I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 298 He wants to point his sword at Baibo Valley

Chapter 298 He wants to point his sword at Baibo Valley

Di Qing!

A famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty.

It is a generation of commanders, and apart from Yue Fei, one of the most capable commanders in the Song Dynasty.

Ding Chunqiu!
The No. [-] villain in "Dragon Ba Bu".

Martial arts are superb, ruthless, and good at using poison.

His disciples call him "Old Immortal of Xingxiu", and people in the world are not ashamed of his behavior and call him "Old Monster of Xingxiu". I hate this martial art the most.

Its Xingxiu School has many hidden weapons unique to it, and the fierceness of the poison is even more feared by everyone.

Sanxiao Xiaoyao San and Shenmu Wangding are the most memorable.

Second grade force.

It doesn't seem to be too high, it is far behind Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao, Li Bai and others.

But in terms of lethality, I'm afraid they are not as good as Ding Chunqiu.

Thinking about Ouyang Feng's poisonous group attack with first-class strength, it would kill everyone.

What about Ding Chunqiu?
This was more vicious and vicious than Ouyang Feng.

But what made Ye Qing ecstatic the most was Shi Potian!

Shi Potian can remember this person is not many.

Because neither the book "Xia Ke Xing" nor the film and television drama is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The protagonist Shi Potian is called a bastard, which really hinders the sense of immersion.

Can't be flattered!
The strength of the fifth rank is higher than that of Zhao Yun and Li Bai.

But Ye Qing, who knew a little about this person, felt that Shi Potian's martial arts were a bit low.

Because Shi Potian is the protagonist with the highest talent and the luckiest luck among all the golden old martial arts heroes, there is no other.

Shi Potian didn't know a single character, and he practiced martial arts upside down since he was a child, and without any guidance, he was distorted instead.

But just like that, he frequently practiced peerless martial arts. In the end, because he was illiterate, he read tadpoles on Chivalrous Island, and practiced the magical skill of "Taixuan Jing", becoming the number one in the world.

So along the way, he has practiced countless miscellaneous skills, such as Shaolin Yanyan Kung Fu and Arhat Demon Subduing Magic Kung Fu.

The Ding family's [-]-way capture master!

Snow Mountain School Snow Mountain Swordsmanship!
The Golden Crow Sword Technique that restrains the Snow Mountain Sword Technique.

In addition, the sword technique is side-to-side, and the sword technique is clear and observant.

All kinds of boxing skills taught by Ding Busi.

The last is the divine skill "Taixuan Jing".

A fifth-rank powerhouse possesses countless martial arts and can mix everything.

This is like a template for Baibo Valley.

Could it be that this was also specially arranged by the system.

"It doesn't matter, since it is the fifth-rank strength, it is not impossible to kill Baigubo, hehe, wait for Baigubo!"

The three warriors are in the account, so beautiful!
Walking all the way north, we quickly entered the mountains. After simple cleaning, the traces on the road were cleaned up.

The crowd rode into the mountain.

At this time, Zhao Feiyan from Jiangyi City obtained the whereabouts of Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion with a lot of money.

Let your men gather immediately.

"Princess, do we want to contact other troops to chase it together?" the subordinate asked.

Zhao Feiyan said without thinking, "No, if they can rely on their own ability, then they can find it by themselves, if they can't find it, then they are incompetent."

"But princess, the Xiaoyao Mansion rider is too fierce, just in case..." The subordinate still hesitated.

Zhao Feiyan said coldly: "It's not a big deal, there are just over 1000 cavalry, and I can take care of them with [-] cavalry female soldiers. Besides... anyone who wants to fight head-on with him, I will outwit and capture them alive."

After Zhao Feiyan said that there was no need to wait any longer, she urged the horse to take the lead and charged towards the north city gate.

When the hands saw each other, they had to get on their horses and keep up.

Then the various teams scattered in the city followed suit and gathered outside the city.

Three thousand female cavalry, heroic, beautiful scenery.

Zhao Feiyan chased all the way to the place where she entered the mountain, seeing that the sky was getting dark, suddenly there was no trace of horseshoes in front of her, she couldn't help being annoyed.

"Princess, it's getting dark. We don't have any trace of Zhou Qi at Shishan at this time. If we chase rashly, we may chase in the wrong direction. It's better to rest and chase tomorrow!" The subordinates are not as stubborn as Zhao Feiyan. The earth, the eyes are confused, and now I have no courage to enter the mountain.

Zhao Feiyan said: "Okay, let's rest here tonight, find a place to leeward, don't freeze everyone!"

"Thank you princess for your love!" The subordinates were overjoyed, holding the order and going down.

Zhao Feiyan rode back and forth on horseback, staring at the disappearing path, and murmured: "If you want to get rid of Ben Gong, there is no door, don't think I don't know where you want to go, it's only because you shouldn't go to Bai Xiao Ge, those are a bunch of ghosts who can only suck blood!"

The next morning!
Zhao Feiyan took three thousand horses into the mountain.

Sleeping out overnight is still a very big test for women.

Although they are female soldiers, there is still a considerable gap with male soldiers.

The female soldiers followed Zhao Feiyan into the mountain with their slightly tired bodies.

Zhao Feiyan didn't look for the way at all, but followed the direction and walked directly in one direction.

Two hours later, as expected, a clue was found in a village not very deep in the mountains.

"Princess, it was the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry who did it. I don't know why this Zhuangzi provoked the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry, and the whole village was killed." Very puzzled.

Aren't these people from Da Zhou?
Why was he murdered by the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry?

Zhao Feiyan urged the horse to enter the Zhuangzi, saw that the half-burned sign had only one word Shang left, and said with a sneer:
"Shangjiazhuang, one of the top ten secular surnames in Baibo Valley, their deaths are not unjust!"

"Princess, what do you mean, Ye Qing did it on purpose, and he wanted to wipe out all the subordinate forces in Baibo Valley?" Zhao Feiyan's men suddenly seemed to understand.

In Jiangyi City, Ye Qing did the same thing.

All gangs directly related to Baibogu were wiped out.

Without exception!

No wonder he went to the northeast of the river to vent his anger on Baibogu.

Kill from the outside first.

Cut off the power of Baibo Valley.

Is it a little overkill?

A group of officers and cavalry went to the forces of the rivers and lakes.

Get the wrong object, use the wrong force!

"Hmph, I'm afraid that he not only wants to cut off these tentacles, but also points his sword at Baibo Valley, and wants to kick the mountain gate of Baibo Valley!" Zhao Fei pulled out his sword, and with a light wave, he chopped off the unburned Shang character. into two halves, and said:
"I'm lighting a fire to burn this place more thoroughly. I want to catch up with him before he reaches the White Wave Valley."

Kick the mountain gate of Baibo Valley!
It's too arrogant.

No wonder he still wanted to remove Baibo Valley just like destroying Mount Taihua.

Is it enough for the three entry-level generals he brought with him?
Obviously not enough.

The last time Xiaoyao Mansion was able to take advantage, it was Taihua Mountain's head, Hong Baxian, who was killed first, and Huashan faction was watching from the side.

That's how it works.

Otherwise, one Taihua Mountain would be enough to cause Xiaoyao Mansion a headache.

Now in the northeast of the river, in the area controlled by Baibo Valley and their Beishi Army, they still want to perform this miracle.

That's just nonsense.

The strength is not as good as last time, but the difficulty is several times that of last time.

This kind of idea can only be thought about, if you really do it, you will be a madman, an arrogant fool.

But no matter what, the female soldiers of the Beishi Army set fire to Shangjiazhuang again, and burned all the places that had not been burned before.

From then on, there is no Shangjiazhuang, let alone a secular Shangjia in Baibo Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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