I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 310 Your Highness, I Was Wrong

Chapter 310 Your Highness, I Was Wrong

"Look at my Flying Dragon Saber!"

With a sound of "Clang!", the swords and halberds of Ye Qing and the three elders of Baibogu intersected.

A golden current flashed.

The third elder with the strength of the fourth grade was cut off, and his whole body was smashed into the ladder. A wide bloody mouth outside the face door extended from the top to the chest, and finally to the lower body.

The whole person twitched, and his head tilted to death.

At the same time, the second and fourth elders of Baibogu who were running towards Li Cunxiao and Ding Chunqiu were also disturbed by a wave of energy when Ye Qing swung the halberd.

The strength of the fourth rank could not be displayed, and when his face changed drastically, he reluctantly fought against Li Cunxiao and Ding Bangqiu.

"The Great Law of Transformation!"

Ding Chunqiu fights against the fourth elder who is two rank higher than himself, he is not afraid at all, they fight each other and fight together.

The short strokes were completed in an instant, and something flew out of Ding Chunqiu's cuff with his backhand, and he slapped the Fourth Elder with his palm.

The four elders couldn't dodge in time, they were contaminated, they were terrified, and hurriedly retreated.

"What the hell is this? Wait, when did I get internal injuries...ah, hahaha..."

Laughing a few times, the Fourth Elder raised his neck, and then fell down on the steps, also dead.

"Sanxiao Xiaoyao San, how can you resist it, hehe!"

Over there Li Cunxiao fought with the second elder, neither of them took advantage.

Although Li Cunxiao is a general of the third rank, but the second elder is experienced and skilled in martial arts. Although he can only display the strength of the third rank after being interrupted for a short time, he is still comparable to Li Cunxiao.

However, after Ye Qing swung the 'Break the Vessel' to kill the third elder, he hurriedly backed away.

Give up the position.

Zhao Yun rushed to fill the position.

"Sky Soaring Dragon!"

"The Dragon Breaking Clouds!"

With the use of two lore skills, Zhao Yun locked on a deacon and stabbed out with a single shot.

The man hastily blocked, but failed to block Zhao Yun's second shot and was stabbed to death.

The other three Zhisi were shocked and tried to avoid Zhao Yun, but found that their movement speed was trapped by an invisible force.

At this moment, Shi Potian stepped on the ground lightly, and floated slowly like an old man.

Then make palms with both hands and strike out at the same time.

Two Baibogu deacons flew out instantly.

He hit the steps of Dengxiantai, vomited blood and died.

"Damn it, rank five!"

The remaining deacon stared like a lantern, his heart felt cold for a moment, he turned around and wanted to leave.

At this moment, Zhao Yun roared again, and charged with his long spear.

A gun pierced the man's back and pierced through the front chest.

All four deacons died.

At this moment, the second elder, who was fighting with Li Cunxiao, was terrified, cast a glance, feeling timid, forced Li Cunxiao back with a single strike of his sword, and was about to retreat at the touch of his feet.

At this moment, Shi Potian kicked a knife on the ground towards the second elder.

The second elder swung his sword, and as soon as his feet hit the ground, Shi Potian floated forward and stretched out his hand to explore.

The second elder raised his sword and blocked it.

With a sound of "Clang!", the sword was broken in two by Shi Potian's inner strength.

Such a domineering internal force.

Before the Second Elder could react, Shi Potian clawed his right hand, pinched the Second Elder's neck, and twisted it lightly.

The sound of 'click' was as thin as a mosquito, almost imperceptible.

Shi Potian threw one away.

The body of the second elder hit the tree on the left side of the road.

Also die with regret.

Zhang Qian, Liu Yong, Song Dao, Wang Ba, Li Jue, Xue Lei and other inner disciples who wanted to surround Ye Qing and the only remaining outer disciples froze.

The elders and deacons are all dead!
How to fight this.

After a brief moment of astonishment, they wanted to flee to the forest beside the road, but just as they turned around, their bodies fell down.

Itching started from the bottom of the feet, like ten thousand insects devoured, each and everyone's expressions began to twisted ferociously.

"what happened……!"

"My legs, don't..."

"Sixth Highness, Your Highness, I was wrong, let the villain off, the villain is willing to do the work of a dog!"

Still have the wit to know that he is poisoned.

Although I don't know when it was won, it must be Ye Qing's handwriting.

At this time, the only option is to beg for mercy and be a grandson.

"Your Highness, I was wrong, I am not human, I am willing to be loyal to you, and I am willing to follow you against Baibogu!"

Everyone in Baibo Valley, who knew that the only way to get the antidote was to beg for mercy, knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Oh, it's really interesting. When I killed Taihua Mountain, I never saw any of them surrender. Taihua Mountain is proud and mad, and it's the same in their bones. Although they are my enemies, I respect them as a man.

After death, I had them buried properly. "Ye Qing looked at the Baibo Valley people who surrendered on both sides, shook his head and sneered:

"And you, you are not worthy. Da Zhou who betrayed me and colluded with Bei Shi before, and now you are so spineless and beg for mercy, it really makes me lose my appetite."

"Ye Qing, damn you, I'll fight with you!"

As the chief disciple of the three generations, Zhang Qian had the highest martial arts, seeing that begging for mercy was unsuccessful, he rushed to kill Ye Qing.

Trying to blackmail Ye Qing to get the antidote.

But Ding Chunqiu flicked his sleeves.

"The Great Law of Transformation!"

A gust of wind moved, and he made a move from a distance.

Zhang Qian's body was suddenly rejected, and Zhen Fei slammed back into his fellow disciple.

At this moment, he only felt energy being released from the poisoned foot injury under his feet.

And the toxin quickly climbed up from the feet, occupying the heart all at once.

Struggled painfully.

Zhang Qian's eyes died of fear.

Others wanted to rush up and fight desperately, but at this moment, the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry rushed up and occupied the two wings.

Then they shot one by one, killing everyone in Baibo Valley.

After stepping on Xiantai, the last barrier to enter Baibo Valley Mountain Gate Temple was broken by Ye Qing and others.

In the main hall, Qiu Hongyan, who thought he was safe, was waiting for his disciples to report the good news.

"Report! The head of the sect is in trouble, Dengxiantai fell, three elders, four deacons, and senior brother Zhang Qian died..."


Qiu Hongyan stood up abruptly.

The others were so shocked that their eyeballs almost fell off.

Each mouth is open enough to stuff a duck egg.

Sendai fell!
All the people who went there died.

Here's how it's played.

Ye Qing's children only have two generals.

Could it be that you stood there motionless and were hacked?
Everyone thought it was incredible.

Before Qiu Hongyan could ask the reason, there was a loud noise and the shaking of the ground, which drew everyone's attention to the outside of the hall.

The mountain gate was blasted open.

Ye Qing came in with his scriptures!
"Everyone, follow me!"

Qiu Hongyan didn't talk nonsense, he slapped his right hand, and flew out like a wild goose.

The people in the hall also rushed out one after another.

All the temples and halls of the mountain gate, all the disciples of Baibogu also took up their weapons and went to the martial arts field in front of the front hall to gather.

At this moment, Ye Qing and others smashed through the mountain gate of Baibo Valley and just stepped into the martial arts arena.

I saw that this place is divided into nine areas, and there are countless bluestone pillars erected in front of them.

Each pillar is engraved with different basic body skills, leg skills, knife skills, sword skills, mental skills, etc.!
In the rear position of the Martial Arts Arena, there is a huge bronze furnace.

At this moment Qiu Hongyan flew out from above.

fall on it.

"Young Ye Qing, you insist on bringing the Ye family a catastrophe!"

(End of this chapter)

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