I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 322? One Night Ice City

Chapter 322: One Night Ice City

"..." Ye Qing!
"Why did I hit the mark, don't be embarrassed, we are not children, this kind of thing is also human, don't worry, I will not despise you!" Zhao Feiyan spoke more and more vigorously, and her sense of involvement became stronger and stronger .

Isn't Ye Qing clearly trying to let himself go?
Otherwise, it would be a hopeless bet.

Although it is impossible to follow him.

But because he likes him, he can forgive the many unreasonable things in front of him.

Especially seeing Ye Qing's handsome face.

Zhao Feiyan suddenly discovered that Ye Qing was actually not that annoying.

Appearance is just.

The two armies are at war, and the hatred between us is understandable.

Just as Zhao Feiyan was thinking wildly, Ye Qing bounced his head on her forehead.

Only then did Zhao Feiyan wake up.

"I said, are you thinking about spring by yourself? Why are you playing so much in your heart? The ghost wants to let you go. It is impossible to let you go in this life. Just stay by my side and be a maid." Ye Qing was angry Trained:
"It's still good support, why don't you say you are Cai Wenji!"

Cai Wenji?
Who is Cai Wenji?
Wait...he just slapped me on the head.

"Ah! Ye Qing, you dare to hit me on the head, you are too deceitful!" Zhao Feiyan bared her teeth and claws in anger, forgetting her identity as a prisoner, and wanted to scratch Ye Qing, Ye Qing turned around, drew the sword in his hand, Two-thirds drawn!
Zhao Feiyan immediately stopped her body, and the young lady who was about to be distorted immediately softened like a cat.

He smiled kindly: "Hehe, Your Highness, you go first, I'm just kidding you!"

"Not only did I dare to slap your forehead, but I also dared to take off your clothes!" After speaking, Ye Qing handed over the sword, turned around and continued walking, to investigate the nearby water sources and river channels.

Zhao Feiyan was so angry that her chest heaved violently, she bit her teeth lightly, and countless arrows shot out from her eyes.

In the afternoon, people from the surrounding areas came to vote one after another.

Ye Qing accepted them one by one.

Then even the county soldiers and the strong men from the village also came with weapons.

When night fell, one or two thousand people came to vote one after another.

Ye Qing gathered [-] people including the common people on the first day.

Although most of them were common people, it also made him a hundred times more gratified.

These people, Ye Qing, were not immediately sent to the mountain.

Instead, he called all the soldiers and told them to do one thing.

The next day!

Zhao Feiyan woke up leisurely.

It felt like I had a very long dream.

Opening his eyes, he rubbed the back of his shoulders and neck.

A soreness.

"I haven't practiced martial arts, why do my back shoulders and neck feel sore." Zhao Feiyan sat up and stood up, a flash of panic flashed in her eyes the next moment, and then she lifted the quilt, and then breathed a long sigh of relief, patted her chest and said:

"Fortunately, I'm fine, I didn't take off my clothes, that Qin Shouqing should have done nothing shameless!"

"It's just, how did I fall asleep yesterday, as if... I was knocked out by someone!"

The more arguments you make, the clearer you are, and the smoother and smoother things will be.

Only then did Zhao Feiyan realize something was wrong.

"Why did Ye Qing knock me out? He knocked me out and didn't sleep with me. Could it be that he's not interested in women!"

Fei Zhaoyan got out of bed with temptation.

Then walked out of the room.

Only then did I realize that I slept in Wuzhuang last night.

After walking out of the yard and onto the street, he saw streaks of dazzling light coming from outside Wuzhuang.

Even more curious.

Walking out of Wuzhuang, Zhao Feiyan's eyes were deeply attracted by the things in front of her.

His face was full of surprise, full of disbelief.

The mouths are all opened wide.

What appeared in front of my eyes.

A wall appeared, which was two feet high.

But the whole body is made of ice.

Shiny, with light refracted in the crystal.

The walls that Ye Qing was talking about could not be them!

Looking over, the line of sight extends to the two wings.

The entire Wuzhuang was surrounded by this ice wall.

Under the ice wall, there are still people who recruited yesterday to work.

Add enough soil and wood stakes to the wall.

Some even began to build shelves, widening the wall from the inside, so that someone could walk on the ice wall and attack the enemies outside the defensive city.

Zhao Feiyan's brain is not enough.

"How did he do it?" Zhao Feiyan approached the ice wall, feeling chilly when he touched it with his tentacles.

This is not an illusion, but real.

Ye Qing accomplished a feat overnight.

Three ice walls were built outside Wuzhuang to build a defense for Wuzhuang.


This jerk really did it.


Zhao Feiyan only wanted to cry.

There was no chance of escaping from the clutches of Ye Qing.

This bastard really didn't want to let me go.

What he said turned out to be true, he wanted to keep me as a maid for the rest of his life.

not at all...

Thinking about it, Zhao Feiyan's eyes welled up with tears.

I lost a gambling debt to Ye Qing.

This bastard doesn't really want to strip me of my clothes, let me sleep in bed!
I am the third princess of Beishi.

"Why are you crying!" At this moment, a big hand stretched out from the left rear wing, and a silk scarf was handed over.

Zhao Feiyan resisted watching and went over, who else could it be if it wasn't Ye Qing?
"Hey, don't be so excited, I know you really want to stay, and now you have finally got your wish, you don't know what the sky thinks overnight, so just drop me one or three ice walls." Ye Qing said with a smile , the silk scarf in his hand was raised slightly.

Ghosts want to stay.

Where do you see that I am tears of excitement, I am sad...

Zhao Feiyan grabbed the silk scarf, turned around and ran into Wuzhuang.

"Hey! Am I going too far..." Ye Qing looked at Zhao Feiyan who was running away, and shook his head lightly.

This time, this girl won't be making trouble for herself, just compare blindly all day long!

The [-] people who came to vote last night were fine.

Because these three ice walls were built by them working hard all night, relying on Ye Qing's method, pouring water into ice, adding straw, wooden strips and other things, and pouring them against the biting wind at night.

So they are both proud of it and understand why.

But then the people who defected and the stragglers in the north of the river were astonished.

There is a kind of awe of the sky towards this special ice wall outside Wuzhuang.

"Your Highness the Sixth Highness is really a strange person, there is a god to help him build an ice city, so there is hope for resisting the northern stone barbarians!"

"There is hope for the recovery of Hedong. You can't go wrong with His Highness the Sixth Highness. We have the help of the gods, so why not win!"

For several days in a row, people kept coming to vote.

There are more and more every day, from thousands to more than ten thousand, and then to tens of thousands.

When Zhi Boyuan's army arrived, Wuzhuang's ice wall was three feet high and one foot thick.

Ye Qing gathered a total of [-] people, of which [-] were common people and [-] were able-bodied.

"This is……"

Seeing the ice wall in Wuzhuang, everyone in Beishi's army was stunned.

Rao Zhiboyuan is well-informed and knowledgeable, but at this time his brain is not enough.

Like everyone else, he looked at this ice wall in a daze, and then sighed at the ice:

"After all, we were late. Who would have thought that Ye Qing would have the ability to build a wall overnight and build a fortress line of defense in a short period of time. Countless countries in the East have never had such a precedent.

How did Ye Zhen give birth to such a monster?Why don't I have Beishi? "

(End of this chapter)

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