I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 301 How about calling out

Chapter 301 How about calling out
People in the hall didn't seem to know Ding Chunqiu and Shi Potian outside the hall.

There is also the meaning of doing it.

I can't help but look forward to it.

Which of these two is stronger and who is weaker.

How much skill do you have?
Make them curious.

The lord can always find a bunch of warriors.

They are no strangers to this kind of scene.

Seeing that Ding Chunqiu wanted to make a move, Ye Qing watched with interest.

Shi Potian is three grades higher than Ding Chunqiu.

I'm afraid that Ding Chunqiu, who is rebellious and unruly, thinks so much of himself is not an opponent.

Sure enough, Shi Potian noticed Ding Chunqiu's hostility, turned his face to look at Ding Chunqiu's left hand, then moved his gaze upwards to stare at his eyes.

Seeing the contempt and deterrence in Ding Chunqiu's eyes.

A smile appeared on his warm face.

Then practice the "Taixuan Sutra", and the surrounding body suddenly exudes a vast and majestic righteousness.

As light dispels darkness.

The evil spirit in Ding Chunqiu's body was instantly suppressed.

Ding Chunqiu's eyes bulged, the eyeballs almost popped out.

Seeing a ghost like this, his expression changed drastically.

Moved sideways and distanced himself from Shi Potian.

"You..." Ding Chunqiu, who has always been unruly and doesn't take others seriously, has to restrain his words at this moment.

Did not dare to swear.

The aura emanating from Shi Potian's body seemed to be born to restrain him.

Moreover, he could feel Shi Potian's profound internal strength, and his martial arts were far superior to his own.

"Seniors don't advance, then I will advance!" Shi Potian was kind and polite, he clasped his hands into fists at Ding Chunqiu, and then went straight into the hall.

Seeing Shi Potian advanced, Ding Chunqiu was annoyed, angry and helpless, so he had no choice but to follow him.

Shi Potian won.

It deters the opponent without hitting.

Everyone couldn't help but have a higher opinion of Shi Potian.

At the same time, I was horrified.

He couldn't see Shi Potian's strength.

This is probably higher than the fourth rank.

A true peerless master.

Big guy.

Ye Qing pointed to the empty seat on the other side with a smile and said, "You two sit here."

"It's the lord!" Shi Potian didn't have any objection, he found a seat and sat down.

He has a good-natured personality, and he will never retaliate when he is beaten or scolded.

Submissive, extremely simple.

Seeing Shi Potian sat down, Ding Chunqiu cupped his fists towards Ye Qing and turned away, but he didn't sit down next to Shi Potian.

Instead, he fell in love with Di Qing, who had tattoos on his face.

He felt that this person was like-minded with him, so he sat down next to Di Qing.

Di Qing had the urge to cry.

I am also righteous, and I am also a loyal minister.

You think that I am with you all the way.

"The two of them are people in the rivers and lakes. Ding Chunqiu is good at using poison. Few people in the world can match his ability!" Ye Qingxian introduced Ding Qiuqiu to his congregation, which made Lao Ding full of face and vain.

It was not easy for Ding Chunqiu to feel the aura of everyone in the hall. He knew that they were all masters, so he squeezed out a smile that could make people cry.

Then Ye Qing pointed to Shi Potian and said: "Shi Potian's strength is currently the highest in our Xiaoyao Mansion, the fifth-rank realm, and he has many unique skills. In the future, everyone can ask him for advice when they have the opportunity!"

Shi Potian was not arrogant because of his strength.

He clasped his fists and said: "I hope everyone can learn more when I have the opportunity. Shi is also very interested in what everyone has learned!"

Fifth Grade Realm!
Where did the lord find the master.

Shi Potian and Li Bai are two extremes.

Li Bai's fourth grade is so arrogant that he wants to destroy the world.

Taking a shot is killing someone's life, if it weren't for Ye Qing, he wouldn't know how to restrain himself.

Unlike this Shi Potian, who is powerful but humble and low-key.

Ding Chunqiu looked at Shi Potian, feeling strange.

Sure enough, it was three grades higher than myself.

With Ding Chunqiu and Shi Potian, everyone finally knew why Ye Qing had the idea to hit Baibogu.

Ding Chunqiu is good at using poison, he can attack in groups, Shi Potian has high martial arts skills, he can deal with the head of Baibogu.

I don't know what will happen to the outcome, but with the addition of the three Huashan factions, it is not a problem that the losers will retreat.

What's more, there are hundreds of elite cavalry, and Liannu is not a vegetarian.

When it was almost dawn, Zhao Feiyan was picked up by Ye Qing and taken away.

"Ye Qing, where are you taking me? Why did your brigade stay?" Zhao Feiyan didn't want to be separated from her subordinates, and tossed hard.

Ye Qing clenched her ass and said, "Be honest, if you move, I will sit you in front and ride a horse with your chest in my arms!"

A heavy blow hit the ass.

Zhao Feiyan groaned in embarrassment, and gritted her silver teeth.

His face blushed, his eyes turned to Ye Qing fiercely.

It seems to say that you are calling the old lady once.

"What to look at, still not convinced!"

Ye Qing could understand her stubbornness, and then raised and lowered his hands.

No mercy.

Another heavy slap on Zhao Feiyan's buttocks.

Zhao Feiyan snorted, and finally couldn't help cursing: "Ye Qing, you bastard, how dare you hit my old lady..."


With another sound, Ye Qing clapped his hands down.

Then he sneered and said, "What's the matter with beating you? Just call again and I'll be able to beat you till dawn.!"

"You!" Zhao Feiyan was so insulted that she didn't dare to scold her anymore.

That bastard Ye Qing can really do it.

"That's right, don't give me a chance to touch your body, don't tell me... the hand feels good, why don't you scream!" Ye Qing urged the horse to stand up, stretched out his right hand and looked at it, showing a wicked look. laugh.


Zhao Feiyan stared at the horse's legs with her head buried, and she wanted to die in her heart.

If I had known earlier, I would not have surrendered, and I would have simply died.

Ye Qing bastard, don't let me find a chance, I will report back.

When you fall into my hands, I will definitely whip you a hundred times, not a thousand times, ten thousand times...

Leaving Tashan faction and walking westward, Ye Qing didn't bother, but went straight to Baibo Valley.

After dawn, I don't know how many miles I traveled.

Looking back, I don't know where the Tashan faction is.

Zhao Feiyan finally couldn't help asking: "Ye Qing, you won't kill my sisters, will you?"

"Don't worry, I'm a man of my word. Since I promised you not to kill them, I won't kill them. It's a pity to kill them all at a flowery age. They should stay at home and have more children." Qing gave Zhao Feiyan an answer with certainty.

Zhao Feiyan said: "You keep your word, but when will you let them go!"

"Let them go, who said to let them go, I just said not to kill them!" Ye Qing slapped Zhao Feiyan's buttocks and said:

"If you don't kill them, it doesn't mean you will let them go. They are all beautiful and beautiful. Let the soldiers of my Xiaoyao Mansion have a son. It just so happens that such genetics are strong, and my second generation of Xiaoyao Mansion will be guaranteed!"


Zhao Feiyan turned her head and stared at Ye Qing.

The bastard slapped her ass again!
What's abominable is...he actually wanted to give my female soldiers from Beishi to be wives to the soldiers of the Great Zhou.

Why don't you die if you think about such a good thing!
"Hmph, I'm afraid you haven't woken up from the dream. Lie, my girl from Beishi, won't agree even if she dies." Zhao Feiyan sneered coldly:
"Besides, if you dog men from Xiaoyao Mansion really dare to touch them, they will definitely be killed on the bed by my girl from Beishi... Haha, by then, you will lose your wife and your army!"

(End of this chapter)

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