I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 302 Mr. Ding Fu is happy too early

Chapter 302 Mr. Ding Fu is happy too early
Ye Qing shook his head and looked at Zhao Feiyan with a sad face, as if he was looking at a silly light.

This made Zhao Feiyan very upset.

"Why are you afraid, regret it?"

Ye Qing still shook his head.

Zhao Feiyan smiled triumphantly: "If you are afraid, stop! At that time, your elite will not die on the battlefield, but will all die under the pomegranate skirt of a woman, hahaha..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhao Feiyan was struck by the burning sensation in her buttocks, and her laughter stopped abruptly.

"Smiling, you are a yellow-haired girl, how do you know about men and women." Ye Qing slapped him again, making Zhao Feiyan groan.

"When you become a woman, you will understand what it means to be a husband and wife, and you will no longer have such naive thoughts."

"Hmph! Bastard, you won't succeed anyway!" Zhao Feiyan stubbornly turned her head to the side, and muttered dissatisfied.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qing slapped her hard again, causing burning pain in her buttocks again.

"Whether you will succeed or not is not up to you, but whether the Jingqi in my Xiaoyao Mansion are real men. I believe they are all good-looking, with such energy, they should be able to satisfy your little female army."


Jiangyi City!
Zhi Boyuan withdrew his troops and came back. The next day he stormed Wenxi to no avail, so he could only leave a part of the army to watch Wenxi, and then returned with a large group.

Prepare to surround and kill Ye Qing.

Unexpectedly, the female soldiers brought back a bad news.

Three thousand female soldiers were killed or wounded, and one thousand were captured. The third princess, Zhao Feiyan, was captured alive by Ye Qing.

Immediately, Zhi Boyuan's head felt a little big, and the pain was severe.

Zhao Feiyan was captured alive, which immediately put Bei Shijun into a passive position.

"Woman, it really is a bad thing!"

Zhi Boyuan felt a headache, and spread out the map of the northeastern part of the river.

Find the location of Qiaoshan and Tashan, and draw a line in the middle.

Look at the surrounding terrain distribution.

Kind of crazy.

At this location, Ye Qing has three directions to go, or hide in the deep mountains.

It was extremely difficult to find him.

And once Beishi spent a lot of soldiers and horses here to seal the mountain, it would dilute Beishi's troops and give the Zhou army in the south an opportunity to take advantage of it.

As the coach of the first army, he needs to think more.

"Hu Lai, assign 4000 of your troops to garrison Yicheng, and block Xiaoyao Mansion's escape route by riding south for me, and don't leave them the trail."

"It's Zhishuai!" The general named Hu Lai took the order.

Zhi Boyuan then said: "Mi Feng, divide your 4000 troops into Jiang'an City!"


"Lu Da, I'll give you three thousand, and guard Linfen for me, and guard Fenshui so that Xiaoyaofu's horses are not allowed to cross the river from the middle and lower reaches!"

"It's Zhishuai!"

Uncle Zhi summoned two personal guards and said, "You two, one goes to Baibo Valley and asks for cooperation to surround and kill Ye Qing together; the other goes to Pi's and tells General Li Mu about the situation here, and be careful that Ye Qing will take advantage of the loophole and slip west. "

The general named Lu Da clasped his fists and replied sonorously: "Don't worry Zhishuai, I won't let Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion ride west across the Fen River."

If Ye Qing gets into Pi's family, then he is incompetent.

Zhi Boyuan said: "Although I have laid a net before, let's not underestimate Ye Qing. He is a mouse, and a very shrewd mouse. He doesn't have many horses, and he comes and goes like the wind. It takes patience to catch him." With strength, so don't be careless.

Be careful at all times, let alone be blindly confident and take the chance of being caught by him lightly, otherwise you will be like the three princesses. "

"And he will never give you a chance to live like he did to the third princess. Thinking about our tragic situation in Wenxi, we will lose our heads if we make a mistake!" A group of ordinary and unruly guys continue to make the same mistakes.

"It's Zhishuai!" The servant suddenly took the order and straightened his body.


Wenxi County!
Ding Ding finally breathed a sigh of relief after discovering that the main force of Beishi had really retreated northward.

"Come here, send the news back to Chang'an, the main force of Beishi has withdrawn! Wenxi's battle line is completely stabilized, and I look forward to the early arrival of the main force of my Great Zhou to launch a counterattack." Ding Ding scribbled and sent out the bamboo slips he wrote. .

Then he said: "Come and invite Mr. Xu to come here! My lord has something to discuss with him!"

After saying that, I saw Xu Shu walking in from the outside: "It's a coincidence, Mr. Ding, I also want to have a little time with you!"

"Mr. Xu, please sit down quickly. I don't know what Mr. Xu is thinking about? Ding will listen carefully and discuss it seriously." Ding Ding lowered his posture and glanced at the shadowless sword in Xu Shu's hand!
Xu Shu glanced left and right, and Ding Ding said: "Come here, within twenty paces, no one will approach, and anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

"It's your lord!" Ding Ding's personal guards closed the door and went on.

Only then did Xu Shu find a nearby place to sit down and said, "Your Majesty Ding must be happy that the main force of the Beishi Army has retreated!"

"It's natural, isn't Mr. Xu unhappy?" Ding Ding asked curiously, not knowing what Xu Shu meant.

Xu Shu gave a long sigh and said, "Your Majesty Ding was too happy. When the main force of Beishi retreats, it will be the day you lose your official position and be escorted to Beijing!"

"What?" Ding Ding was shocked and stood up abruptly.

Afterwards, he consciously lost his composure, and sat down slowly: "Mr. Xu is trying to scare the government! Mr. Xu, don't make jokes."

"Mr. Dingfu, do you think it is necessary for me to play charades with you or amuse you!" Xu Shu put the Shadowless Sword on the desk and said:
"The Liu family will not allow a person who is close to my highness to be the governor of Hedong. Besides, Mr. Ding acquiesced that the Liu family's children and private soldiers were killed outside the city. Do you think that the Liu family's personality will not allow you to be the governor of the river? "

Ding Ding's breathing began to constrict.

What Xu Shu said was undoubtedly correct.

After so many years in Hedong, Ding Ding knows the Liu family better than Ye Qing and others.

The Liu family must also take revenge!

It must be to get rid of himself first, and get rid of Ye Qing's Xiaoyao Mansion.

I'm afraid that the impeachment memorial has already entered Chang'an City!
The imperial decree for dismissing himself is coming to the east of the river.

Losing the northeastern part of the river required a scapegoat.

Is there a more suitable candidate besides yourself?

there is none left!
Even if he did a good job in Wenxi, it still cannot offset this guilt.

Unless you take refuge in Xiaoyao Mansion.

Suddenly Ding Ding stared at Xu Shu, and they looked at each other for a long time.

Xu Shu had a calm expression on his face, as if he wasn't worried.

"Mr. Xu, if there is anything else you want to say, just say it! Ding has a clear conscience, and the defeat in Hedong is not the fault of me alone, and he should be punished, but Ding will never become a lamb at the slaughter." Ding Ding held the brush tightly in his hand, clicked it, and broke it with excessive force.

Xu Shu pushed Wuyingjian forward and said: "Mr. Ding is a sensible person. There is a saying that the first strike is the best. With it, I don't think there is anything that can't be solved. If there is, then cut it again. Until all the demons and ghosts are wiped out!"

"This...isn't it a little too much, after all, they are too powerful, I'm afraid they will kill the whole world..." Ding Ding stared at the Wuying Sword, and his throat moved, but his heart was already moving.

Shang Fang's sword can kill all disloyalty and all evil spirits.

Xu Shu stood up with a smile, bowed his hands and said:

"The sword is here. Whether to take it or not is the choice of the Lord Ding. Whether to live or die is up to the Lord Ding. I am not afraid of any enemies in Xiaoyao Mansion. I always only ask where the enemy is? How to kill? How many kills?" ..."

(End of this chapter)

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