I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 303 Ding Ding Beats the Liu Family

Chapter 303 Ding Ding Beats the Liu Family

Such a domineering way of handling it.

However, my generation of warriors should be like this.

Xiaoyaofu, enough species!

After Ding made up his mind, he stood up and bowed solemnly: "Please also teach me, sir, that the enemy is powerful, how to wipe it out in one fell swoop, and make a way for Shengping Bo in Hedong!"

Xu Shu said: "Why, Dingfu County doesn't look for its own staff and confidantes, they know He Dong better?"

"Mr. Xu was just joking, now in the whole of Hedong, except you, who can plan this overall situation." Ding Ding bowed again and said respectfully:

"Besides, Mr. Xu should also know that there are people in my house who have different opinions. Although they don't have great ambitions, they dare not let His Highness' plan fail."

When Xu Shu heard this, he stepped forward to hold Ding Ding's hand, lifted him up and said, "Mr. Ding's family understands righteousness, and I am Da Zhou Zhongliang. If His Highness returns, he will be ecstatic and overjoyed."

"Mr. Xu is serious. I dare say that without Ding, Mr. Xu would still do such a shocking and weeping ghost. So please teach me how to do this well, so that Ding can be well-rounded, and Hadong can be peaceful. !" Ding Ding pulled Xu Shu to his seat, and then began to talk in secret.


That afternoon, Ding Ding rushed to Anyi, the prefectural city, with three thousand soldiers from the county.

It was late at night when I arrived in Anyi.

Back in Anyi, he immediately took control of the three gates, leaving only the south gate unguarded.

"Father! Why are you back?" Ding Yuan was shocked, the front line is so important, why did Ding Ding come back.

Ding Ding said: "If I don't come back, I'm afraid you and my father and son will never see each other again."

"Father, what do you mean, who would dare to harm us!" Ding Yuan was puzzled.

Ding Ding sneered and said: "You haven't noticed that there are some strange people around the government office in the past few days!"

"There are some strange people!" Ding Yuan recalled carefully, and suddenly countless new faces flashed in his mind, and his face changed abruptly.

At this moment, the general Zhang Bao walked in with his sword straddled: "Master, all the people outside the mansion have been taken down, please let me down!"

Then the soldiers behind him pushed a dozen men dressed as civilians or Jianghu into the yard.

"My lord, why did you arrest us?"

"That's right, my lord, I don't know what the villain has committed, why is he forcibly arresting me in the middle of the night!"

"My lord, please give me an explanation!"

Ding Ding came out with Ding Yuan, half-squinting his face with a cold face, and said to Ding Yuan: "Do you see that the more the dog bites, the more it bites back? The dog is still peeping at the government office in the middle of the night. Let me explain to them."

Ding Ding waved his hand after speaking.

Zhang Bao drew his sword and walked over, stabbing the nearest person.


Zhang Bao drew out the bleeding sword and stabbed again. After several times in a row, he let his subordinates let go of the stabbed person.

"My lord, we have the wrong person, please let the young one go, the old one is on the young one, and the young one is on the bottom..."

"My lord, the little one has no malice, the villain is just passing by..."

"Father, they should all die!" Ding Yuan took a few steps forward, pulled out the sword from a soldier's waist, gave two of them in a row, and killed them.

This frightened the others to kowtow louder and scream more compassionately.

"Think about it, you only have one chance to speak." Ding Ding raised the shadowless sword in his hand above his head and said:
"This is the shadowless sword bestowed by His Majesty. It can kill any disloyal officials. The Liu family violated orders and colluded with the stone people. If they want to establish themselves as the king of Hedong, tonight is the day to kill the bandits. All the soldiers, honor and disgrace are here. It depends on everyone's choice, whether to be loyal to the empire, to His Majesty, or for your own self-interest!"

Ding Ding's subordinates and Ding Yuan discovered that the sword in Ding Ding's hand turned out to be Wuying in Xu Shu's hand.

And Ding decided to use it to kill the Liu family.

Tonight, the Liu family, the number one family in Hedong, will be destroyed.

Lord Ding is so courageous.

Ding Yuan was also stunned for a while.

Dad is bewildered.

Why do you want to start a war with the Liu family all of a sudden?

No... The Shadowless Sword belongs to Ye Qing.

Could it be that my lord father is standing in line.

Suddenly, a frenzy appeared on the young Ding Yuan's face, and his eyes were full of heat.

Shadowless Sword, this is Ye Qing's Shangfang sword.

He is willing to give this sword to his father, which shows how much he values ​​it.

As a hot-blooded boy, Ding Yuan also admired Ye Qing more.

As the second generation of the army and the second generation of officials, he also has a strong fighting cell in his blood.

Across the battlefield, killing decisively, and holding a large and powerful army is also what he yearns for most.

Kill the Liu family.

This is an earth-shattering event.

It is definitely a good opportunity to become famous all over the world.

"To be loyal to the empire, to be loyal to His Majesty, and to get rid of traitors is an urgent matter for our Hedong County. Today, I, Ding Yuan, would like to go first for the Empire and to be loyal to Your Majesty." Ding Yuan raised his sword and shouted, A long sword twitched on the neck of a prostrate prisoner.

With a pop, the man died instantly.

Zhang Bao and others woke up like a dream, and their blood was surging.

The prince of the government has joined His Highness the Sixth Highness.

To get rid of the largest family in Hedong.

Zhang Bao also raised his arms and shouted: "The last general is willing to go through fire and water with the lord, to go first for the empire, and to be loyal to His Majesty!"

The county soldiers also shouted.

The governor wanted to lead them to do great things, and the county soldiers who had just come down from the battlefield had seen life and death through the scriptures, and they also worshiped Ye Qing very much.

There is nothing wrong with taking refuge in Ye Qing.

Ding Ding saw that people's hearts were available, and asked these Liu family members who were prostrate on the ground: "You know what I want to hear!"

These people glanced at each other with complicated expressions, trembling and heart trembling, and finally counted down their throats, swallowing glossitis.

"My lord, I want to report, the Liu family wants to harm the county..."

"My lord, I have a secret report that the Liu family wants to rebel..."

"Fu Jun, the Liu family wants to kill you, what I said is true, you must believe me..."

"Hahaha, okay, you are the best evidence, come and protect them strictly." Ding Ding pulled out the shadowless sword and said:

"Everyone, follow me to attack the Liu family, to eliminate thieves for His Majesty and the empire, when the Liu family does evil, the law of heaven cannot tolerate..."


Liu family!

"The clan elders are not well, Ding Ding suddenly led his troops back to Fucheng!"

The Liu family who monitored the city gate ran back to the Liu family mansion and knocked on the doors in various courtyards to report.

Soon, a group of elders and important people from the Liu family, who were in charge, gathered in the hall.

"Why did Ding Ding come back suddenly, with thousands of soldiers from the county?"

"Could he have noticed something?"

"Impossible, only our Liu family knows about this matter, and the court has just agreed to it. Ding Ding wants to know that it will take at least a day and a half to receive the news!"

Just when the Liu family was suspicious, the steward suddenly ran in: "It's not good, it's not good, Ding Ding led his troops to kill our Liu family's mansion."


With a tap of the vine, all the Liu family stood up.

"What does Ding Ding want to do? Does he still want to attack my Liu family? Where is he brave enough? Let me meet him!"

"Let's go, I want to see what Ding Ding has eaten, dare to bring soldiers to our Liu family!"

A group of Liu family members came to the gate with the few Ding family soldiers in the mansion.

At this time Ding Ding also arrived, and wanted to order to knock on the door, but unfortunately the door opened first by itself, and the elders of the Liu family came out one after another.

Under the bright torches, the faces of the Liu family were extremely angry.

"Mr. Dingfu is very murderous tonight, what do you want to do at my Liu's house?"

(End of this chapter)

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