I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 299 So Depressed, I Want to Cry...

Chapter 299 So Depressed, I Want to Cry...

Zhao Feiyan continued to pursue and soon reached Qiao Shanzhai.

This stronghold was also breached by Ye Qing and others, the stronghold was destroyed, and there were countless dead bodies.

"Princess, the result is the same here. They were killed by Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry again, but this time they should let go of a group of people. That group of people went out of the mountain to the southeast. It is estimated that there are still women who were robbed by this cottage. Some kids!"

After inspecting Qiao's cottage, his subordinates reported the matter truthfully.

Zhao Yunyan said: "Although Ye Qing is domineering, ruthless, and decisive, he still knows who can be killed and who can't be killed, and he hasn't done it... Forget it, keep chasing, and we must kill him before they leave the Tashan faction. Block him before!"

Zhao Feiyan didn't delay, and urged her subordinates to continue on their way.

The mountain road is not easy to walk, turning left and right, the road is difficult, it takes a lot of energy and time.

Fortunately, there were horseshoe marks left by Ye Qing and others on the road.

It also proved what I thought in my heart.

On the contrary, Zhao Feiyan became more and more anxious.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, his fiery temper also came up, and he kept urging those behind to keep up.

Three thousand female riders pulled out a long line.

And it quickly turned into a number.

Looking back and forth, they couldn't even see each other.

The disconnect is huge.

"Forget it, don't wait for the people behind, everyone who can catch up, as long as you are a little faster, you can stop Ye Qing!"

Patting the mount, Yue Feiyan took the lead and continued to charge forward.

Those who can barely keep up are only a thousand riders, and they are exhausted.

They are cavalry, not infantry.

Going back and forth in this mountain is really fatal.

And it's a group of female soldiers!
Just when Zhao Feiyan and the middle and rear team drew an extremely long distance, dozens of cold lights suddenly reflected in the dark forest.

Zhao Feiyan suddenly felt something was wrong, she hurriedly stepped away from the horse and jumped off.

At this time, only the sound of breaking wind came from countless arrows piercing the air.

Then a Beishi female soldier fell from the horse with an arrow.

"The enemy is attacking, it's Zhou soldiers, get off your horse and defend against the enemy!" Zhao Feiyan hastily got up a big tree that sheltered her, and pointed her sword at the direction of the incoming arrow.

The Beishi female soldiers hurriedly jumped off their horses and rolled on the ground.

However, there are still countless arrows flying over, killing and wounding it.

After two or three bursts of arrow rain, Zhao Feiyan stood up with her sword in hand, looked at the howling female soldiers all over the ground, and shouted angrily:
"Kill, follow me to kill the people of Zhou!"

"Kill!" The Beishi female soldier, no matter how you say it is a soldier, has also gone through countless trainings, holding the weapon and rushing towards the direction of the incoming arrow.

However, just as they were charging, the other side let me shoot an arrow again.

And there was also a sound behind them.

Countless arrows flew over.

"Puff puff……"

Countless Beishi female soldiers were shot to death instantly.

Zhao Feiyan didn't dare to charge forward anymore, and swung her arrows to chop left and right.

He jumped on the horse and said, "Get out!"

Ambushed on both sides, the arrows were too dense, Lian Zhou's soldiers didn't even see it, and the battle was useless.

She knew she had been ambushed, and the best thing to do at this point was to evacuate very early.

Only in this way can the loss be minimized.

After all, there are more than 1000 riders in Xiaoyaofu, and they are waiting for work. They have more than 1000 riders, but they are exhausted and ambushed.

The outcome is self-evident.

I underestimated the enemy and was eager to chase him.

Who would have thought that Ye Qing would be so cunning, ambush halfway, and kill a carbine.

But at this time she wanted to leave, but it was not that simple, she saw a mighty young man standing on the way back at some point.

The young man has a handsome face, wears fine armor, and holds a big halberd in his hand.

His eyes are like stars, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and there is a hint of playfulness on Leng Jun's face.

"Looking for death!" Seeing this person blocking the road, Zhao Feiyan urged the horse to charge even harder, swinging her sword to stab him.

But at this moment, an arrow flew towards her and hit her mount.

The horse suffered from pain, neighed, raised its front legs, and fell headlong.

Immediately Zhao Feiyan was taken aback, took advantage of her strength to jump, and landed lightly like a cat.

But as soon as he landed, a gust of wind swept over him.

Zhao Feiyan hurriedly rolled again, swiping her sword to block it.

With a sound of "Clang!", the sound of Jin Ming sounded, and sparks flew everywhere.

Zhao Feiyan couldn't bear the force, and she flew upside down and hit the tree trunk.

The pain made him grin his teeth, and his heart twitched.

A mouthful of blood spit out.

"I thought how strong you are, you dare to chase me with such strength!"

Holding a long halberd, the young man walked forward slowly, talking jokingly.

It made Zhao Feiyan very angry.

He raised his head and stared at the boy.

"You are Ye Qing!"

"Yes! I am, why am I so surprised!"

That's right, this halberd-wielding boy is Ye Qing.

Zhao Feiyan shook her head lightly, put her sword on the ground, stood up slowly, covered her chest and said: "You are despicable, a man, you should be upright in a war, and duel head-on, what's the point of ambushing a little girl like me?"

"Hahaha, that's really good. You should be upright in war. Then why did you Beishi sneak attack me on the east side of the river and collude with Baibogu? This is what you call justice, which is what you call upright." Ye Qing held the halberd. With one finger, the blade of the halberd drew a foot or two away from Zhao Feiyan, and said in a cold voice:
"Where do the little girls on the battlefield come from, there are only thorny thorns, besides..."

"I'm not a man yet. I'm only 14 years old. Strictly speaking, I'm still a child! Children don't have to behave themselves!" Ye Qing smiled evilly.

Zhao Feiyan's chest pain became more intense.

How could Da Zhou have such a shameless person.

You are still a child.

"Then you will be a child forever!" Zhao Feiyan felt that countless grievances had accumulated in her chest, her posture fluttered, and the long sword danced to Ye Qing's side, and then stabbed straight.

Ye Qing stepped on his feet, Zhan Fang retreated, and easily dodged.

"This may disappoint you, now I want to be a man, I will give you a good little tigress training!" Ye Qing laughed wantonly, stomped his feet again, and swung his halberd.

Zhao Feiyan wanted to rush over and thrust a sword, but she could only jump up.

Then it floated onto a tree, stepped on it with strength, and stabbed with a sword in both hands.

This thrust was twice as fast as before.

Ye Qing stood still, neither dodging nor dodging, and swung the Panlong Overlord Halberd like turning the halberd.

The blade of the halberd met with the edge of the sword, and there were dozens of clashing sounds.

Zhao Feiyan couldn't get close to Ye Qing's body, stepped on her legs, flipped somersault, and backed away.

He hugged a tree pole and snorted coldly: "I can't kill you today, but I will avenge our army sisters in the future!"

After speaking, Zhao Feiyan leaped down the mountain like a fairy.

But two arrows shot over.

Sealed her way down the mountain.

Zhao Feiyan had no choice but to back up, looking at Ye Qing, without moving the ground at all.

Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Why, you can't bear to bear me!"

"I don't want you to live!" Zhao Feiyan was furious, she couldn't kill her, and she couldn't run away.

The opponent has two sharpshooters, and there is no way to leave.

So depressed, I want to cry...

(End of this chapter)

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