I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 320 Unite and liberate our enemies

Chapter 320 Unite and liberate our enemies

Baibo Valley was destroyed by Xiaoyao Mansion.

This is definitely big news that can shake the sky in the northeast of the river.

The entire northeastern part of the river was shaken.

One of the big Saturday factions, Baibo Valley, the first mountain gate in Hedong County, is gone.

It was so easily wiped out by the team led by Ye Qing.

Everyone didn't believe it at first.

Especially those subordinate forces of Baibo Valley, as well as those sent to assist the Beishi Army and take over the city.

They panic!

The big backer is gone!
How can this be?

However, as more and more news flowed in, after the people who escaped down the mountain from Baibo Valley spread the news to various places, everyone had to believe it.

We have to accept this reality.

All elders died in battle.

All the deacons are also dead, and the inner disciples are basically dead as well.

Only some outer hall disciples fled down the mountain.

Even the leader was slandered and fled.

The Baibo Valley is really completely gone.

"The latest news, His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince said that as long as we draw a clear line with Baibogu, the people who catch Baibogu will kill and make meritorious deeds, and then we can start a new life and change the family. Xiaoyao Mansion and the Great Zhou court will not care about it anymore!"

"I heard that the Huashan faction is also involved, and they are now cleaning up the forces of Baibo Valley in various places. If they don't express their position earlier, they will be wiped out!"

"I heard that His Royal Highness the Sixth Highness raised a banner in Baibo Valley, saying that there are grains and meat on the mountain that a hundred thousand troops can't eat up in ten years, and as long as they have a heart for Da Zhou, they can go to Baibo Valley.

His Royal Highness the Sixth Highness wants to establish a new army in Baibo Valley and turn Baibo Valley into a fortress to expel the northern stone barbarians. "

"I heard that Baibogu had long planned to rebel and proclaim himself emperor. He hoarded a large number of weapons on the mountain and wanted to recruit troops privately. Now it's cheaper than Xiaoyao Mansion..."

"I heard that the Yijing of the Zhao Family in Pingyang led a team to Baibo Valley!"

"The head of Gaoling Mountain has also taken people to join His Highness the Sixth Highness. This is planning to fight the barbarian of Beishi!"

"Okay! The Sixth Highness eradicated the traitorous bastards like Baibogu in one fell swoop. He raised his arms and shouted, and the followers gathered. He will surely restore the northeastern part of the river. When the imperial army goes northward and attacks from both sides, the fall of the northern stone barbarians will come. !"

"Hush! Keep your voice down, don't be heard by the people from Beishi and Baibogu!"

A scribe shouted loudly: "A real man was born here and raised here. He should hold a three-foot sword and make great achievements. I, Su Daqiang, are not afraid of the Beishi people. Now I will go and join His Highness the Sixth Highness, and I will not let what I have learned."

After the man finished speaking, he smashed the wine bowl in his hand on the ground, took his own sword and walked out of the wine shop boldly.

"It's done! Your Highness the Sixth Highness dared to hit the Baibo Valley with a few hundred riders. My old Tian respects him as a man. Your Highness, even if you don't spare your life, my old Tian also gave up more than 100 catties of meat. Today, I will join his army and become an indomitable man!" Let the ancestors know that I have a part in the restoration of Hedong, and I have not let them down!"

"Hedong is our Hedong, everyone, let's go one step further, if unfortunately you die in battle, pour a bowl of wine on my grave in the coming year!"

With a clatter, countless men rushed out of the wine shop.

The same thing happened everywhere in the cities.

Then a group of three, a group of five, headed towards the direction of Baibo Valley.

And those who had already pulled up the team and had been dealing with the Northern Stone Army without giving in, heard Ye Qing raise the banner.

After solving the problem of Baibo Valley, everyone laughed and uttered heroic words, and then took their team to Baibo Valley.

For a while, there was an upsurge of rebellion against the Beishi Army in the entire northeastern part of the river.


Zhi Boyuan, who led his team and chased Di Qing eastward for a few days, received the news that Baibo Valley had been destroyed. He felt that half of the sky had darkened and the ground had sunk in all directions.

Originally, when they entered Hedong County, one of the biggest reliance was Baibogu's surrender.

With the white wave valley, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

Can control the major cities very easily.

Now the white valley is gone.

The knife was removed from the heads of the martial arts people who ordered the kidnapping of the northern rivers and lakes.

How will this group of people who are the most disobedient and show off the most, and who do not follow the rules, change?

So it was not what Zhi Boyuan could have expected.

"Zhishuai, the situation is not good now, what should we do." Looking at the vast mountains to the east, the generals of Beishi knew that they had been fooled.

It was not Ye Qing himself who led us to the east, but a general from Xiaoyao Mansion.

Ye Qing headed west to Baibo Valley with the real elite soldiers.

To do something that they dare not even dream of.

"Walk to the west and tell the teams to gather at Baibo Valley." Zhi Boyuan is not an idiot, on the contrary he is a commander with a strong strategic vision, so he said:
"Ye Qing's bait has become worthless in the past, and it is futile to chase after it. Baibo Valley is rich in food, grass and weapons. Once Ye Qing's recruitment training is completed, starting from Baibo Valley, it will surely sweep the entire northeast of the river. At that time, we will be quite passive, and even the army will be attacked by the North and South of the Great Zhou."

"It is necessary to capture the Baibo Valley or block the way up the mountain before he gathers all the forces in the northeast of the river that oppose us and the North Rock." Zhi Boyuan drew his sword and pointed to the west, urging the horse to turn around and go. .

Once the flag of the army was changed, they resolutely gave up chasing Di Qing and Huang Zhong, and headed towards Baibo Valley.

Seeing that Zhi Boyuan withdrew his troops.

Di Qing and others also gave up their plan to continue luring the enemy eastward.

"Han Chen, the Beishi army is not chasing, do you think they noticed something?" After Huang Zhong took charge, seeing Zhi Boyuan retreating westward, he immediately returned to report to Di Qing.

Di Qing estimated the time with his fingers and said: "Calculating the time, my lord and the others should have arrived at Baibo Valley earlier, but it was too late for Zhi Boyuan to find out at this time. Shi Jun found out that he had been fooled, so he went to surround the lord, after all, compared to the lord, we are insignificant and will not affect the entire situation in Hedong."

"Then what to do, my lord and the others will inevitably suffer heavy losses when they capture Baibo Valley. At this time, they need to rest and recuperate. Once they are bitten by the Beishi people and catch up, it will be dangerous." Huang Zhong was a little anxious at the moment.

Di Qing thought for a while and said, "Don't be in a hurry, my lord is more intelligent than us, they are few and capable, if the situation is not right, there is no problem in slipping away and disappearing.

Now I'm just worried that the lord will use the Baibo Valley as a base to attract the Beishi army with his vigor and courage, and that will be troublesome. "

"Just tell me what to do, don't analyze it!" Huang Zhong really wanted to slap him, how could this Di Qing be so calm and keep analyzing.

Di Qing glanced back at the group of Beishi female soldiers who were being escorted and said: "The lord of the rush to help must rush to help, but we are going to fight and take the initiative to provoke troubles, instead of passively running away and turning in, so they must deal with it first. , so we can march!"

Huang Zhong glanced at the Beishi female soldiers who were as delicate as flowers, and softly slapped Di Qing on the shoulder and said, "Don't tell me, you want to kill them all! My lord promised those girls to give them a way to survive." .”

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill them. Killing them will damage the reputation of the lord. I won't dare to surrender to the lord in the future, and it will make the Beishi people bear their grudges forever, so..." Di Qing turned and stared at the crowd Beishi female soldier smiled and said:
"So we're going to sleep them!"

"Pfft... what?"

Huang Zhong's eyes widened with disbelief, thinking he heard it wrong.

Di Qing stretched out his hand and patted Huang Zhong's shoulder: "Don't worry, you are also indispensable. Everyone has one. This is what the lord promised, to unite and liberate our enemies!"

"..." Huang Zhong.

(End of this chapter)

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