Chapter 319

"Hahaha! Didn't you surrender? How come no one surrendered? Didn't the majestic third princess surrender to me? If there is one, there will be another. Next, all the generals, princes and ministers will surrender!"

Ye Qing walked to the side where Zhao Feiyan left.

Zhao Feiyan snorted coldly: "I was lured to surrender by you, you were the one who lied to me, the others in Beishi will not be fooled by you, and you will not let you play tricks."

"To lure you to surrender is to surrender. Since you have surrendered, you must be conscious. Before your father surrenders and cedes the North Stone to me, you should be a prisoner." Ye Qing stretched out his hand and pinched Zhao Feiyan again. Chin:
"From tomorrow onwards, you will be my maid. When Beishi surrenders, your new identity will end. Otherwise... I won't raise useless people here!"

"You... don't even think about it, the third princess of this palace cannot be your maid." Zhao Feiyan did not turn her face this time, but met Ye Qing's eyes:
"Besides, it is I, Beishi, who captured your Hedong, not you, who captured our Beishi. Your brain was kicked by a donkey!"

Ye Qing raised his mouth slightly, showing a hint of evil charm, narrowed his eyes slightly, and pressed his body towards Zhao Feiyan's face.

It was only two inches away before it stopped.

Zhao Feiyan was so frightened that her face turned pale, and finally she stopped looking at him and turned her cheek slightly.

The base of the ear suddenly turned red.

"You also know that you Beishi invaded the east of my Dazhou River! I thought you had forgotten that our two countries are in a state of hostility... Tell me, should I charge some interest?" Ye Qing moved closer , just pressed his lips against Zhao Feiyan's ear, exhaled like blue, warm like spring.

It made Zhao Feiyan itchy.

There is also an urge to cry to death.

"Ye Qing, let me tell you, don't act recklessly. Although you are a shameless and rascal, you are still very kind and upright in your heart. There is a bottom line. You are not a beast, and you can't do things that offend your mind. If you are really My father will definitely be furious, and I, Beishi, will never die with you." At this moment, Zhao Feiyan's mind was buzzing, as if pictures that were unsightly and unsuitable for children emerged.

Ye Qing smiled: "Oh, you know me so well, then let's meet each other honestly and thoroughly understand each other's strengths and weaknesses."

Zhao Feiyan was taken aback for a moment.

Let's be honest!

Ye Qing will be like this later.

We also need to understand each other deeply...

The next moment Zhao Feiyan came to her senses, her entire face was flushed and extremely hot.

Jiao shouted: "Ye Qing, you are shameless, you are a pervert, I will not obey you even if you die, if you dare to touch me, I will cut off your bottom..."

Ye Qing distanced himself from Zhao Feiyan, clasped his fists and looked at her coldly.

"Zhao Feiyan, what are you thinking? Do you think I will like a firewood girl like you, a fake woman who wants breasts, butts, butts, buttocks, no flesh, and no elasticity to the touch! "

This knife was so pierced that Zhao Feiyan's lungs were about to burst.

"Ye Qing, you are blind. How dare you say that my mother has no breasts. Look carefully. My mother's breasts are big. It is enough to feed you. Although my ass. Putting on women's clothes, you have to lie on the ground and laugh..."

Zhao Feiyan spit and yelled, she couldn't control her mouth anymore.

Ye Qing pulled back another position.

Rubbing her chin, watching Zhao Feiyan toss and turn.

Until Zhao Feiyan scolded enough, she was a little tired.

Ye Qing then said seriously: "Tsk tsk, I didn't see that, the place where you can hold your hand is so full of water, it can feed me, I can't wait to see how you look in women's clothing, if you want Otherwise, I will help you undress yourself and put on a skirt and stockings!"

"Woooo! Ye Qing, the prostitute, you will bully me. What a hero, I won't play, I won't play, let me go, I won't play!" Zhao Feiyan saw that Ye Qing was a little serious, and still After teasing her, Zhao Feiyan began to cry weakly.

This time I was really tired.

Ye Qing said with a straight face: "Two choices, either obediently be a maid, or I will put you to sleep now!"

"Maid, be a maid, be a maid, let me down, I want to drink some water."

Choose one of the two, naturally choose the lighter one.

It's better to be a maid than to be defiled by a prostitute.

Ye Qing didn't move, but said lightly: "Since you are a maid, you should have the attitude and tone of a maid, and allow you to organize a speech!"

Zhao Feiyan glared at Ye Qing bitterly.

Then his eyes rolled, his expression changed, and he said softly: "Honorable Sixth Highness, can you put me down, the little girl hasn't had water or food for a long time, and she is about to collapse, how can I serve you if I don't have the strength!"

"This is like a human saying!"

Ye Qing drew his sword and swung it.

Feijian flew over and passed by Zhao Feiyan.

Jianfeng cut through the rope binding Zhao Feiyan.

"Huh! I'm free at last!" Zhao Feiyan broke free from the restraint of the rope and moved her hands and feet.

Then he looked at the sword stabbed on the wooden pillar, and Ye Qing.

"Why, I think there is an opportunity, and I want to wipe it off." Ye Qing pointed to his sword with his right hand, signaling Zhao Feiyan to do it quickly if he wanted to, without ink stains.

A strange light flashed in Zhao Feiyan's eyes, and he hesitated.

However, he quickly recovered the demeanor of begging for mercy just now.

"Your Highness Six is ​​just joking. The little girl's martial arts and intelligence are not as good as His Highness's. Her admiration for His Highness is like the surging water of the Yellow River. How can she dare to fight His Highness?" Come over and say:
"Please put away your sword, Your Highness, now I am your cute maid!"

Ye Qing looked at Zhao Feiyan, who had changed his face, and said only one sentence: "Not bad, there is progress!"

Take the sword and insert it back into the scabbard!
Ye Qing turned around and walked out of the room.

Zhao Feiyan sticks out her tongue from behind, makes a strange face, gestures like a hammer and raises it high, as if there is a blunt weapon ready to knock it down.

Ye Qing turned around abruptly, Zhao Feiyan immediately withdrew her gestures, twisted her body, and turned her face away.

He said in his mouth: "It's so dark here!"

Ye Qing looked at the pretending Zhao Feiyan, chuckled lightly and said:

"Follow up, don't fall behind, if you are too far away, people in my Xiaoyao Mansion mistakenly think that you are going to run away, they will kill you at any time."

"Don't scare me!" Zhao Yunyan said stubbornly.

But still be honest, obediently follow quickly.

Ye Qing said without turning his head:
"Do you think I'm joking with you? My subordinate Ding Chunqiu is in charge of both the inside and outside of the Baibo Valley. You have also seen his methods. The inside and outside are full of poison. If you wander around and look around, you will be poisoned. Can't save it, you can figure it out yourself!"

Hearing the words Ding Chunqiu, Zhao Feiyan shuddered inexplicably.

That old man Xi, although he only has the strength of the second rank, he is very wicked.

Murder is invisible, full of poison, full of poison.

Don't mess with it!

(End of this chapter)

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