I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 304 Could it be that the Son of Heaven... wants to destroy the Liu family?

Chapter 304 Could it be that the Son of Heaven... wants to destroy the Liu family?

"Liu Xun, old dog, don't pretend anymore, you know what I'm doing here best!"

With a sneer on Ding Ding's face, he waved his hand and said:
"Kill, if there is any resistance, shoot and kill!"

"Kill..." Ding Yuan took the lead and rushed over with his sword.

Only then did the Liu family headed by Liu Xun fully understand that Ding Ding knew everything through the scriptures.

Yi Jing desperately started to counterattack and struggled the best.

Everyone hurriedly shouted: "block, block, kill the county soldiers and kill Ding Ding!"

The Liu family's private soldiers rushed forward one after another.

Fight with the county soldiers.

Then Liu Xun and others retreated into the mansion, and said to the retainers and guests in the mansion: "Go, kill Ding Ding, Ding Ding is going to rebel, he should be killed!"

"Yes!" At that moment, the disciples of Liu's family and the masters of Ke Qing rushed out with their weapons, and then looked for an opportunity to kill Ding Ding.

Then Liu Xun said again: "Ding Ding brought back a lot of soldiers from the county, so he took advantage of today to kill them all, and informed the other families in the city that it's time to do it!"

"Okay! Let's go and notify!"

At that moment, the Liu family came out from the back door, and then went to the major families in the city.

Killing the prefect and destroying the county soldiers can't just be done by the Liu family.

Someone has to be dragged into the water.

The big families cannot enjoy the favor of the Liu family for so many years in vain.

It's time to pay it back.

All the families in the city were shocked when they heard that the prefect's mansion had started a war with the Liu family.

"Why did you start killing at this time! The enemy has not retreated, and the barbarians from Beishi are still eyeing it!"

"Master, shall we go?"

Almost every family hesitated after receiving the news.

The prefect's mansion started a war with the Liu family without any warning.

Make everyone unprepared.

If it was before, they must have helped the Liu family immediately.

But... now we don't have so many private soldiers available.

Ye Qing was completely ruined.

If you help the Liu family, if you fight tonight, there may be nothing left.

How can I protect myself.

And if Ding Ding dared to attack the Liu family, did he have any support?

Otherwise, even if you give him ten heads, he wouldn't dare to hit the Liu family.

Don't you know the energy of the Liu family?

Dare two tigers to fight each other, and it will be a miserable victory if they win in the end.

Ding Ding won't get any benefit either.


"Patriarch, the members of the Liu family are urging again. They say that the family is of the same root. If you don't go, you will bear the consequences!"

"Hey! Gather the family soldiers and doormen, and help the Liu family fight the prefect's mansion!"

After all, the Liu family is with them, they are all aristocratic families.

Soon the major families in Anyi City sent troops to reinforce the Liu family.

In front of the prefect's mansion, the two sides fought non-stop. In terms of combat effectiveness, the Liu family's private soldiers were naturally no match for the county soldiers who came down from the battlefield.

Whether it's the tacit understanding of cooperation or the bravery of individual soldiers.

However, the Liu family has a great business and has many followers and masters.

The generals in the prefect's mansion are not as good as the Liu family.

These Liu family masters did not kill ordinary county soldiers, but went around the two wings and charged towards Ding Ding.

Shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first.

"Protect the Lord!"

Zhang Bao yelled, retreated voluntarily, and pulled the hot-blooded and reckless Ding Yuan back.

There are many masters from the Liu family, they are constantly approaching, and the generals in the prefect's mansion are retreating steadily, and they are about to kill Ding Ding.

At this moment, a figure passed by from behind.

"Nine Swords of Dugu!"

At the critical moment, the hidden Linghu Chong leaped past with his sword, stepping on the shoulders of the Liu family's private soldiers, his long sword came out frequently, and flew past the hands of the Liu family's masters.

Immediately there were dozens of golden beeps and dozens of puffing sounds.

The masters of the Liu family who attacked Ding Ding killed or injured more than a dozen people.

Everyone looked at Linghu Chong who made a sudden attack in horror.

It is also the first grade, why are you so arrogant.

A hundred question marks popped out in the minds of the entry-level powerhouses among the remaining Liu family masters.

The person Linghu Chong killed just now had a first-rank companion.

The opponent is obviously not too strong, not a few levels higher than himself.

Why can kill with one sword!
On the other side, countless black shadows also jumped down from the houses flanked by the masters of the Liu family.

These black shadows were also companions of people from the Jianghu, and there was also a man in white attire who cooperated tacitly with another man in black attire.

Killed all the masters of the Liu family by surprise, causing many casualties.

"That's... black and white impermanence!"

"How could this be? Could it be that the Son of Heaven... wants to destroy the Liu family!"

Ding Ding was overjoyed to see the help of a group of masters who suddenly appeared, then raised the Shadowless Sword, pointed at the Liu family and said:
"The Shadowless Sword is here. The Liu family is treasonous and disloyal. They should be killed. If they join forces with them, they are all rebels and should be punished!"

Ding Ding knew why these masters came here, it was because he had the Shadowless Sword in his hand, this was probably Xu Shu's promise and Ye Qing's guarantee.

How could the emperor not send someone to secretly help and follow Ye Qing if he could give Ye Qing the shadowless sword.

How could it be possible to only let Xiaoyao Mansion ride a lone army into Hedong.

He must bet right!

This time the Liu family was weak, the masters were killed, and the private soldiers were also suppressed. They were defeated steadily, and the front door of the mansion could not be secured.

At this time, various families in the city arrived with their teams.


All the streets, all directions, private soldiers and masters of the Anyi family swarmed in, shouting to kill the sky.

The momentum is majestic, and hearing this makes people shudder.

Ding Ding's face froze.

In the attic, the elders of the Liu family saw teams from various families coming to help with torches.

The originally pale face was suddenly wrapped in a bright and complacent smile.

"Hahahaha, Ding Ding is an idiot, wanting to swallow up my Liu family with just a few thousand county soldiers, what a fool's dream!"

"You have power in the world, but I don't? The power of our family is something you can estimate?"

"Ding Ding's death is not a pity, but... I didn't expect that the emperor would secretly send someone to follow Ye Qing. They will kill whoever the Shadowless Sword is pointing at. It is truly a precious sword."

"The emperor... hmph, how long does he think he can sit still? Since he is unkind, don't blame us for being unrighteous..."

Just when everyone in the Liu family thought they were in control of the big situation, someone suddenly pointed to Chengnan and said, "Look, Chengnan is..."

Everyone in the Liu family looked towards the south of the city.

I saw a long fire dragon composed of countless torches advancing from the city gate, stretching to ten miles outside the city.

It is spectacular!

"Then... no wonder the imperial army has arrived?"

"Impossible, even if the former team only went to Jiecheng at most, it is impossible to be in Anyi now!"

"Where did the army come from!"

Looking at the other family's private soldiers and retainers who suddenly came out behind him.

Ding Ding's face suddenly turned bitter.

After all, these aristocratic families made their own choices.

They all fell to the Liu family.

The prefect for so many years has been done in vain.

The foundation of the family is too deep.

They are so inextricably linked and intertwined that they are too difficult to shake.

"Father, don't sigh, it's not the end yet. We have the support of His Royal Highness Six, and we still have so many masters and elite county soldiers. Even if we lose both, we can still win the Liu family and kill these blood-sucking soldiers." His family will be wiped out." Ding Yuan spoke eloquently, instead of being afraid, he became more and more passionate, excited and belligerent.

Ding Ding looked at his fanatical son at this time, as if looking at himself when he was young.

Suddenly, his waist became straighter, and he held Wuying sword tightly and said: "Yuan'er is right, I, the governor of Hedong, will not be defeated. I, Ding Ding, am a well-known man on the battlefield. How can I be afraid of these people lying on the ground?" The blood-sucking bugs on my body, all the soldiers follow me to kill..."


(End of this chapter)

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