I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 309 Killing the Baibo Valley

Chapter 309 Killing the Baibo Valley
Another hundred NO.80 people were wiped out.

A group of people who are accustomed to the rivers and lakes, how can they understand the magic of the art of war.

If he really knew Ye Qing, he would not have dared to touch him carelessly.

Although Zhao Feiyan didn't go out and was locked in the house, she guessed everything when she heard the stern voice outside.

The next day!

early morning!

On the main hall of Baibo Valley.

"The person who went down the mountain last night has not returned yet!"

Qiu Hongyan, head of the main hall of Baibo Valley, asked with a warm and angry look.

There are more than 100 people, led by the fifth elder with the strength of the third rank.

No sound at all.

They all ate shit.

Everyone in the hall whispered.

No one knows the situation.

Someone is here to report!

"Master, Xiaoyao Mansion rode into the mountain and broke into my mountain gate. The Kamikaze Mouth, Sword Bay, and Chiquan Wall were all lost. Our disciples suffered heavy casualties!"

"Bastard, Ye Qing is so courageous, he dared to enter my Baibo Valley!" Qiu Hongyan slapped the handrail made of pure gold carved with patterns, and said angrily:

"Who is going to kill this kid?"

"Sect Leader, I am willing to go!"

At present, there are countless white wave valley masters standing up.

There are elders, deacons, and inner disciples.

Qiu Hongyan glanced at everyone, then clicked a few words:
"Second Elder, Third Elder, Fourth Elder, Deacon Huang, Deacon Wang, Deacon Niu, and Deacon Zhu, you seven are the main ones; Zhang Qian, the chief disciple of the third generation, and his inner disciples Liu Yong, Song Dao, Wang Ba, Li Jue, and Xue Lei, you When I took Chudian disciples to Dengxiantai to intercept and kill everyone in Xiaoyao Mansion, Ye Qing broke his hands and feet and brought them back."

"It's the master!"

At that moment, most of the people in the hall rushed out of the hall door with a huff.

Then he led the disciples from the outer hall down to the front hall of the mountain gate, and went to the so-called Dengxiantai to besiege and kill Ye Qing and others.

After the man left, the Great Elder stood up and said, "Sect Leader, I think Ye Qing came prepared, he should be careful and give him a blow with all his strength."

"Heh, the Great Elder thinks that the three elders and the four deacons are not capable enough. They can't even take Ye Qing down, and they need me to go with all the masters of the sect." Qiu Hongyan held the engraved Mang dragon head in his hand, Gently twisting it to untie it, snorting coldly:
"That's too much for Ye Qing'er. He relies on nothing more than the same. Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun, these two are a third-rank and a fourth-rank, but the three elders of my Baibogu are all fourth-rank strength, and the worst of the four deacons is second-rank. All the disciples of the inner sect are entry-level, and my chief disciple is also the third-rank. Isn't it enough to crush the mere two generals in Xiaoyao Mansion.

As for the ordnance in the Xiaoyaofu rider's hands, hey, he is attacking from the back, and he is facing all the real masters of my Baibogu. It is difficult for the Xiaoyaofu rider to be able to shoot the crossbow. "

Qiu Hongyan's words made the Great Elder unable to refute.

But I always feel that something is wrong, uneasy.

Ye Qing really dared to kill Baibo Valley just like this.

The abnormal is the demon.

Step on Sendai!
At this point, Ye Qing raised his hand before stepping up the stairs.

The crowd stopped.

Then the crossbow was ready, aiming at the top and right and left.

"Dignified Baibogu, do you need to hide your head and show your tail in your own land? They really are a group of cowards who only collude with foreign rebellious rats. It's extremely sad!"

After the words fell, countless disciples of Baibogu rushed out from the stepping celestial stage, and stood still in front of the top step.

On both sides of the stairs are also disciples with swaying branches, drilling out a valley of white waves.

They were fierce and fierce, holding various weapons in their hands.

"Ye Qing, today you offend me in Baibo Valley, and you will die here!"

"Ye Qing, if you beg for mercy, we can intercede with the head of the sect for you. For the sake of being the Prince of Great Zhou, we will spare your life!"

"Hahahaha! Isn't Baibogu so low that he can only bark now? No wonder he wants to be Beishi's running dog!" Ye Qing overlord Panlongji pointed at the top and smiled contemptuously:
"Do it if you have the ability, bark and bark, it will only make me look down on you Baibogu!"

Ye Qing's words immediately angered all the people in Baibogu.

Shouting one after another, they rushed over: "Young Ye Qing, die!"

Ye Qing looked at Ding Chunqiu, Ding Chunqiu nodded slightly.

Ye Qing said: "Withdraw!"

Xiaoyaofu rode, turned around and retreated immediately.

The position of Dengxiantai is not conducive to the army's display, but the upward attack angle is too large.

It is a disadvantage, and the power of the crossbow arrows will be reduced.

"Damn it, I want to run now, it's too late, chase me!"

Seeing that Ye Qing was about to run, everyone in Baibo Valley panicked.

One after another, they got off the pedal of Sendai and chased them down.

Ye Qing and others retreated more than 200 steps.

Then he ordered again: "Strike back!"


All the soldiers turned around and lined up in three rows, based on high, middle and low.


Without hesitation, Baibogu's disciples approached him with sutras.

All the crossbows are fired one after the other.

Instantly shoot the crossbow.

The short and powerful crossbow arrows immediately shot the approaching Baibogu disciple into a sieve.

Powerful bolts sent them flying into those behind them.

The disciple who fell into a valley of white waves immediately.

They wanted to stand up, but the oncoming crossbow arrows did not stop.

Still like rain.

"Puff puff……"

Half of the Baibogu disciples were shot by arrows, either dead or injured.

After shooting in embarrassment, he retreated to the steps of Dengxiantai.

Then, looking at the fellow disciples who had fallen on the ground, each of them began to gasp.

"Ye Qing, you are despicable, how dare you cheat!"

At this moment, all the elders, deacons, and inner disciples of Baibo Valley are gritting their teeth.

"Soldiers, tricks, I lead soldiers, born for war, fighting is the change of the art of war, what to do with you, don't you people in the Jianghu do less nasty things? I don't think so Come on, how many bad things have you done in Baibogu, ask yourself, are you bright enough?"

Ye Qing raised his hand to stop the Xiaoyaofu cavalry who continued to shoot, and let them go down and continue to press the crossbow.

Then he took a step forward, slashed down with a halberd, and killed an injured Baibogu disciple, saying: "Fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps, don't pretend to be noble, and don't erect any archways, it's not good for me, Ye Qing." make!"


A group of people from Baibo Valley were rendered speechless.

To be honest, everyone is not a good person.

It's just self-proclaimed justice.

Ye Qing took a step and killed a wounded person, Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao, Ding Chunqiu and Shi Potian also followed.

Five finished glyphs.

Ye Qing is in the middle, Li Cunxiao and Ding Chunqiu are on the left and right, Zhao Yun and Shi Potian are behind.

The five of them stepped forward step by step with momentum like a rainbow.

Instead, the people in Baibo Valley retreated step by step up the stairs.

Seeing that Ye Qing and the others distanced themselves from the Xiaoyaofu cavalry behind them, they were no longer threatened by crossbow arrows.

The three elders shouted loudly: "Kill!"

Then they all jumped down from the platform above.

The four deacons also followed.

Zhang Qian, Liu Yong, Song Dao, Wang Ba, Li Jue, Xue Lei and other inner disciples on the stairs and the only remaining outer disciples are also bowing forward, knees bent to rush down from the two wings to help the three elders Together with the four deacons, they surrounded Ye Qing and others.

"burn one's boats!"

Facing the crowd of Baibogu masters rushing down, Ye Qing did not retreat this time, but raised the corner of his mouth and roared angrily, using King Glory Xiang Yu's unique skill, swiping the Overlord Panlong Halberd to kill him!
(End of this chapter)

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