I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 300 Zhao Feiyan Surrenders

Chapter 300 Zhao Feiyan Surrenders

"Then come and kill me!"

"Me!" Zhao Feiyan stomped her feet angrily, neither advancing nor retreating at this time.

Ye Qing said: "It's very tangled, I think I can give you an idea, surrender!"

"Surrender! Impossible! No one from Beishi surrendered! Besides, I am a majestic princess." Zhao Feiyan flatly refused.

Ye Qing smiled and pointed to the Beishi female soldiers who were still fighting stubbornly, "If you surrender, they will have a way to survive. If you don't surrender, they will all die!"

Zhao Feiyan looked along, all the Xiaoyaofu cavalry came out of the dark.

The one holding the bow string in his hand is pulling the string, the one holding the crossbow is holding the crossbow, and the one holding the gun is holding the gun.

Step by step, step by step pressing.

Five or six hundred people were killed after a thousand riders, and only three or four hundred people were wounded.

Want to fight but can't fight.

With just one move, countless bows and crossbows can shoot them into sieves.

Although there was still stubbornness and anger in their eyes, there was fear and fear on their faces.

This is the difference between female soldiers and male soldiers.

At the critical moment, male soldiers can regard death as home, but few female soldiers can do it.

After all, sheep are still sheep, especially a flock of sheep, which can easily be infected collectively.

When they are alone or in a few, they are more able to exert their excellent perseverance.

When in a group, it is easier to be driven by negative emotions.

Zhao Feiyan closed her eyes, struggling in her mind.

"Do you Da Zhou only bully women?" Zhao Feiyan remembered that Qiao Shanzhai Ye Qing had spared women and children.

It should not be a cold-blooded and heartless person.

So she wants to go for one or two.

But Ye Qing shook his head slightly and sneered: "There are no women and men on the battlefield, there are only enemies, since joining the army, it is fate;
Instead of your Beishi's army, I believe no one can do better than me, surrender, they will not die! "

Thinking about it carefully, what Ye Qing said is true.

No one on the battlefield will sympathize with them because they are female soldiers.

Ye Qing didn't shoot them all in one shot, which is very benevolent according to the scriptures.

Zhao Feiyan sighed, and the long sword dropped to the ground.

"You are cruel, I hope you will do what you say!"

Zhao Feiyan surrendered, and immediately two soldiers stepped forward and tied her up with ropes.

Ye Qing then withdrew his halberd.

Only then did Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun retract their bows and come out from the shadows.

Ye Qing walked up to Zhao Feiyan's side, pinched her chin and said, "I have my way, my principles of belief, and I don't need you to supervise me. Think carefully about what I will do to you, hehehe..."

Letting go of Zhao Feiyan's chin, Ye Qing led the helpless and angry Zhao Feiyan back to the besieged Beishi female soldiers and said:

"Your general Zhao Feiyan surrendered with the scriptures. I promised her not to kill you. Put down your weapons!"

"What, it's impossible, it's impossible for us three princesses to be killed by you..."

"Princess, you can't surrender, we are the ones who killed you..."

Looking at the Beishi female soldiers with crying voices, Zhao Feiyan felt a little regretful.

These should be girls like flowers, good women who should be at home and take care of their husbands and children.

He shouldn't have appeared on the battlefield, he should have lived a good life, but now he will have a great time...

Taking a deep breath, throwing away the distracting thoughts in her mind, Zhao Feiyan said: "The Phoenix Army listens to the order and puts down their weapons. We have lost this battle, so be cool, don't be looked down upon by these stinky men, and wipe away your tears.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

The Beishi female soldiers replied with a clang, then dropped their weapons unwillingly, and let the Xiaoyao Mansion ride to capture the prisoners alive.

Ye Qing said: "Zhao Feiyan, you send someone back and tell your two thousand riders to stop chasing them. I will kill them all if they are chasing them."

Zhao Feiyan knew that what Ye Qing said was true.

If you still want to lay an ambush, those two cavalry are also no match for the Xiaoyaofu cavalry.

Because they have no leader and are exhausted.

So Zhao Feiyan ordered a confidant and asked her to go back and spread the word.

After cleaning the battlefield, the brigade continued to set off.

An hour later, we arrived at Tashan School.

Only then did Zhao Feiyan know that the Tashan faction had already been taken down by Ye Qing's men.

The Tashan faction attached to the Baibo Valley was picked.

And looking at his wounds, they were all done by martial arts people.

Ye Qing wiped out the Tashan faction without using an army at all.

When Ye Qing went north this time, he also brought a group of people from the martial arts world with him.

This discovery made Zhao Feiyan a little uneasy.

Ye Qing was not unprepared.

It was premeditated.

Perhaps the Great Zhou Emperor in Chang'an also had a plan early on, and dispatched the forces of the rivers and lakes to gather in Hedong early.

Tashan pie!
Apse Hall!
Ye Qing recruited all his subordinates.

"I believe everyone has a certain understanding of Hanchen's command ability." Ye Qing pointed to Di Qing who had a face tattooed on his face.

Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao, Huang Zhong and others all nodded.

This beautiful ambush was planned by Di Qing.

The three of them didn't know where this young man with tattoos on his face came from, and how he could be related to his master.

However, Di Qing, who has first-class personal strength and outstanding commanding skills, quickly gained the favor of everyone.

It is the best proof that people should not be judged by their appearance.

"So, next, I will appoint Han Chen to an important position." Ye Qing saw that everyone had no objection, so he continued:

"Han Chen took a thousand cavalry and Han Sheng together, and escorted the Beishi female soldiers to the east. I will give you a map. The map shows the maps of all parties. If you encounter the Beishi army, you can avoid it." Let's go to war, and if you encounter the subordinate forces of Baibo Valley, you will use my name to kill them all.

Along the way, there are some Hedong Zhongliang who are loyal to Da Zhou and are still preparing to fight back. You can make friends with them, accept those who can be accepted, and help those who cannot be accepted, so that they can grow stronger and become enemies of the Beishi Army. "

"It's the lord!" Di Qing and Huang Zhong both stood up and said.

"Then, my lord, what about us?" Zhao Yun asked.

He and Li Cunxiao are the main force in the army.

In addition, they prefer to lead troops to fight.

Ye Qingdao: "The two of you come with me and take Zhao Feiyan to Baibo Valley. Let's kick the mountain gate and eliminate this disaster!"

Destroy the White Wave Valley!

Just the three of us!

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao looked at each other.

Somewhat weak.

Even with two or three hundred riders, it's still a little less.

It is not enough to destroy the Baibo Valley!

Ye Qing clapped his hands and said, "Ding Chunguo, Shi Potian, come out and say hello to everyone!"

Suddenly, the door of the apse was blown open by the wind.

A young ordinary man and an old grim-faced man appeared outside the hall.

That ordinary young man looked ordinary, but upon closer inspection, he was somewhat gentle.

His face was full of righteousness, and his eyes were full of stars.

Looks like a decent guy.

And that old man had flowing silver hair and often had a shoulder-length beard.

He looked like silver-headed and white-haired, with an immortal demeanor, but that gloomy face and eyes that could devour people revealed viciousness all the time.

Make people suddenly vigilant, want to kill and then hurry up!
"Ding Chunqiu (Shi Potian) pays his respects to the lord!"

Ding Chunqiu and Shi Potian said at the same time, the next moment they looked at each other, Ding Chunqiu's face flashed unhappiness, and there was even a hint of anger, he raised his left hand, he wanted to use poison to kill!
(End of this chapter)

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