Chapter 297
Coming out of Baixiao Pavilion, Ye Qing used the scriptures to get a clear understanding of the big and small situations in the northeastern part of the river.

Back to the county office!

Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao and others came to report one after another.

"The money and food in the lord's treasury have been checked out! There is enough money and food in the city, and I asked our people to pre-load ten days' worth!" Zhao Yunxian said:
"My lord, how to deal with the extra money and food!"

Ye Qingdao: "All the excess is distributed to the people in the city. The so-called taking from the people and using it for the people is not easy for the people. Let them get through this winter and spring well!"

"My lord is kind, I'll do it now!" Zhao Yun was overjoyed upon hearing this, and immediately went down to make arrangements.

After Zhao Yun left, Li Cunxiao said: "My lord, those gangs loyal to Baibo Valley in the city were also cleaned up and destroyed. Among them, more than 1000 ordinary congregants were taken in. How should they deal with it?"

"Lock it up first, it will be useful tomorrow morning!" Ye Qing said indifferently.

In addition to the foundation of Baibo Valley and the eyeliner, the ordinary gangsters who surrendered are not very useful.

At this time Huang Zhong also came in.

"My lord, the city defense has been properly arranged, and scouts have been sent in all four directions."

Ye Qing said: "That's good, tell the brothers to seize the time to rest, don't worry in the city, they are all our own people."

Everyone went down and continued to do their own things.

Ye Qing turned on the lamp alone, and marked it on the map.

At present, there are still many forces in the northeast of the River River that have not succumbed to Beishi, some are resisting, and some are fighting guerrillas, swimming around.

Bai Gubo also had no intention of helping the Beishi army to wipe out the disobedient ministers.

Only a small number of people were sent to control the cities near Baibo Valley and master the government affairs of these cities.


Ji Ting!
"Well, you Ye Qing, you dare to go directly north, this time I will let you lose to me!"

After Zhao Feiyan received the news that Ye Qing had arrived at Wenxi, she rushed east from Pi's.

As a result, when I arrived at Jiting, I received new news.

Ye Qing not only broke through Zhi Boyuan's [-] army head-on, burned the camp, but also attacked Jiangyi City.

That's what set people on fire.

At the same time, it aroused her strongest desire to win.

Chang'an and his party, she regards it as a disgrace.

She failed both questions, this time she must capture Ye Qing alive, and then ask the third question while whipping the whip.

"Continue sending out. We will rush to Jiangyi City overnight. After dawn, this bastard will definitely escape like a mouse." Zhao Feiyan straddled the horse, pinching the horse's belly with her long slender legs, Cui Ma ordered.

He had already guessed Ye Qing's plan, it was nothing more than being a shit-stirring stick.

To confuse the situation in the north and contain the forces of the Northern Stone Army, so as to buy time and opportunity for the main force of the Great Zhou Dynasty to advance northward.

She definitely won't allow it.

Beishiguo has never spit out what he ate.

Three thousand female cavalrymen followed Zhao Feiyan and rushed towards Jiangyi City.

But when they arrived in Jiangyi City, the sky was dimly lit.

Zhao Feiyan was overjoyed to see the flag of the Great Zhou still hanging on Tiancheng's head.

The attack was launched immediately.

However, there are only sparse bows and arrows and rolling stones falling on the top of the city.

There was no sign of Da Zhou Jingqi.

Zhao Feiyan didn't wait until the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry rushed out.

So he took all the riders to the north gate.

When they got here, there was no guard on the top of the city, so Zhao Feiyan asked the female soldiers to throw out the hook rope, and then climbed up by herself first with the rope.

I saw that the entire north city gate was empty. After opening the city gate and leading the troops into the city, I realized that the Xiaoyao Mansion had already left.

They drove the horses to the west city gate, but there was no soldier at the west city gate, and the people who threw stones and arrows just now also disappeared.

"Damn it, let him run away early." Zhao Feiyan felt like punching cotton.

So he said to one of his confidantes: "A huge reward is offered, whoever can provide information about Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion riding, will reward more than a thousand taels of silver!"

Someone is going to recruit now.

Someone asked, "Princess, what should we do?"

"Let the sisters rest for a while, let me think about it!" Zhao Feiyan was very annoyed.

I clearly judged correctly.

In the end, Ye Qing was more cunning than he imagined, and left early.

We are all cavalry, and it is not a matter of time to catch up.

And...the direction is uncertain, so it's not easy to chase randomly.

So Zhao Feiyan called a few more people in, and ordered: "You three, lead a team of ten people each, and chase me north, south, east, and south. If you find a large number of cavalry horseshoe marks, come back and report them. If not, then Just keep chasing."


The three female generals will go down immediately to do so.

Ye Qing is too cunning.

Zhao Feiyan was afraid that there would be fraud again.

To deal with Ye Qing, we must go all out.


"Ding! Master, Zhao Feiyan, the third princess of Beishi Kingdom, wants to know the whereabouts of Dazhou Yeqing and Xiaoyao Fuqi, and is willing to spend 2000 taels of silver as a reward. Do you want to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Zhi Boyuan, the coach of Beishi Kingdom, wants to know whether Da Zhou Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Fuqi will suddenly go south to kill Wenxi and escape the blockade, and whether they will go south from the official road, or sneak back by the east trail. Would you like to know?" Spend 1000 taels of silver as a reward, will you sell it?"

"Ding! Master, the elders of the Hedong Liu family want to know whether Xu Shu will abuse the Shadowless Sword to the Liu family's detriment like Ye Qing of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Will he sell it if he is willing to spend 5000 taels of silver as a reward?"

"Ding! Master, Dongdong Baibogu wants to know the relationship between Ye Qing and the Huashan faction in the Great Zhou Dynasty? Now that Yeguan is going north, will the Huashan faction also keep up with the infiltration? Is Ye Qing coming to the North Stone Army, or is he pointing his sword at Baibogu? Will you sell it if you are willing to spend 5 taels of silver as a reward?"

There were four more system beeps.

Ye Qing couldn't help looking back, and the Jiangyi city, which had been invisible for a long time, turned into a cloud of morning fog.

"Zhao Feiyan, you have arrived in Jiangyi City! If you want to catch up with me...then come after me, I hope you won't regret it!"

Ye Qing said to the system: "System! Except for the third information, everything else is sold!"

so what?
Come chase me, come stop me, I'm afraid you will be disappointed!
"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have 100400 taels of silver, and 3 chances to draw prizes!"

10 taels, a lot.

Ye Qing just glanced at it for a while and said: "The system draws prizes!"

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a general card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing two martial arts character cards!
One general card, two martial arts cards!
I don't know who it will be?
Ye Qing was full of anticipation, and immediately said: "System! Use cards!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining the famous general Di Qing (first rank) of the Northern Song Dynasty!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the martial arts card and obtaining Ding Chunqiu (second rank) of "Dragon and Babu"!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the martial arts card and getting the "Xia Ke Xing" Shi Potian (rank five)!
(End of this chapter)

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