I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 311 I'm Sorry To Steal Your Head Again

Chapter 311 I'm Sorry To Steal Your Head Again
Looking at Qiu Hongyan's attire, age, posture, and domineering aura emanating from his body.

Ye Qing and others guessed his identity.

Beware of him.

At this time, the great elder Baibogu and everyone came out with weapons.

Then it stopped behind Qiu Hongyan, no one dared to make a penny with him, instead they pulled out three or four positions.

Looking around, it was a blue-gray color.

Baibogu's clothes are uniformly mainly blue and gray.

The higher the rank, the darker, brighter and more eye-catching the color of the clothes.

Qiu Hongyan is dressed in navy blue, and his clothes are made of high-quality silk, and his leather accessories are also comparable to those of the princes and nobles in the capital.

"Ye Qing, today your blood stained my Baibo Valley, and tomorrow my Baibo Valley will destroy the foundation of your Ye family and stain Chang'an with blood!"

The Great Elder let out a loud shout and pointed his sword at Ye Qing. All the disciples of Baibogu took a step forward.

"Your Excellency, why don't the wind rise and soar ninety thousand miles!"

Facing Baibogu's domineering attitude, Ye Qing slowly read half a line of the poem.

Everyone in Baibo Valley was stunned!

What's the meaning?
Why does it sound like an exaggerated elder!
"Ye Qing, what do you mean?" The elder knew that the meaning of Ye Qing's poem was definitely not a good one.

"Hahaha, illiterate is illiterate, I mean, you are so powerful, does your mother know?"

This made the great elder's seven orifices smoke.

Qiu Hongyan yelled loudly: "The disciples of Baibogu listen to the order, kill them, and leave no one behind!"

After finishing speaking, Qiu Hongyan swept his body and rushed towards Ye Qing.

Shi Potian stepped a little lower, and greeted him with his hands behind his back.

Qiu Hongyan was above rank six in strength.

When Ye Qing fought against him, he won less than he lost and suffered more.

Strong against strong, weak against weak!
Ye Qing didn't feel embarrassed at all.

The last laugh is the winner.

Face is for the living to see.

"Boom bang bang bang..."

Neither Shi Potian nor Qiu Hongyan had weapons.

The two punched and kicked together, hitting from the ground into the air.

Hit the pillar from the air.

The pillars stumbled to the ground in the fight between the two, with a bang sound, seven or eight of them were destroyed.

"Who are you, to have such deep inner energy!"

Qiu Hongyan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Ye Qing to have a fifth-rank master accompanying the army.

No wonder he was able to kill wave after wave of people in his Baibo Valley.

It turned out that there was such a person.

It seems that it is mostly supported by Emperor Ye Zhengou.

"Xiaoyao Mansion breaks the sky!"

Standing on the stone pillar, Shi Potian replied indifferently.

"Shi Potian! Then let you die on this blue stone today!" Qiu Hongyan saw that Shi Potian's words were calm, he didn't say much, and he was contemptuous of himself, so he flew up together, clenched his palms into fists, and struck out with one blow.

Shi Potian stepped a little lower, and flew out like a falcon.

Push with one palm.

"Boom!" Two sounds sounded one after another, and the pillars under the two people's feet were exploded one after another by their internal energy, and they exploded in all directions.

Then it crashed to the ground.

The two clashed fists and palms in the air, and the fight was very lively.

For a while, it was impossible to tell the winner.

I'm here to see Ye Qing and the Great Elder Baibogu.

The Baibo Valley has a geographical advantage and an advantage in numbers, and Zeng Yan's encirclement rushes from above.

The Great Elder and the others just moved.

Suddenly there were countless screams behind him.

A cold light passed by, and the sound of swords continued.

The afterimage shakes.

All the entry-level masters of Baibo Valley were stabbed by the sudden sword, either dead or injured.

"what happened!"

The elders and the others were shocked.

What happened to our disciples, why did they suddenly kill their own people?

"Not good! They are not from our Baibo Valley, they are traitors..."

'puff!With a sound, the man's words fell, and a sword was drawn from under the neck.

Blood spurted like a column, and he died.

"Damn it, it's from Xiaoyao Mansion, from Emperor Dog, everyone, be careful of traitors!"

I don't know who said it, the faces of everyone in Baibogu suddenly changed, and they were all suspicious.

He was looking at his classmates around him, each with vigilant eyes.

Seeing this, the Great Elder suddenly knew that it was a disaster.He hurriedly said: "Whoever kills the same sect is a spy. Just let me kill him, and don't mess up."

The great elder raised his sword and chased after the one-armed Yang Guo.

Yang Guo's figure is the most special, he can tell at a glance that he is not from Baibogu, so he should kill him first.

"Go forward, shoot the arrow!"

When the Baibogu brigade was in chaos, Ye Qing gave an order.

Two or three hundred Xiaoyaofu cavalry raised their crossbows and shot fiercely at the people in Baibogu above!

Yang Guo, Feng Qingyang and Jing Wuming who were making trouble inside retreated into the main hall.

In order to avoid the damage of crossbow arrows.

The people in Baibogu, who were in a mess, hurriedly waved to block the crossbow arrows.

They were all shot.

All of a sudden, most of them were killed or injured.

The blood flow merged into a river of blood and gurgled down the white jade steps, reflecting the red half of the martial arts arena.

"Back off, form the formation!"

After the crossbow arrows were shot, Ye Qing gave an order, and all the Xiaoyao Mansion riders retreated one after another.

Divide into half and form a group, holding a sword in hand.

Don't put on the crossbow.

"Kill Ye Qing'er!"

The Great Elder pointed at Ye Qing and the others with one hand, and then chased after the Yang family and the others with a knife.

The only remaining people in Baibo Valley were divided into two, and some rushed towards Ye Qing and the others.

Some of them followed the Great Elder and chased Yang Guo and the others.

Yang Guo and the three also raised their swords and struck each other.

Fight with everyone in Baibo Valley.

Both sides use their means and capabilities.

fight together.

"Overlord Slash!"

Facing the rushing Baibogu masters, Ye Qing also put on a desperate posture, holding the Overlord Panlong Halberd, and frequently used killing skills, beheading one person with one halberd.

"Fearless charge!"

Swinging the halberd from the bottom to the top, knocking all the enemies within three battles into the air and beheading them.

Zhao Yun is not to be outdone.

"Seven Detectives!"

"Thunder Dragon!"

"The Great Law of Transformation!"

"Three Smiles and Happy Sans!"

"Total Annihilation!"

The four rushed into the enemy, killing continuously, brave and fearless.

Leave no stone unturned, do your best.

"Nine Swords of Dugu!"

The wind is clear and misty like clouds, the sword style is like water, the broken sword style, the broken knife style, the broken spear style, the broken palm style, and the broken air style are called chic.

Drilling and flying.

Countless Baibo Valley masters died under the Dugu Nine Swords all of a sudden.

Although Jing Wuming's ultimate move was not as strong as Qing Yangfeng's, it was not as powerful either.

However, with every move, the human sword will pass by, and if you don't die, you will be injured. It is a desperate fight.

Instead, the people in Baibo Valley were terrified.

Killing and killing, although someone deserted and retreated towards the inner hall, as for where to go next, no one knew.

"Depressed and sold!"

The First Elder fought with Yang Guo for a long time, his fellow disciples around him became less and less, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

Then Yang Guo seized the opportunity and slapped it out.

Shattered the right arm meridians and connecting bones.

"You...you can also palm!"

The Great Elder's eyes were full of horror, a one-armed person, even if he could use such a famous sword, had also cultivated such a powerful fist and palm internal strength.

What kind of monster is this? It is better than their disciples in Baibogu.

"Pfft!" Without waiting for Yang Guo to return him, Jing Wuming attacked from behind, pierced through with a sword, drew his sword and said, "Brother Yang still has a lot of things, you...you can't see them!"

With a plop, the fourth-rank elder fell to the ground.

The Yang family shook their heads slightly, their melancholy faces were full of sighs.

Jing Wuming said: "Sorry for taking your head again."

Even so, Jing Wuming's gray eyes were still empty and lifeless, as silent as death.

There is no abnormality on the face.

(End of this chapter)

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