I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 308 I like you so much

Chapter 308 I like you so much

"Ye Qing, what kind of weapon is this, and why is it different from ordinary crossbows!"

Zhao Feiyan looked at the Liannu on Xiaoyao Fuqi's body, her pupils were shining brightly.

Even masters can't survive a few moves under this kind of crossbow.

If only Beishi had such a crossbow.

What a scene it is, the desert will be wiped out and the countries in the Central Plains will be conquered.

Haha, I must get it.

Even if...

"Slap!" Before she could continue thinking, Ye Qing slapped her high buttocks with a slap.

"Don't inquire, don't ask about things that don't match your identity!"

Although it was a little painful and hot, but for Liannu, Zhao Feiyan raised her head, with a smile uglier than crying and said:

"It doesn't hurt, why don't you hit it a few times and tell me when you're done!"

"Slap!" Ye Qing slapped it down again, this time with more force, and almost slapped Zhao Feiyan to tears.

"I haven't seen anyone make such an excessive request. You should give up on it. This is the secret of my Xiaoyao Mansion. The more you know, the faster you will die!" Ye Qing gave her a vicious look. .

What brains.

How could he tell her the secret of Liannu.

Zhao Feiyan blinked her eyelashes pitifully and aggrievedly.

With a sad face, like a delicate flower that is about to wither, she half pursed her lips, begging in a soft voice:

"Ye Qing, you're so handsome, I'm starting to admire you, next time when you hit someone, gently, slowly, it's as numb as touching!"

"Ugh!" Seeing Zhao Feiyan's expression at this moment, Ye Qing felt goosebumps all over his body.

A big shot.

The beating made Zhao Feiyan groan directly, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes this time.

"Qingqing, I like you so much, I like you..."

Before Zhao Feiyan could finish speaking, Ye Qing lifted Zhao Feiyan's belt and threw it away.

"Can't take it! Can't take it! Crazy bitches!"


Zhao Feiyan directly smashed on the body of a Baibogu master, causing her bones to almost shatter.

"Ye Qing, you bastard, you're not a man! Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

All the riders in Xiaoyao Mansion, as well as Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao and others looked at Zhao Feiyan, and then burst out laughing.

Want to seduce my lord, you look as beautiful as Mrs. Wu, are you as gentle and virtuous as Miss Huanhuan?
It's all so fake.

It's a man who can see it.

This Shi Potian has turned back, holding the half-dead Deacon Baibogu in his hand.

Ye Qing said to Ding Chun: "You come to interrogate, I want to know all the things about Baibogu that he knows, I will die before I finish the questioning!"

"It's the lord!" Ding Chunqiu walked towards the deacon with an evil look on his face:
"Jie Jie... The old man wants you to taste the good things of my Xingxiu Sect..."

"What are you going to do? Don't come here, ah..."

A certain deacon was dragged aside by Ding Chunqiu, and then subjected to... all kinds of cruelty.

Ye Qing ignored it and led the people to go west first.

Not long after, Ding Chunqiu rushed over and reported the information he got one by one.

After the report, Ding Chunqiu took another look at Zhao Feiyan when he stepped back, showing a mysterious smile.

This made Zhao Feiyan's heart tighten, and she thumped, feeling frightened.

Ye Qing had such a ruthless character under his command.

Still don't mess around.

In case he gets kicked by that old guy surnamed Ding.

Thinking of the shrill screams of Deacon Baibogu before he died.

It made Zhao Feiyan feel a little cold all over.

He couldn't help but hugged Ye Qing's thigh tightly.

When we arrived at the Fenshui River, we encountered a wave of people from the Baibo Valley.

They were also killed by Ye Qing and others.

Cross the river and continue westward, passing through a plain and fertile land, there are continuous mountains.

The mountains are continuous and vertical, and there are countless valleys, so they are called Baibo Valley.

Before entering the mountain, there are two secular martial villages located outside Baibogu.

Each guards the left and right, and guards the gate for Baibo Valley.

"Riding in Xiaoyao Mansion! You are looking for death, dare to come here!"

The people from Liangzhuang were surprised and delighted when they found Ye Qing and the others.

Ye Qing actually came here, it's true that if you don't go to heaven, you don't go, and if you don't go to hell, you come here.

You deserve to make a contribution.

The two Wuzhuang assembled their soldiers and horses, and immediately rushed towards Ye Qing and the others.

"Another group sent to die!" Zhao Feiyan became a little numb on the horse.

Looking at these excited secular subordinate forces who seem to have picked up cheap Baibo Valley, they silently lamented for them.

Ye Qing and the others didn't see much, but the power of destruction was too great.

It is to approve a lion in disguise, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger all the way.

A cup of tea is less than enough.

Zhao Feiyan saw the expected result.

Two Wuzhuang were destroyed.

The people from Wuzhuang, who hadn't played in the battle, ran into the mountain in shock to report information to Baibogu.

Ye Qing and others captured two Zhuangzi, set fire to one, and left one for rest at night, but did not immediately enter the mountain.

at night!

Wind blows!

Wuzhuang is as warm as spring.

The conditions are comfortable.

It's dark, Zhuang Zijing!

Xiaoyao Mansion didn't even set up a sentry post, and no one could be seen inside or outside.

It seems that they are all hiding in the bed and enjoying a rare and comfortable life!
Zhuang Wai!

Countless black shadows approached from a distance.

They are silent!

Move like a ghost.

"The Xiaoyao Mansion riders are too arrogant! They don't even have a sentry post!"

"That's right! This Ye Qing has always been arrogant and self-righteous, otherwise he wouldn't dare to come and beat us at Baibogu."

"Hmph, you dare to sleep under our noses. What happened during the day seems to have made them look down on me, Bai Bogu!"

"Although, go in and kill them all!"

Countless black shadows climbed over the walls from all around Zhuangzi, and then touched room by room.

It turned out that every house was empty.

When they touched the center and everyone gathered here, ready to confirm beforehand, suddenly the courtyard inside was lit with torches!

"Everyone, welcome to the fight!"

The courtyard was brightly lit, all the cavalry from Xiaoyao Mansion gathered here, with a Liannu in their hands, facing the outside.

"No, flash, Ye Qing's child's armor is quite sharp!"

When the people of Liangzhuang were killed, the people from Ziyou Baibogu saw it, so they still remember it.

Not daring to be careless, he hurriedly led everyone to retreat.

But at this time, everyone wanted to retreat, but found that their bodies were a little twitching.

Then stared at the hands and feet in horror.

Pain and itching spread from the hands and feet.

What frightened them even more was that their hands began to die and turn black.

Something in the blood has penetrated and is devouring it forward.

"What's going on, ah, it's so uncomfortable!"

"My hand, how can this happen?"


A man who was foaming at the mouth fell down on the spot, his body convulsed and foaming at the mouth, and his eyes were unwilling.

The others turned pale with shock.

Only then did I realize that I was poisoned.

"It's you, Ye Qing, you were poisoned!"

The fifth elder who took the lead in Baibogu this time, pointed in Ye Qing's direction, and cursed: "When did you poison, why don't we know?"

At this time, Ding Chunqiu came out from behind them, followed by Xiaoyaofu cavalry in their [-]s and [-]s.

It was also the person with the crossbow pointing at Baibogu.

"The entire Zhuangzi, every room is poisoned by insects, you have all gone in and searched!"


Only then did everyone understand that they had been poisoned since entering Zhuangzi.

After touching here all the time, the poisonous hair was discovered.

"Damn you!"

The fifth elder of Baibogu moved his body, as fast as lightning, and slapped Ding Chunhuo's chest with a moving palm.

He wanted to kill Ding Chunqiu, the hateful poisoner, before he died.

Ding Chunqiu snorted coldly, took two steps back, and then struck out with the same palm: "Huagong Dafa!"


With a pair of palms, the sound of popping beans resounded, shaking people's eardrums.

Then there was a click, and the five elders of Baibogu fell to the ground with a scream.

His hand bone protruded from behind, and the energy in his body was violently and involuntarily released from the wound instantly.

I can't restrain the energy stored in my body at all.

After a while, he only felt that he had become a useless person.

(End of this chapter)

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