Chapter 307
From these two points.

Everyone has no objection, and can't fault it!
Ding Yuan asked: "Then Mr. Xu thinks, what should we do with the remaining gold and silver?"

This question is more acute.

Real money!
It is estimated that there are at least 1000 million taels of silver.

Xu Shu glanced around, everyone was waiting to see through the autumn water.

Only then did Xu Shu say: "It's simple, take out a share to reward the soldiers of the Battle of Hedong, whether it's pensions or rewards, until the end of the war!"

It's the same as dealing with food again!

Then Xu Shu said again:

"I'm taking out a part to build the east of the river, such as repairing the city, dredging the ditches, etc.!"

"Finally, take out two copies and hand them over to the national treasury to solve the financial emergency of the imperial court. Then take out two more copies to His Majesty, and the remaining four copies are used to prepare for the Hedong Investment Bank! The Hedong Investment Bank is for business, and is responsible for supporting Hedong or the entire Great Zhou. In the empire, all industries that can make money are used to revitalize the local area and the empire. Of course, His Majesty and my Xiaoyao Mansion will take the lead, allowing those who have meritorious service to participate in the dividends."

Sure enough, it's the same method.

Hedong investment line!
This is naked businessmanship.

Xiaoyao Mansion wants to use the big money to make more money.

"Isn't this inappropriate? Your Highness has worked so hard for Hedong, but he hasn't gotten anything in return. It seems that it's not humane to say it!" Ding Yuan is not deeply involved in the world, and he is not an old man, so his thinking is relatively simple.

Ding Ding behind Xu Shu shook his head slightly.

Innocent son.

Whether it is the Hedong Grain Bank or the Hedong Investment Bank, they are all under the name of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Ye Qingcai took the lead.

Your Majesty's shareholding is nothing more than a gimmick.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, it is a place without gunpowder smoke, and it is crueler than a battlefield.

And even bloodier.

Is Ye Qing a kind-hearted person?

"Hehe, Don't worry, Lord Ding, our Xiaoyao Mansion is not short of this little money. My Highness is best at making money. A little silver is easy to get." Xu Shu smiled without stroking his beard:

"This is the second and third thing here. The imperial army will arrive at Hedong in a few days. The commander-in-chief is not here. His Highness is not here. The commander-in-chief is the one who directs the battle. Remember to be reckless and be careful."

Xu Huang and the others stood up and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I will know what to do later?"

The Hedong generals also said: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, everything in the prefect's mansion will be followed by His Royal Highness Six."

Xu Shu nodded, and then said: "I've been busy all night, everyone go down and rest, I still have something to discuss with the Fujun!"


Everyone retreated slowly, leaving only Ding Ding, his father and son, and Xu Shu.


Going west, Ye Qing met the people from Baibo Valley soon after leaving the mountain!
After Baibogu received the news that Ye Qingbei was going to the north, it was also Xingye who came here.

Outside the mountain, the masters of Baibo Valley who wanted to enter the mountain were also taken aback when they saw the Xiaoyaofu cavalry with only two or three hundred cavalry.

After confirming that it was Ye Qing who took the lead, they all laughed secretly.

Could it be that the Xiaoyao Mansion riders were beaten so quickly that only two or three hundred riders remained.

Can not help but be a little contemptuous.

"Your Highness, you shouldn't have gone north!" The leader, Master Baibogu, is a deacon of the inner hall.

There is no half respect between words.

Baibo Guyi has made a new choice, so there is no need to care about Ye's attitude.

"You shouldn't go north, because your inner fear won't be so strong!" Ye Qing said lightly:
"After all, darkness is always afraid of light."

Zhao Feiyan, who was laid horizontally on her body, rolled her eyes.

Stinky Ye Qing, dead straight man!
You have no friends by talking like this. Do you want Baibo's people to crush you to ashes?

A silly prince.

But such a brain-dead personality is a bit like our Beishi people!
Could it be that his mother is our Beishi people...

Well, Zhao Feiyan's eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had discovered a new continent.

Why did Ye Zhen deal with Ye Qing so low-key? It was because of his mother's background.

Only I, who was born in Beishi, would make that self-respecting and face-saving emperor of Zhou hate him so much.

It must be so.

Just when Zhao Feiyan started to think wildly, the deacon in Baibogu was furious.

Why are we afraid of you Mrs. Ye, what kind of light is you Mrs. Ye.

There is nothing I can't see in Baibo Valley.

"kill him!"

The deacon waved his hand, and the hidden weapon in his hand flew towards Ye Qing.

Other people from Baibo Valley also urged their horses to rush over, some with knives in their hands, and some with swords.

There are guns, and there are also those who swing iron chains.

There are even empty-handed ones.

All in all.

Known for its complexity, Baibo Valley has never been specialized in one.

Ye Qing didn't move, waiting for the hidden weapon to hit.

Zhao Yun, who was on the side, shot across and knocked it out.

Li Cunxiao shouted loudly: "Raise the crossbow!"

With a swipe, the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry raised their crossbows in unison.

Then the other hand broke off the movable mechanism on the crossbow.

Use to convert into a shooting state to achieve a shootable form.

Although Baibogu was wary and didn't know what kind of sharp weapon it was, he knew that it was an ordnance and should be the same as a bow.

"rapid fire!"

One command.

All crossbows pull the firing mechanism.

Countless crossbow bolts flew out suddenly.

Fly out densely like rain.

The people in Baibo Valley waved their weapons and used their skills to block.

But there are always too many crossbow arrows flying, and there are always fish that slip through the net.


Countless people fell to the ground.

In an instant, nine out of ten people were killed or injured.

The sharpness stunned the deacon of Baibogu for a while.

Even Zhao Feiyan, who was on Ye Qing's horse, was dumbfounded.

So domineering, so sharp, so powerful ordnance.

How to shoot so many and dense crossbow arrows at once.

Two 300 people are like two 3000 people shooting bows and arrows at the same time.

And for so long.

Caught off guard, even the masters couldn't stop it.

Even if it can be blocked for a while, it cannot be blocked for so long.


With so many companions dead all at once, Baibogu's only remaining master jumped off his horse and flew over.

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao stepped on the stirrups and flew to meet them.

Ding Chunqiu also licked his lips, stretched out his arms, and hit the unarmed master Baibogu with his palm in the air.

The person's face and mouth showed a slightly smug look.

Someone dared to fight him with bare hands, and he didn't want to die.

But as soon as the two fists met, the expression of the master of Baibogu changed drastically, and he flew backwards and fell back on the horse. After Ding Chunqiu landed, he flicked his right hand, and a dark air-like thing flew towards the other Killed the master of Baibogu who rode ordinary soldiers to Xiaoyao Mansion.

The man wanted to dodge but didn't dodge, and his body fell to the ground and rolled.

"Ah!" The two of them stabilized their bodies, and they all realized that they were screaming.

One was scratching his whole body, as if something strange and deadly had been mixed into his body.

The other fist went black, like a devil in the abyss devouring life into the entire arm.

He could clearly feel that the Qi and blood in his hands were not following his orders.

His eyes were full of fear.

The black quickly spread over the entire arm, then climbed up the neck, and finally hit the head.

The person's body was straight, his eyes were full of fear, and then he fell headlong.

Ding Chunqiu killed the two of them in an instant, Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao also killed the enemy with one shot.

Only then did the deacon of Bai Gubo react from his astonishment.

Looking at the comrades who were all killed or injured on the ground, timidity was also revealed in their eyes.

"Hmph, I'm underestimating, Ye Qing wait, I, Baibogu, will get back the debt!"

After speaking, the deacon urged the horse to turn around and leave.

"Since you're here, do you think you can still leave?" Ye Qing raised his mouth slightly, said in a cold voice, and looked at Shi Potian.

Shi Po leaped forward, landed lightly on the ground, and chased after him with a little effort.

(End of this chapter)

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