Chapter 305

Although the Liu family was reinforced by major families, the prefect's mansion did not lose confidence, but became more and more courageous as they fought.

Whether it's the county soldiers or Linghu Chong, Black and White Wuchang and others who came to assist.

It is also killing more and more fiercely.

The major aristocratic families who came for reinforcements fought a little hard.


On the southern street, there was the sound of trampling and marching like thunder like a mountain.

All the great families looked back one after another, only to see an army with torches running forward, rushing to the place of slaughter.

The leader is two tiger generals on horseback.

One holds a gold-backed mountain axe, and the other drags a long knife.


Suddenly this army stopped!

"Thunder Army Xu Huang was ordered to come and kill the bandit, surrender to avoid death!"

Xu Huang raised his ax and said loudly.

The soldiers below all shouted: "The Thunder Army has arrived, surrender and avoid death!"

"The Thunder Army has arrived, surrender to avoid death!"

Six thousand of the most elite Thunder Army shouted in unison, shaking the whole city of Anyi like rolling thunder for a long time.

Wake up all the people who are sleeping soundly at night from their sweet dreams!
Thunder Army!
Where did the Thunder Army come from?
"Not good! They belong to Ye Qing!"

On the attic of the Liu family, all the elders of the clan suddenly changed their colors, and all of them turned pale.

His eyes were frightened.

Bandits of Leishou Mountain!
A bandit who was recruited by Ye Qing.

Actually forgot this crop.

Ye Qing's people actually brought this bandit army to Fucheng.

No wonder Ding Ding didn't let anyone take over and guard the south gate.

It turned out that it was for the Thunder Army to come in.

"The general trend is over, let the juniors in the clan escape, leave the city immediately, don't rush if you are late!"

If people from the imperial court came, it's okay to say, Ye Qing and Ye Zhen.Ding Ding didn't dare to kill the Liu family.

But the Thunder Army is a bandit, a bandit from Leishou Mountain.

It's the white-eyed wolf raised by my Liu family!

They will not be soft-hearted.

Will not scruple so much.

"Quick! What are you doing in a daze, go immediately..."

Another Liu family elder shouted loudly.

The Liu family all ran back to their respective yards in panic, packed up their things, notified the family, and hurried to the back door.

For a while, chickens and dogs were flying around in the Liu family mansion...

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ding Ding heard the slogan of Xu Huang and others, and stabbed a private soldier of the family who rushed forward with his sword, and then retreated a few steps, his face was overjoyed, and he couldn't stop laughing.

"Thunder Army! Your Highness is also a god! I, Ding Ding, are completely convinced." Ding Dinghong shouted loudly:

"Brothers, our reinforcements are here, tens of thousands of Thunder troops are here, kill these bastards..."


Hearing that there were tens of thousands of reinforcements from the Thunder Army, the light from the eyes of the crowd could almost illuminate the entire Anyi City.

What an exciting news.

Like a ferry boat passing by while drowning.

The disciples of the aristocratic family were suddenly terrified.

This is how to fight, the enemy has tens of thousands of troops.

This is the army!

Clever immediately turned around and fled.

Life-saving is the most important thing, the life and death of the Liu family has nothing to do with them.

"Where does the traitor go, he will be killed by a certain knife!"

Guan Yu urged the horse to raise the knife and rushed over.

Raising the knife in his hand, he slashed at one of the six guests of the Huang family.

The man raised his saber to block it, but Guan Yu's thunderous blow was nowhere to be found.

With a click of "Crack!", the knife cut off the head and landed on the ground, with the corpse lying beside it.

"Thunder Army obey orders, kill..."

With Xu Huang's order, the [-] Thunder Army divided into several groups to encircle and intercept these aristocratic private soldiers and retainers.

With no worries, Ding Ding pointed at the Liu family mansion.

"Rush in and kill the Liu family!"

The prefect's soldiers took advantage of the situation and rushed in.

Seeing the general trend, the guests of Liu's family fled, retreated, and died.

Soon Ding Ding captured Liu's house.

And kill all the members of the Liu family.

"My lord, the members of the Liu family have fled to the west city, and the young master led them to chase after him with scriptures!"

Ding Ding said: "Send more people to pursue, the three gates are guarded by our army, they can't escape!"



When the Liu family fled to the west gate, the soldiers who had been waiting for them shot wildly with arrows.

The Liu family was blocked from going out of the city, and they came to fight with the defenders by force, and were finally caught up by Ding Ding, Black and White Wuchang and others.

Kill them all.

A few people with high martial arts skills slipped away at night.

The Liu family was destroyed, and the other families were not much better.

Ding Ding and Xu Huang did not let them go.

Now that they participated, they were all classified as the Liu family.

That night, all the mansion counties of the aristocratic families were breached by the Thunder Army.

As bandits, they like to attack these mansions the most, and they are so happy to kill.

That night.

The bloody battle in Anyi City came to an end.

All the aristocratic families headed by the Liu family were wiped out.

The Liu family, which had been in control of Hedong for thousands of years, withered and declined since then.

Of course, this matter, when it was reported back to Chang'an, shocked the government and the public, and the world was horrified, so I didn't mention it.

The major families were eliminated, and the harvest was extremely rich.

The great families have accumulated so much wealth for generations.

The land deed alone occupies the entire nine floors in the southeast of the river, not to mention the gold, silver, jewels, and inexhaustible food.

"Hedong Fu County, all the wealth is in the hands of several families. They are greedy and greedy. The family is not fair, the people are uneasy, and there is no way to develop and benefit. Today, we will know what happened..." Ding Ding returned the land deeds and land deeds collected. There are a bunch of people's IOUs, and they sigh deeply.

All the confiscated items were not counted until dawn, and everyone was amazed.

It was beyond shock.

At the same time, he also felt sensible that Ye Qing wanted to beat the Liu family and other aristocratic families.

If such a rich man is not killed, it will not be enough to strengthen the country and enrich the people!

After dawn, each team returned to the prefect's mansion, Ding Ding took the lead, on one side was Xiaoyao Mansion headed by Xu Huang, Guan Yu, and Linghu Chong, and on the other was his subordinates from the county mansion.

Ding Ding said: "We have won this battle, and everyone played heartily, and the results are brilliant, but how to deal with the next thing is quite difficult!"

The first is what to do with the loot.

There are so many of them that it can be tricky.

Where have these people seen such a battle.

In the past, just hearing about 10 taels of silver was an astronomical figure.

Now the contracts, money and food are so piled up in the warehouse that they can't put them down, which makes people feel numb.

No one dared to speak first.

For this kind of thing, say less and make less mistakes.

What a mistake!

Not to mention good!

Few of them can afford it.

Ding Ding and Ding Yuan are very jealous.

If these resources are held in the prefect's mansion, they will directly skyrocket to [-] li, Dapeng...

Although Xu Huang and others defected to Ye Qing, their qualifications are still relatively young.

Not to mention Linghu Chong, a prodigal son, is just a master of Xiaoyao Mansion and has no decision-making power.

"Report! Mr. Xu came from Wenxi, and now he is entering the north gate!"

Just when everyone was in trouble, a soldier came in to report.

"Okay! Mr. Xu came just in time!" Ding Ding stood up, his eyes widened, and the tangled look on his face was swept away.

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Shu is here, as Ye Qing's military adviser, he is more representative.

More decision-making power.

(End of this chapter)

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