Chapter 315 Liu Zhengqing's Death

On the city tower, Xu Shu used a telescope to see Ye Tong and others leaving, so he asked people to open the city gate and sent people to contact the generals of the main force.

The people in the Ministry of War still have a good impression of Ye Qing.

Xu Shu could ignore people from different camps like Ye Tong, Zhang Hui, and Wang Shizheng.

Quantity must not ignore the generals of the Ministry of War.

Soon Xu Shu's men came in front of the army.

He turned to the generals and said, "Everyone, I am a small soldier in Xiaoyao Mansion. I have been waiting in the city for a long time according to the order of my military adviser, and I have something to tell you!"

"Oh! Mr. Xu, what do you want to tell me!" A general asked.

Everyone was also curious about what Xu Shu wanted to say.

The person came back and said: "All the generals also know that some money and food have been confiscated after eliminating the Liu family and other traitors. In terms of money, the prefect's mansion will divide it into three parts, two parts will be turned over to the national treasury, and one part will be used to compensate and reward the soldiers who fought in Hedong. The meritorious soldiers, including the soldiers under the names of all the soldiers!"

Good guy!
Hedong Taishou Mansion and Xiaoyao Mansion are willing to take out the confiscated gold and silver.

This surprised everyone.

At the same time, it also makes their eyes shine.

Two copies were handed over to the treasury and one was given to them.

Xu Shu will become a numb soon!
No matter how much, it is an attitude anyway.

Bright smiles immediately appeared on the faces of the generals.

This time I came to Hedong, at least I gained something.

"What other arrangements does Mr. Xu have?" someone asked again.

The money has been arranged, now it's time for food!

The person who came then said again: "My military adviser said that all the generals are coming to Hedong, and there will be enough food until the end of this battle."

"Good! Bold and generous!"

At that moment, someone slapped his thigh and shouted excitedly.

With enough food, the battle will be easy.

You don't need to be stuck on the neck by Ye Tong.

War is most afraid of lack of logistics.
With sufficient food and grass, we can fight freely.

In case Ye Tong's commanding ability is not good enough, they will have to do something against their will due to the constraints of food and grass.

Now that Xu Shu provided them with enough food and grass, he was not afraid of Ye Tong's misbehavior.

"Thank you to Mr. Xu on our behalf, and let him rest assured that we will not attack Fucheng. When the enemy is in front of us, we should unite with the outside world. How can we ruin the country's major affairs for our own selfish desires!"

"That's right, that's right, everyone is a citizen of the Great Zhou Dynasty, if you want to fight, you can beat the Northern Stone Manzi, just like His Highness the Sixth Highness, kill the Northern Stone Manzi fiercely!"

All the generals agreed one after another.

With money and food, he was overjoyed, sent away the person who came to pass the message, and then returned with a wave of soldiers and horses.

Back at the barracks, the generals immediately challenged Ye Tong, urging him to go north immediately to Wenxi.

Put pressure on him so that he doesn't continue to think about An Yicheng.

Facing the fierce crowd.

Ye Tong had no choice but to compromise, and sent troops north to Wenxi.

Dealing with the northern barbarians is the first priority.

The city of Anyi is to be seized, and the wealth of the great families is also to be seized, but first of all, they must be able to stabilize the northern stone barbarians and regain the north.

Otherwise, how can I return to Chang'an with face.

What else to talk about.

Money is not the first priority for him.

Power, fame and fame come first.

So he ordered the main force to go north, and at the same time changed the front team to the rear team, allowing Zhang Shiqi to stay.


Chang'an City!
No matter how closed the center was vibrated.

Ding Ding went so far as to besiege the Liu family, and fought with all the families from Hedong in Anyi City, the prefecture, and defeated the Liu family, one of the most powerful families in the Great Zhou, overnight.

The entire Guanzhong vibrated.

Especially the major aristocratic families were even more astonished.

Then came anger and fear.

When the news spread to Chang'an, it shocked the government and the public even more.

All the officials were stunned.

Willow House in the east of the city!

"Ah! It's impossible! It's impossible!"

Liu Zhengqing sat down on the couch in a daze, his face pale, his eyes glazed over, and he kept mumbling.

The Liu Manor wailed, as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

The Liu family in Hedong is gone.

The Liu Family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which had a great reputation and flourished for thousands of years, ended like this.

The Hedong County soldiers and Thunder Army led by Ding Ding were wiped out.

It sounds a bit far-fetched, and a bit caught off guard.

too suddenly.

There was no omen.

In front, the Liu family was still conveying how to deal with Ding Ding and how to plan Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion.

Such bad news came from behind.

No one can accept it.

"Ye Qing, Ding Ding, you are so ruthless!"

"My Liu family is at odds with you!"

Several sons rushed back to the house.

"What should Dad do now?"

"Father, we can't just leave it like this. Ding Ding framed my Liu family, this debt must be recovered!"

"Yes, we must crush him to ashes!"

Liu Zhengqing regained some energy after seeing his sons.

The Liu family has not collapsed yet, and he is still the head of the family.

There are also sons and nephews in Chang'an.

His Liu family has not yet been wiped out.

As long as you raise your arms, you can rebuild the Liu family.

Seeing a few sons is a blessing in misfortune.

Liu Zhengqing let out a foul breath, and regained some self-confidence: "You go to the Yang family, the Cui family, and King Hongnong. My Liu family must seek justice, and I want Your Majesty to be the master of my Liu family."

"It's Dad! Let's go now!"

Liu Zhengqing's sons immediately went to work.

The Liu family is an aristocratic family. If Ye Qing and others dare to destroy the Liu family today, they will dare to destroy the Yang family, the Cui family, or other families tomorrow.

At this time, if the aristocratic family does not come out to seek justice for the Liu family.

Not sure, the next one to fall is himself.

So at this moment, Liu Zhengqing has absolute confidence.

So let Guan Jia prepare the chariots and horses, and he will go to Zhuque Street to cry.

He wants to cry into the palace, cry into the Tai Chi Hall!


Tai Chi Palace!
Imperial study room!

When Ye Zhen heard the letter from the shadow guard sent to Hedong, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The Governor's Mansion of Hedong attacked Liu's family, and Ding Ding took away the family of Liu's family.

What an asshole!

Who let him destroy the Liu family.


The big hand clapped on the dragon case, and the dragon case instantly cracked the tortoise pattern.

Ye Zhen cursed angrily:
"What are you all doing, why don't you stop it, black and white are impermanent, who let them participate.

A bunch of bastards! "

"I knew I shouldn't have given him Shang Fang's sword, and stabbed me such a big hole all at once!"

Ye Zhen had a headache at this moment.

The Liu family!

It's okay to suppress and bully.

It's nothing to rob people of a little salt industry.

He never expected Ye Qing to be so courageous.

He directly killed the Liu family and wanted to wipe out the Liu family.

The shadow guards didn't stop him, and neither did Black and White Wuchang and others.

Are you cooperating to cheat me?

"Returning to Your Majesty, we can't stop it even if we want to. That Xu Shu is more courageous than His Highness the Sixth Highness. He not only attacked the Liu family, killed all the families in the river east, but... also made Ding Ding fake his death, and let Ding Yuan take over the prefect's mansion. .”

"Lawless! He is going to rebel." Ye Zhen was even more angry when he heard the words, and Xu Shu was too much.

A palm was slapped down, and with a bang, the dragon case was completely broken into two pieces.

Ye Zhen kicked off half of the dragon case.

His chest heaved and his emotions agitated.

After going back and forth a dozen times, he pointed to the messenger and said:

"Say... how many things they have confiscated!"

(End of this chapter)

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