I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 318 ? The Abundant Resources of Baibo Valley

Chapter 318 The Rich Resources of Baibo Valley
White Valley!
As a mountain gate that has been passed down for a long time.

Abundant resources!

It was night, and all the things that could be collected and scraped out were counted clearly.

"My lord, in the grain depot in Baibo Valley, the grain alone is as high as 300 million shi, and there are all kinds of grains!"

After ordering the supplies in Baibo Valley, Zhao Yun was stunned, and then continued to report: "There are also all kinds of bacon, and the butcher shop is enough for more than ten thousand people for years."

300 million shi, enough to feed [-] civilians for eight or nine years.

Enough for the army to hoo hoo for several years!
What is Baibogu trying to do with hoarding so much food?
Profit obviously not.

It can only be said to be self-protection, or ulterior motives.

So Baibo Valley has been planned for a long time.

Otherwise, I really can't explain why the Baibo Valley of No. [-] hoards so much food?
With 300 million stones, the disciples of Baibogu could eat them until they died.

But no matter what Baibogu wants to do, it doesn't matter what premeditated it was.

Because these grains have all become their own combat power.

Ye Qing seemed to have thought of a way to deal with them.

So he asked again: "How much gold and silver has been collected in Baibo Valley?"

"Master, there are also 50 taels, which is not too much!" Zhao Yun explained:

"However, there are a lot of military equipment and materials used to make ordnance in the warehouse on the back mountain of Baibo Valley. The mountains are so piled up that it is impossible to count them. It is estimated that a lot of their money is used for daily expenses, as well as hoarding food and military materials."

"There is such a thing!"

Ye Qing thought he could copy a lot of money, but it turned out to be only 50 taels.

So he asked Zhao Yun to lead the way.

Go to the warehouse.

Sure enough, he quickly saw a mountain of supplies.

For example, various animal leathers that can be used to make knee pads and leather armor.

There is also beef tendon for making bows.

Make a gun with a good white rod.

Good feathers for arrows.

There are also irons for making arrow clusters and various weapons.

Even the carbon (coal) for steelmaking and ironmaking has been stored in several hills.

Carboniferous coal is produced in the northeastern part of the river, and it is the richest place in the entire Great Zhou Empire.

And Beishi Kingdom, which is separated by a county, is a country with a large carbon coal, which can be dug with a shovel on the ground, known as the empire sitting on carbon coal.

So it is not unreasonable to call their country Beishi.

Stone and carbon are special products, accounting for two-thirds of the empire's territory, so what else can it be called Beishi.

It's a bit far-fetched, I'm looking at Baibo Valley.

After Ye Qing checked it himself.

The approach of Bai Bogu can only be judged in one sentence.


Where is this mountain, this is to build a military town, a logistical fortress!

Baibogu still wants to develop the army but fails.

"My lord, do you think that Baibogu wants to use the barbarians of the North Stone to develop his own military force, and then establish a country and government?" Zhao Yun couldn't help asking.

His mind is full of loyalty, and Baibogu's various practices are far from loyalty.

Ye Qing pointed at the huge amount of materials and sneered, "Even if it's not, it's almost the same. No matter if Beishi wants to rule Hedong or we want to recover from Dazhou, they can take the power of Hedong by chance and become another Nanzheng." County king."

Didn't the Zhang family in Hanzhong just take advantage of the opportunity to build Hanzhong by themselves, and actually control Hanzhong.

Do you want to control the military and government and become a veritable prince?
Baibogu may also want to do the same, so he led the Northern Stone Army to the east of the river.

You must know that many counties in Hedong now have people from Baibogu in power, assisting Beishi people in managing the city and the people.

The same is gradually infiltrated.

And Baibogu has an advantage from the Zhang family back then.

Because the entire Hedong martial arts is in the hands of Baibogu.

In addition to Baibo Valley, there are ten secular subordinate branches.

Can better control the northeast of the river.

"Unfortunately, Baibogu never imagined that the lord dared to lead us to go straight to Huanglong, kill Baibogu, kill the core of Baibogu, and wipe out their plan in the early stage."

Zhao Yun and others were looking at Ye Qing, and suddenly Ye Qing's foresight was too powerful.

Such a coincidence is not just a matter of luck, but also vision.

Ye Qing led everyone back to the main hall.

Then he said: "Having these materials will give us the confidence to deal with the Northern Stone Army. With enough food and supplies, we will not be afraid to fight the Northern Stone Army for ten or eight years."

When everyone heard the words, all friends became solemn and straightened their bodies.

Ye Qing never targeted anything.

It seems that they want to use Baibo Valley as a base to create a defensive and counterattack position.

"Ding Chunqiu, you are temporarily in charge of the defense of Baibo Valley, and beware of all small-timers and spies sneaking into the mountain gate." Ye Qing said to Ding Chunqiu.

Ding Qiuchun said: "It's my lord, just leave the inside and outside of the mountain gate to me, but my lord, please allow me to use the resources of Baibo Valley to monitor the huge Baibo Valley with my own strength. Too many poisons are needed and a lot of materials are consumed. .”

Ye Qingdao: "No problem, just take whatever you want, no need to ask, and no need to report!"

"It's the lord!" Ding Chunqiu got a satisfactory answer, and then retreated.

Then Ye Qing said to Jingzhou Wuming and Yang Guo: "The two of you, in my name, continue to launch the clean-up of the remaining forces in Baibo Valley. Anyone who is not separated from Baibo Valley and who is unwilling to renew his allegiance to Dazhou can be eliminated. son.

Moreover, they were killed in an upright manner, without sneak attacks or cover-ups! "

"It's the lord!" Jingzhou Wuming and Yang Guo were very satisfied.

Make an aboveboard shot.

It's more comfortable that way.

Ye Qing said to Feng Qingyang: "Before Shi Potian comes back, you are responsible for the security of the mountain."

"It's the lord!" Feng Qingyang is a person who doesn't care about other people's business, and doesn't like to be in charge.

This task is also suitable for him.

As long as there is no one who is not open-eyed to forcefully barge into the mountain gate, he can take it easy.

Finally, Ye Qing looked at Zhao Yun: "Zilong is in charge of recruiting and training, and if there are strong men who come to vote, Zilong is responsible for receiving and then training."

"It's the lord!" Zhao Yun had no objection either, since he had done a lot of this anyway.

Xiaoyaofu riding was trained by him at the very beginning.

As long as Li Cunxiao spread Ye Qing's name and reputation everywhere, I believe there will be a lot of people.

Soon Baibo Valley will be able to raise an army.

After everyone made arrangements, Ye Qing went to the apse where he was resting.

"Ye Qing, what on earth do you want to do? When did you let me go!" Zhao Feiyan originally pinned her hopes on Qiu Hongyan.

I hope that the real core of Baibo Valley can kill Ye Qing and others.

As a result, Qiu Hongyan was seriously injured and fled, and Baibogu was taken by Ye Qing.

At this moment she was really in a hurry.

According to the development of this situation, she could not escape from Ye Qing's hands.

"Let you go, don't dream, unless the emperor of Beishi Kingdom surrenders and cedes Beishi Kingdom to Dazhou, it is impossible to let you go." Ye Qing stretched out his hand to pinch Zhao Feiyan's chin, and the latter broke free and turned to the side coldly Channel:

"You are daydreaming, I have no one to surrender in Beishi, and my father will not surrender to you, let alone give Beishi to you."

(End of this chapter)

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