I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 306 Ding Ding died, Ding Yuan succeeded

Chapter 306 Ding Ding died, Ding Yuan succeeded

After a while, Xu Shu was waiting!

As soon as he saw Xu Shu, Ding Ding gave up his seat and said, "Why did Mr. Xu come to Anyi? Wenxi is fine!"

Although the Northern Stone Army has withdrawn to the north, it will continue to move south at any time.

Ding Ding went south, and now Xu Shu also went south.

Who is in charge of Wenxi's defense.

Xu Shu did not go to Ding Ding's main seat, but went up to the middle of the hall and stopped.

"Wenxi has General Rengui there, so you can rest assured. Your Highness said that General Rengui is courageous and resourceful. He is not only a rare fierce general, but also a rare commander.

Believe in him, he can handle all difficulties. "

Ding Ding and the others nodded lightly, not knowing whether it was true or false.

Xue Rengui didn't show up in Hedong, so he didn't know his abilities.

Ding Ding still made a gesture of invitation and asked Xu Shu to take the main seat.

Now that he has joined the Xiaoyao Mansion, he should have a look.

Xu Shu is an important counselor of Xiaoyao Mansion and Ye Qing's confidant.

It is the only rule to have a good relationship with him.

Xu Shu shook his head and said, "The Shadowless Sword is here!"

Ding Ding was taken aback for a moment, and everyone was also stunned.

Wuyingjian, why didn't Xu Shu mention the loot when he came here, and pay attention to Wuyingjian first!
Ding Ding hurriedly untied the Shadowless Sword from his waist and offered it.

The matter is over, and Shang Fang's sword should be returned.

Xu Shu took the sword, then turned and walked towards Ding Yuan!
Everyone didn't know what Xu Shu meant.

Xu Shu put his hands over and said: "Ding Yuan took the sword, you should sit on the main seat, this seat is mine!"

"Ah!" Ding Yuan was stunned for a while!
Others also looked surprised.

Ding Ding's expression changed slightly!
"Mr. Xu, what do you mean, my lord father..." Ding Yuan really wanted to take the sword. He was a young man, so it was still difficult to resist the temptation, but his gaze was fixed on Ding Ding.

Xu Shu passed the sword forward again and said, "Ding Ding, the former governor of Hedong, fought and died in the rebellious fight with the Liu family with scriptures last night. Now Ding Yuan will take over the post of governor of Hedong. Therefore, Mr. Dingfu, you should sit there. Here I sit!"

When did Ding Ding die in battle?

Ding Ding himself was also confused.

I'm still here.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Only Xu Huang seemed to have guessed Xu Shu's intention.

Then he stood up, clasped his fists towards Ding Yuan, and said, "Congratulations to the new prefect on inheriting his father's career, and at the same time, I would like to express my condolences to your lord. Your father died for the country, and he was loyal and brave. I respect you very much!"

"But..." Ding Yuan still didn't understand, looking at his father who was living a good life, his face was a little displeased, Xu Shu said forget it, Xu Huang, you can also talk nonsense.

Xu Shu said: "Someone needs to be held accountable for what happened last night. If you don't want Mr. Ding to be martyred, then accept the order!"

At this time, everyone almost understood.

The destruction of the Hedong Family was a ground-breaking event after all, and it will definitely set off a heinous criticism and the accompanying guilt.

The living can't carry it, only the dead can.

The generals and civil servants of the prefect's mansion looked at Ding Ding one after another.

Ding Ding walked out and stood on the pillar of the hall behind Ding Yuanbei, and said with a smile: "Now there is no prefect Ding Ding in the Yijing. He died in the battle last night. You should pay homage to the new Lord."

After speaking, Ding Ding looked at Xu Shu, and had to say that Xu Shu was too smart.

Transitioning the power of the prefect's mansion to his son Ding Yuan not only did not eliminate the power of the Ding family.

And escaped responsibility.

It is much better to be a person behind the scenes, pointing out and reminding Ding Yuan than standing in front.

Hearing what Ding Ding said, everyone turned to Ding Yuan and said, "Congratulations, young master, please succeed to the post of prefect, and please mourn, the old man seeks benevolence and benevolence, and the loyal army serves the country. Fulfill your wish, I hope the young master will not mourn deeply!"

Ding Ding and Xu Shu looked at each other, and seeing Xu Shu nodding encouragingly, he took the Shadowless Sword and walked towards the main seat.

At this moment, Wu Yuan felt as if he was floating on the clouds.

He even sat in his father's place.

He became Hedong Qingshou.

Although it's just a title, but this feeling is really cool.

"Everyone, I don't know what you were discussing with the Lord Xinfu before I came?"

After the transfer of power, Xu Shu sat in Ding Yuan's place, so he asked.

Everyone looked at Ding Ding behind Xu Shu.

Ding Ding turned his gaze to Ding Yuan, without saying a word.

Ding Yuan was a little nervous and excited, his throat seemed to be blocked, he coughed and then imitated Ding Ding's tone and said:

"Mr. Xu, we won the battle against the rebels last night, and everyone fought heartily, and the results were brilliant. It's just that how to deal with the next thing is quite difficult. I don't know what advice Mr. Xu has!"

Xu Shu also stood up politely and said: "The first point is the handling of the confiscated materials!"

This is what came up, everyone straightened up all of a sudden, all eyes were on Xu Shu.

The matter of money and food is always in the interests of the body.

As long as you are a layman, you can't avoid it.

I don't know how Xu Shu wants to deal with it.

"Return the land to the people, return the land to the people, return the mountains and forests to the country, burn all the arrears and contracts, and re-register the Hedong household registration." Xu Shu stretched out his hand, showing his index and middle fingers and said slowly:

"Secondly, two sets of food were sent to the Hedong government office for use by the Hedong county government; one piece was used to relieve the disaster-stricken people in Hedong; three pieces were used as military rations for this battle for the use of various armies.

The remaining four shares are handed over to the Hedong Grain Bank. The Hedong Grain Bank is composed of His Majesty, Xiaoyao Mansion, and all the meritorious soldiers who want to buy shares. The purpose is to manage grain, stabilize the overall situation of Hedong, seek profit for the country, and seek survival for the country! "

First, land deeds, land deeds and other things.

I didn't expect Xu Shu to deal with it like this.

No one can take it, no one can move it.

Distributed to the people of Hedong, this is so that the prefect's mansion has no objection.

When the people are rich, the prefect's mansion can do something. After all, taxes come from the people.

When the economy improves, life in the prefect's mansion will only get better.

And the mountains and forests are handed over to the empire, that is, to Ye Zhen.

This also made Ye Zhen's people extremely satisfied.

The fields, mountains and forests are not the same as Xiaoyao Mansion.

Who dares to have an opinion.

And the method of food processing also caught everyone's eyes.

Still a very reasonable arrangement.

Xiaoyao Mansion also did not take a grain of grain privately.

All parties can enjoy the rain and dew evenly, even if the imperial army who comes later comes, they must not dare to object.

After all, if they didn't do anything, they could get [-]% of the money, so they made money.

Of course, what is somewhat incomprehensible is the establishment of the Hedong Grain Bank.

Forty percent is huge.

Grain line, operating grain.

How to do this.

There is a share for the Son of Heaven, and there is also a share for Xiaoyao Mansion, everyone can still participate.

Is this an investment firm to do business together, and share the money together?

Xu Shu was too courageous.

Dare to share money with the emperor.

Everyone hesitated.

Playing with the emperor, can I still get money?
Black and white impermanence waited for Ye Qing's people to have a different perception.

This is a trick to give [-]% of the food to the emperor.

It is the emperor's private pocket.

Ye Qing played it beautifully.

This time, His Majesty's Young Mansion is in full swing again.

(End of this chapter)

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