I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 296 Ye Zhen's Award

Chapter 296 Ye Zhen's Award
Jiangyi City was quickly captured!
Like a storm.

All Beishi soldiers were wiped out, even those who escaped from the city were not excluded.

After taking control of Jiangyi City, Ye Qing was not in a hurry to check the treasury, but disguised himself and brought several people to a certain restaurant in the city.

There is a branch of Baixiao Pavilion here.

Whether it is the map or the list of the Liu family, these are all past information.

It can only be used as a basis for understanding the northeast of the river, and it is still passive.

Ye Qing doesn't like to be passive, even if it's selling his own information, he also likes to take the initiative.

Of course no one likes to be passive.

"Being objective is better than staying in a hotel!"

Xiao Er greeted him warmly.

It is difficult to do business in such a chaotic business, and there are too few customers.

Ye Qing didn't speak, and the guard beside him said:
"Give us the best Class A room!"

"Okay! Guest officer, please!" Xiaoer was overjoyed and led Ye Qing and others up to the second floor.

When he arrived at the Class A room, Ye Qing took out something from his arms and said, "I heard that this item can offset the room fee, and you can eat and stay for as long as you want. If you don't know it, you can show it to your shopkeeper!"

"Yes yes yes! Wait a minute, I really haven't seen anything! I haven't heard of such rules!" Xiaoer took the things in Ye Qing's hand and left.

Not long after, the shopkeeper came up.

After knocking on the door, Ye Qing let him in.

And signaled his men to guard him down.

After the people left, the shopkeeper came to the room and sat down on the other chessboard.

He took out the thing and pushed it towards Ye Qing.

He looked at Ye Qing several times and asked: "Put away your things, young master, don't throw this thing away!"

Ye Qing nodded: "Of course, you can't throw away things that are more important than your life!"

"Young Master, it's good that you understand, but I don't know what you want to ask?" The shopkeeper asked, taking out a sunspot from the chess box, and placing it on a point in the middle of the chessboard.

Ye Qing also picked up the white pieces from the chess box beside him, but instead of dropping the pieces, he held them in his hand.

"I'm interested in all the news in the northeast of the river in the past few days, so why not take your time..."

With that said, Ye Qing fell into a corner.

"Hehe, young master, you are too greedy, be careful not to chew it!" The shopkeeper was slightly taken aback, looked up at Ye Qing carefully, then grabbed a sunspot and slowly put it down.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "You can swallow it directly if you can't chew it. I have a big appetite, and there is poison in my stomach..."




"Good news! Good news! Great victory in Hedong..."

The fast horse ran like the wind from the streets of Chang'an to the palace.

Soon Ye Zhen and others received the news from Hedong.

Soon what happened in Hedong was spread wildly in Chang'an City.

When Ye Qing entered Hedong, he first destroyed Leishou Mountain, the number one bandit in Hedong, and surrendered [-] people, which amazed everyone.

Then destroy Pubanliu's family, and punish the aristocratic families in various cities who colluded with thieves and bandits, which is even more satisfying.

Dare to do something, not afraid of aristocratic families, iron-blooded style is admirable and applauded.

In the end Qianqi went out to battle, guarded by Wenxi, and galloped his horse over Beishi's army, rampantly, killing many people, shooting arrows at Beishi's commander-in-chief's banner, and setting fire to the enemy camp.

It was a myth, and the whole Chang'an was boiling all of a sudden, which was inspiring.

"Okay! You are worthy of being my emperor! Hahaha, the barbarian from Beishi is nothing but mediocrity!"

Ye Zhen was overjoyed after reading the Hedong Zoubao.

The Beishi army attacked the city, its morale fell, and its military supplies and food were burned.

The morale of the army is definitely unstable, and it is impossible to break through Wenxi Yijing.

The battle line was temporarily stabilized.

The southeast of the river was preserved.

Just wait for the soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou to gather in Hedong, and then they can counterattack and recover the north.

"The decree came to pass on Ye Qing's meritorious service in destroying the bandits and collecting the thieves. He was allowed to give Xu Huang the title of loyal lieutenant and the Thunderbolt army number, ordering Ye Qing to control the Thunderbolt army. Go north, fight against Beishi, and regain the northeastern part of the river!"

After Ye Zhen finished reading, he said silently:

"In addition, Ye Qing has made great achievements in the battle, destroyed the enemy's momentum, destroyed the enemy's camp, and strengthened our Dazhou. Now he is the king of Xiaoyao County. He is the former supervisor of Hedong to defend against the enemy. All walks of life in Hedong will listen to his command and sweep the north as soon as possible. Stone, recover the northeastern part of the river, and secure the country!"

The servant who was writing the imperial decree suddenly raised the stage and said: "Your Highness, the power of the king of Xiaoyao County seems to be in conflict with the governor of Hedong, is it..."

It turned out that at this time the imperial court dispatched a commander based on discussions, and Ye Qing ordered troops to be dispatched based on the scriptures. Many of the army arrived in Dawangcheng and marched to Hedong one after another.

It turned out that Ye Qing was just a striker, and he was rewarded with the Shadowless Sword. Only then did he have the right to slash first and then play the sword.

Now that he is promoted to the king of the county, I won't mention it. The king of the county is not a prince, so he is still restricted.

But if you add the former supervisor of Hedong to defend against the enemy, it's fucking fucked up.

What do you make the past coaches think?

It's okay for Ye Qing not to be under his control, he still has Shang Fang's sword in his hand, and he still wants to chop whoever he wants.

He can be ignored as a coach, the team is not easy to lead.

Ye Zhen said coldly: "Write, just write according to my wishes, don't worry about other things, my son traveled thousands of miles, went to the north of the river alone, and devoted himself to the country. How could I not reward him if he sacrificed his life like this!"

"No!" The servant could see that Ye Zhen had a murderous look on his face, and hurriedly lowered his head to write the imperial edict.

Only by doing your job well can you save it. If you meddle in other people's business, you will lose your head.


Hongnong Palace!

"I believe you all know what Ye Qingren did in Hedong!"

"I didn't expect this guy to be so troublesome. The 1 to [-] bandits in Leishou Mountain were easily wiped out by him, and more than [-] people were able to be subdued. It's simply..."

"It's abominable that the Northern Stone Barbarian is so useless. The 1000-strong army was rushed and killed by more than [-] of his cavalry. Even the camp was destroyed. It's just..."

"It's been hard for my Liu family, for the family in Hedong, and being blackmailed by Ye Qing'er, so many private soldiers and children of the family were killed by him..." Liu Zhengqing vomited bitterly. This time, the Liu family suffered a heavy loss.

The right to salt was not taken back, but was posted instead.

The hidden forces of Leishou Mountain, which had been in operation for many years, were also disintegrated overnight.

Ye Qing also smashed the established relationship network of the Hedong Family.

The elite private soldiers of each family were also forced and lost by Ye Qing with righteousness.

All that is left of the Liu family is money and food.

How could he not be heartbroken.

Even if the incident in Hedong is over this time, even if Ye Qing dies, the strength of his Liu family will be severely damaged, and it will take more than a hundred years to recover to its peak.

"Fortunately, Ye Qing'er is arrogant and arrogant. He has gone north alone. He is throwing himself into a trap. The Beishi Army and Bai Gubo will definitely not let this opportunity go. They will definitely surround him and kill him in the end. Since he can't run away, we can finally settle the grievances between us!" Yang showed a sinister smile, secretly delighted.

Everyone nodded after hearing the words, and their mood improved a lot.

Anyway, after paying a huge price, Ye Qing could finally be killed.

Once Ye Qing dies, Xiaoyao Mansion can be divided up, hoping to make up for the loss with the things and technology of Xiaoyao Mansion.

"Everyone, Na Ding must be incompetent to cause the fall of Hedong. My Liu family thinks that it is time to blame him for his crimes, and we should replace him with our own people..."

Mentioning this, Ye Wei suddenly showed a knowing smile.

Hedong Qingshou should indeed be replaced, and the aristocratic family should also have a few generals who hold heavy troops and real power.

Once Hedong completes the exchange of blood, he will get the local military power and political power of the two counties.

(End of this chapter)

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