengthen my prestige in Da Zhou, and promote my name of Xiaoyao Mansion!"

"Hahaha, Han Sheng's words are justified." After hearing Huang Zhong's words, Ye Qing nodded in agreement and said:

"That's right. At this time, the north desperately needs a big victory to vent the sovereignty of the Great Zhou. It needs to tell everyone that the Great Zhou has not given up on the north, and the strong army of the Great Zhou has returned.

And at this time, the Northern Stone armies in the north are not too prepared. It is far from our expectation that we will come back from the south, so it must be the easiest time for us to fight Jiangyi City now! "

Jiangyi City is north of Huishui and east of Fenshui.

This is a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Because it faces water on three sides, it is easier to defend.

But it's winter!
Both rivers are frozen over.

So his defensive advantage is not so strong.


The winter night gets darker earlier, and the horses gallop on the official road!
Looking from a distance, I don't know where the troops are.

Especially when the body is covered with dead grass.

It wasn't until the Beishi Army who was in charge of guarding Jiangyi City that they noticed something strange.

Come to ride without playing the military flag.

Nor is it the military uniform of the Northern Stone Army.

But they are also suspicious, what is going on with this cavalry from the south.

It was sent by Zhishuai.

But he didn't take the cavalry to attack Wenxi City!

How could there be cavalry coming from the south.

"Not good! It's Zhou Bing!"

The guard's eyesight was not bad, and when he saw the red armor Ye Qing and the others were wearing, he immediately judged it and came to ride.

Dazhou belongs to fire in the five elements, so the flags and clothes are all red.

Very eye-catching and easy to identify.

This is also the reason why Ye Qing and others want to cover their bodies with withered grass.

"Hurry up, pull everyone up to me, Zhou Qi is here to attack!"

Although the gate of the city was closed, it was not afraid that the cavalry of the Great Zhou Dynasty would come in at once, but they saw that the opponent was coming fiercely.

Guard General Beishi still yelled loudly.

However, the cavalry came quickly and arrived at the city in an instant.

A rain of arrows flew towards him, and the generals on the top of the city hid in the past.

All other Beishi soldiers were shot and killed.

"go with!"

Ye Qing and Li Cunxiao rushed forward. Ye Qing held a spear in his hand, and threw it into the wall, and then took another spear and threw it over.

With a bang, the spear stabbed firmly into the wall again.

Then Ye Qing threw another shot into the upper part.

When the shot was thrown, Li Cunxiao also jumped up from his horse, stepped on the first shot, reached the second shot, held it with one hand, and then jumped up and grabbed the third shot with one hand.

Then, with a leap of strength, the whole person reached the battlements.

The guard was really horrified when he saw Li Cunxiao's appearance.

"Zhou will die!"

The general of Beishi army stabbed at him with his spear, wanting to take Li Cunxiao down to the city.

Li Cunxiao jumped behind Beishi defender with a somersault, then swung his horse and swept over.

The Beishi guard shot in the air, and hurriedly turned around to block.

With a "clang", the whole person was sent flying and hit the wall.

The impact made the whole back burn hot, and the chest was like a sea of ​​water.

Li Cunxiao didn't bother him, swung his lance, then turned and walked towards the stepped wall.

At this time, countless Beishi soldiers rushed up, and Li Cunxiao waved his horse from left to right, sweeping all of them, and then jumped down, rolled over and killed towards the city cave.

Having experience is different, more decisive and sophisticated.

The guard of Beishi knew what Li Cunxiao wanted to do, nothing more than to open the city gate, so he wanted to chase after him, but just after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped.

Because Ye Qing also leaped up to the top of the city with the help of the long wall he had attached to the wall.

Guard General Beishi turned his head in disbelief, and saw Ye Qing who was confident and calm.

As if to hell.

Just climb up with bare hands.

Now another one.

How come there are so many masters in this great Zhou cavalry.


Suddenly Ye Qing gave a soft drink, and the Overlord Panlong halberd waved.

It was only then that the Beishi guard came to his senses and raised his gun to block him.


The severed head fell to the ground, and the head rolled down the stairs with horrified eyes, and then settled on the edge, just in time to see the Beishi soldiers who were about to rush up.

"This is... the general!"

The Beishi soldiers all showed panic.

Their general was killed, and his head was directly chopped off.


The sound of Li Cunxiao throwing away the cork awakened their sluggish expressions, and after lifting them up, a young and handsome Zhou in red clothes and armor holding a halberd appeared in front of them.

Although Ye Qing looked young, the fierce light in his eyes made people feel involuntarily afraid!
"Ye Qing is here in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the northern rock barbarians dare to fight!" The corner of Ye Qing's mouth curled up slightly, and he roared with luck.

Ye Qing!

The strongest prince of the Great Zhou.

Five hundred riders picked Ye Qing who was [-] Turkic!

A group of Beishi soldiers were so frightened that they fell and rolled down the stairs, and no one dared to go up.


At this time, the gate of the city was opened by Li Cunxiao, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun and others urged their horses to charge in.

The galloping horses, sonorous and powerful, shake the earth and tremble the hearts of the people.


The cavalry could not stop it at all.

Retreating and fleeing is the best move.

At this time, everyone in Jiangyi City was stunned!
Then he recalled the voice he had just heard.

"Ye Qing is here in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the barbarians of the North Stone dare to fight!"

Zhou Jun is back!
The soldiers and horses of the imperial court are back!
(End of this chapter)

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