I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 321? Betting with Zhao Feiyan

Chapter 321 Betting with Zhao Feiyan
In short, no matter what, Di Qing carried out what Ye Qing told him.

Not only did Zhi Boyuan and other troops play tricks, they led them to the east.

He also put all the captured Beishi female soldiers to sleep.

Except for generals, anyone who is willing can choose a beautiful woman from Beishi to be his wife.

After finishing all this, Di Qing took [-] cavalry lightly into battle, and then went out of the mountain to move south.

He didn't go after Zhi Boyuan's army directly, because it was pure courting of death.

Zhi Boyuan's main force didn't mess up and didn't lose ground.

Second, there is no stupidity.

And the cavalry followed.

He was able to fight with [-] riders, but he couldn't get a bargain in the past, so he simply moved south, looking for opportunities in sports.

Use cleverness to break power.

In fact, Zhi Boyuan really saved his hand and sent three thousand riders to hide.

Just wait for Di Qing to catch up, and then the cavalry cuts off Di Qing's retreat.

The pawns returned to their horses and shot them back.

It was enough to eat up Di Qing's small army.

Even if you can't eat it, you can still hit it hard.

Unfortunately, Di Qing is not an ordinary person.

"Zhi Shuai, there is no Happy Rider chasing after us, it seems that the other party has not reacted yet!" His subordinates came back to report to Zhi Boyuanhui.

Zhi Boyuan shook his head and said: "No, the other party is too cunning to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Ye Qing, and the other party is not a simple person, otherwise it would be impossible to successfully trick us into chasing east. They are all perverts, this battle is not easy to fight!"

Seeing Zhi Boyuan's white hair, which had more than half turned gray overnight, and his old face, Beishi and the generals felt a little annoyed.

It was their incompetence that made Ye Qing arrogant.

Only then did the commander-in-chief's plan fail all the time, failing to achieve strategic and tactical tasks.

"Let the ambushing people withdraw, the other party will not come to bite the main force of our army, inform Jiangyi and Yicheng, defend the city well, and don't let the other party sneak attack!" Zhi Boyuan thought for a while, and issued a new order .

With Di Qing and the others, he couldn't afford it.

Obviously the other party is the mouse, but beware.

This feeling is very uncomfortable!
"Come here, I'm moving Li Mu's army eastward, stationed in Jiangyi, and responsible for dealing with the main force of the Great Zhou Dynasty going north. We must block the main force of the Great Zhou Dynasty to the south of Longtou Mountain, and our army, who is watching Wen like it, withdraws to Longtoushan. Let’s go underground and build defenses, and the main force of the Zhou Dynasty and Ye Qing must not have the tendency to echo from the north to the south.” Zhi Boyuan was worried and issued a new order.


Beishi Army frequently mobilizes troops here!
Zhi Boyuan tried his best not to leave any hidden dangers, and while he was on his way, he thought about countermeasures and his own negligence.

And Ye Qing was too busy in Baibo Valley to keep his feet on the ground.

At first, Zhao Feiyan scoffed at his recruitment of soldiers.

"Ye Qing, you just rely on one sentence. It is impossible to recruit elite soldiers. You don't even have a basic promise. Who would be stupid to join the army!"

Unmoved, Ye Qing led the people down the mountain.

Seeing that Ye Qing didn't teach him a lesson, Zhao Feiyan backed up courageously, and continued: "Now the entire northeastern part of the river is controlled by our Beishi army, and every city is filled with our Beishi soldiers, as well as the county soldiers formed by Baibogu. Whoever dares to vote for you at this time will come to die.

Human nature is evil, seeking advantage and avoiding harm is the right way. I advise you not to raise any large army foolishly. Before my family Zhishuai has brought the main force to come, slip away and escape far away. It costs you two or three hundred It is easy to escape for a fine and small team riding. "

"I have made great achievements with the scriptures, and I have confessed when I returned to Chang'an, and it is enough for the people of Dazhou to praise and support it. Seizing the crown prince is what you should do. Don't rush around, and eventually become someone else's wife." Clothes!"

Ye Qing stopped suddenly, turned around and looked back at Zhao Feiyan.

A pair of eyes are as sharp as eagles, like knives trying to cut her chest.

Zhao Feiyan felt guilty, a little afraid to look at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing figured out what was going on in his heart.

He didn't care about Zhao Feiyan.

Instead, continue down the mountain.

When I came to the Wuzhuang outside, I looked at the sky and saw that it was still early, so I asked people to find the nearby people to repair the Wuzhuang that hadn't been burned down.

Prepare to build this place into a small stronghold that can be garrisoned and defended!

Huang walked around this Wuzhuang, reached out to take off the leather case, and felt the current temperature.

Ye Qing asked an old local farmer about the winter climate changes in the northeast of the river, and he became more confident.

Zhao Feiyan said: "Ye Qing, you have no one at all, and you don't have time to build any city. You see, the terrain here is relatively flat, suitable for a large army to deploy. Once the battle starts, my main force from Beishi can destroy this Wuzhuang in a short time. , once you occupy this Wuzhuang, you can only retreat up the mountain, and those who want to vote for you will not be able to enter, so..."

"How about we make a bet?" Ye Qing suddenly turned around and said.

Looking at Ye Qing's smiling face, Zhao Feiyan suddenly felt ominous.

Ye Qing didn't know what kind of plan she wanted to make again, but she still stiffened her neck and said with a straight face: "What bet do you want to bet? If you win, can you let me go? If you don't let go of my bet, I won't bet." !"

I want to play with my old lady, but this time I won't be fooled by you.

"Okay! That's fine. If you win, you'll be released. If you lose..." Ye Qing said straightforwardly. Zhao Feiyan was overjoyed when she heard this, and interjected:
"What will you do if I lose?"

Anyway, you can't do anything to me, and you can make a profit without losing money.

There is nothing worse than that the Book of Israel has been taken captive.

So Zhao Feiyan agreed without thinking about it.

"So eager to agree, why don't you listen to what we're betting on?" Ye Qing jokingly said:
"What if I asked you to take off your clothes and warm the bed!"

"Ahem! Tell me, what are you betting on? I should think about it."

It is said that a woman can change her face faster than turning a book.

Zhao Feiyan immediately changed her tune again.

I was really afraid that Ye Qing would let her warm the bed and wait for him to sleep.

Ye Qing didn't pierce her small thoughts, pointing at Wu Zhuang and said:
"Believe it or not, I can turn this place into a fortified city that is more than two feet high overnight. Not only is it big and strong, even if your Beishi [-] army attacks together, it will not be able to capture it."


After listening to Ye Qing's words, Zhao Feiyan burst out laughing.

Leaning back and forth with laughter.

How could it be possible to build a strong city overnight.

Not to mention that he only has two or three hundred soldiers, and there are thousands or eight hundred people nearby, even if he has an army of one hundred thousand, it is impossible to build a city as high as two feet overnight.

This is simply nonsense.

"Ye Qing! Do you want to find a reason to let me go." Suddenly Zhao Feiyan got up and approached Ye Qing, her eyes suddenly became complicated, and she said in an extremely narcissistic way:
"Actually, you like a woman like me, right? You want someone who can ride a horse, has high martial arts skills, and can accompany you.

Getting off your horse can bring you political capital, and it can also suppress all the excellent assistants in the mansion! "

Speaking of this, Zhao Feiyan blinked her shallow eyelashes slightly, and Yingxiu's face showed a rare trace of gentleness and charm. "

(End of this chapter)

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