I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 316 Ye Zhen kills Liu Zhengqing

Chapter 316 Ye Zhen kills Liu Zhengqing

Hearing this, the person reporting the letter began to stop sweating all over his body, and did not break out.

Sure enough, for the emperor, real benefits are real.

Shit Liu's family.

If you don't have it, it's gone.

His Majesty may be happy in his heart.

After deliberating for a while, organizing the language, the reporter replied: "Return to Your Majesty, this time the Liu family was destroyed, and a total of [-]% of the fields, land, mountains, and forests in the southeast of the river were obtained!

Grain confiscated up to 400 million shi!

A total of [-]...[-] taels of money and silver! "

At this moment, even though there was a lot of anger in Ye Zhen's heart, it disappeared completely.

With 400 million shi of grain, how many troops can be fed and how many people can be fed.

It can be seen how powerful the family is?
How rich are their families?
The current silver is 600 million taels, how many years will it take for the fiscal tax to cover it.

Ye Zhen put his fist in his sleeve and clenched it tightly.

Seventeen million taels.

He was fed 300 million taels by Ye Qing earlier, so he had already calmed down.

But now I heard 600 million taels of silver.

The whole person is still so excited that I can't describe it in words.

The aristocratic family... should be killed!

Killing the land of one county costs tens of millions of taels, but what about killing the land of nine counties?
It can be changed that Dazhou will not collect taxes for decades.

Even if it is militarism, it can squander more than ten years.

For more than ten years, I have been able to wipe out the Qiang people and destroy the Turks.

Accepting the Southwest Bashu is enough to send troops to the Kanto.

Thinking of these things, the pride in Ye Zhen's heart rose spontaneously.

But soon he knew that this idea was a bit rash.

The aristocratic family should be killed, but if the aristocratic family in the nine counties were really wiped out, then Da Zhou would not be in chaos.

It is estimated that the group of guys are now clamoring and starting to connect in series.

I don't know how to embarrass me, so prepare to force me to submit!

"How does Xiaoyao Mansion arrange the money and food!" Ye Zhen asked.

Let's see if Hedong is familiar with it.

The person who answered then told Xu Shu's arrangements one by one.

Hearing this, Ye Zhen nodded slightly.

"The fields, land, mountains, and forests are handled very well. It is a good sentence to get it from the people and return it to the people. In this way, the people in Hedong will feel at ease and let them have more hope. You are really a virtuous man!"

Even after hearing it later, although he was displeased, not all the money and food were handed over to him, the emperor.

However, he took the bulk of the money and occupied the shares of Hedong Grain Bank and Hedong Investment Bank, and he will continue to receive income in the future, which still makes Ye Zhen happy.

Three million taels of real silver flowed into Shaofu.

His own pocket suddenly increased to 600 million silver, which was enough to squander it.

"Report! Your Majesty, the Patriarch of the Liu Family, Liu Zhengqing, is beating drums in front of Suzaku's gate to call for grievances. Please Your Majesty call the shots for him!" Someone suddenly reported in the hall.

Ye Zhen was very happy here, when he heard Liu Zhengqing coming, he waved his hand to let the reporter go down, and then showed a sneer on his face.

After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice:
"Let Liu Zhengqing come over!"


Immediately, someone received the order, went to Suzaku Street, and brought Liu Zhengqing, who was beating drums and crying for injustice.

Seeing that Ye Zhen summoned her so quickly, Liu Zhengqing thought it was a joke, so she cried even louder.

He was quickly taken to the Imperial Study Room.

When he came in, he bowed and cried: "Your Majesty, my Liu family has a grievance! Hedong Qingshou Dingding acted recklessly, didn't think of being loyal, didn't think of defending Beishi for the country, and killed hundreds of relatives in my Liu family. Please forgive me!" The minister is in charge."

Ye Zhen didn't speak, but glanced left and right.

Everyone retreated at the moment, and then closed the palace door.

Only then did Ye Zhen stand up, and then walked to the shelf on the side of the screen.

After choosing a sword, he slowly walked down the stairs.

Liu Zhengqing was a little confused at first, and then afraid.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, you... what are you going to do?"

Ye Zhen chuckled lightly: "What are you doing, no wonder Ai Qing doesn't know?"

Liu Zhengqing was so frightened that his scalp was numb, he jumped up, his feet sprained all of a sudden, he backed up again and again, waved his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I don't want you anymore, I don't want you anymore, I don't want you anymore, I..."

"Aiqing, you shouldn't have entered the palace!" Ye Zhen shook his head and said: "Hedong Liu's family is gone, you should be a man with your tail between your legs, and reflect on yourself, why are you so high-profile, why do you still come to force me, you Do you know how much money was stolen from your Liu family?
Astronomical figures!Seriously, I'm heartbroken! "

"Your Majesty let me off, I still have a lot of money and food in my family, all of which can be donated to the empire!" Liu Zhengqing's heart was completely cold now, Ye Zhen really wanted to kill him.

Not only did he want to completely wipe out the Liu family.

They also want to take away the little floating wealth left by the Liu family.

Ye Zhen sneered and said: "I want to donate now, don't you think it's too late? You're dead, all of this is not the empire's, now the empire doesn't need you to donate, just take it, it's the empire's stuff, it's just a deposit time It’s been so long, I almost forgot it wasn’t from my Ye family!”

It's too late, it's too soon.

Ye Zhen approached and stabbed with his sword.

Although Liu Zhengqing was a civil servant, he came from a family.

He was trained and trained in martial arts since he was a child.

It's easy to hide.

But Ye Zhen also has the same deep martial arts, so this sword.

Liu Zhengqing couldn't hide from the moment he entered the palace.

He wanted to dodge, but Ye Zhen's sword was faster.

A sword stabbed obliquely in the chest.


Liu Zhiqing pointed at Ye Zhen, her eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Ye Zhen, hello...ruthless!"

Ye Zhen's eyes became more murderous, he drew his sword and stabbed again.

"This is what you have in mind. It's just right to say it. You don't have to pretend!"

With a kick, he released the hilt of the sword at the same time.

With the sword in hand, Liu Zhengqing stumbled onto the palace gate.

Then slowly sit down on the ground.

Ye Zhen restrained his expression for a while, then slowly walked onto the dragon chair, turned around and said: "

Come, Liu Zhengqing was aware of the heinous crime, committed suicide in fear of the crime, and dragged the body out of the Meridian Gate! "

The next moment, a soldier opened the door of the palace, glanced at Liu Zhengqing who was lying on the ground and died, drew his sword, and dragged the body down.

"The Liu family has been doing evil in Hedong for many years. The Liu family colluded with Beishi and conspired to seize Hedong. The evil is unforgivable. The whole family should be punished. An order was issued to seal down the Liu family and put everyone in the Liu family in prison. If there is any resistance, kill them on the spot and cover them up." Everyone is treated as the same crime!"

The imperial decree was issued, and the forbidden army immediately went out of the imperial city to arrest people.

First, the Liu Mansion in the east of the city was sealed up, and after comparing the list, the soldiers were assigned to go to various places to arrest those who were missed.

The people who were about to go to Suzaku Street to cheer for the Liu family were stunned when they heard this.

Then they turned around and ran back to their home.

The emperor acted too quickly and killed Liu Zhengqing by Yijing.

It's a done deal, if you're making trouble on Zhuque Street, you're an accomplice of the Liu family.

Reasonable becomes irrational!
The demise of the Liu family has become a fact, and now it is not suitable for Dan.

"My lord, save me, my lord, save me!" The second son of the Liu family fled all the way to Hongnong Palace.

Want to get Ye Wei's asylum.

When Ye Wei saw the people of the Liu family, his eyes were full of black lines, he waved his hand and said, "Drag him out, don't allow him to enter the mansion."

"My lord! My lord, for the sake of our Liu family's support for you for many years, save me once..."

Second Young Master Liu struggled and rushed towards Ye Wei.

Only Hongnong Palace can save him now.

He is not reconciled, and he does not want to die.

Ye Wei was disgusted immediately, waved his hand and shouted: "Drag out quickly, I don't know this person, fight out!"

After the words fell, I saw a group of imperial guards chasing after him.

Seeing the second son of the Liu family captured by Prince Hongnong's mansion, he clasped his fists and said, "Congratulations to King Hongnong for catching this escaped prisoner!"


Ye Wei felt worse than eating a fly.

"My lord..." Second Young Master Liu still wanted to ask for help, when Ye Wei's personal guard swung his sword.

The neck of Second Young Master Liu was scratched by the sword.

"My lord, I'm sorry, I thought this person wanted to assassinate my lord." The guard knelt down on one knee.

(End of this chapter)

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