I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 323 ? Beishi Army Siege

Chapter 323 North Stone Army Siege

"Don't worry, Zhishuai, this wall is made of ice, it will shatter if you hit it, I'll let someone cut the wood, it only takes a moment to take it down!"

A member of Beishi Kingdom stood up and said, patted his chest.

Zhi Boyuan is their coach, he must not lose his spirit.

You can't lose your own prestige and grow Ye Qing's ambition.

Zhi Boyuan smiled at this general, and suddenly felt that his general was very cute.

The Great Northern Stone Empire is so willful.

Another general also said: "Ye Qing only has a few hundred cavalry under his command, but he has built such a big city. Zhishuai, we attack from three sides. Ye Qing has no manpower to defend, and we can attack in an instant!"

The others also recovered from their astonishment, and said boldly one by one:
"That's right, this city looks magnificent, but it's useless to look at. Ye Qing has few soldiers, and he's relying on nothing more than some masters of the rivers and lakes. We just need to launch an attack immediately and take advantage of its unstable foothold. Get off this ice city!"

"Okay! Now that the generals are confident, let's prepare separately. I will attack the city today, and I can't give Ye Qing too much time and opportunity!" Zhi Boyuan said:
"Move the elite and masters of our army to the front, and concentrate on attacking to overthrow the city!"

Zhi Boyuan knew that the longer the time dragged on, the harder it would be to fight.

Ye Qing gathered quite a few people.

Once trained, it will be troublesome.

And this ice city, looking at it, makes people feel a little awe and a little bit of terrible speculation.

This ice wall definitely didn't grow into what it is now, and it may increase over time.

Now the sutra is three feet high, and even the ladder can't hold it up.

Can only look at the ice and sigh.


Logging by the Northern Stone Army is complete.

Ladders and bumpers, these basic siege tools, were quickly completed.

The army was divided into three groups and attacked in three directions: east, south, north.

The Beishi army began to advance slowly.

Ye Qing and the others also led their generals up to the wall of soldiers.

He asked Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao to keep their sides.

Each side is divided into one hundred Xiaoyaofu riders.

Use a hundred horses to rule three thousand new soldiers and civilians.

On average, one person leads thirty, which is divided into a small team.

In this way, there are not many people in charge, and each team can maintain cohesion and command.

Can bring out the greatest combat effectiveness.

Dazhang is not afraid of too many recruits, he is afraid of a mess of loose sand, and no one in a group of people will lead a group.

A group of novices don't know what to do when they get on the wall, that's scary.

"Zhi Shuai, our army is ready to attack the city!" The subordinates came to report the preparations one after another.

Ask Zhi Boyuan to launch an attack.

Zhi Boyuan's staff said: "Chi Shuai, it is actually easy to break through this ice city. What I am most worried about now is whether Ye Qing will use the third princess as an arrow, so that he will use it to threaten our army and the soldiers who are attacking the city." How to deal with it!"

Zhi Boyuan had also been thinking about this issue for a long time, and he only heard him say: "There have never been three princesses on the battlefield. There are always Zhao Feiyan, the leader of the Phoenix Army, and Zhao Feiyan was killed by the enemy. All the women who interfered with our army were caused by the enemy's disguise. to."

"Soldiers, you need to remember that what you carry on your shoulders is the honor and future of the empire. Let's fight and conquer the ice city for the empire. I will go back and ask His Majesty for your credit. The people of Jinyang City will cheer for you." !"

The three princesses don't exist!

There is also a fake, don't worry about it.


The generals of Beishi heard this, and their faces were all terrified.

Then they clasped their fists together and said, "It's Zhishuai!"

The rumble of war drums was beating.

The Beishi army is ready for everything.


The generals of Beishi are at the front, those who draw their swords draw their swords, and those who lift their knives lift their knives.

Hold the gun, hold the gun!
With a roar, he led his soldiers to charge.

The front row of the Beishi army on three sides were all carrying ladders and bumping into logs.

There is more than one bumping wood, and there are more than a dozen in each direction.

Because they are not only going to hit the front city gate, but also knock down the ice wall.

Bing, looks gorgeous and beautiful, but in the end it is just a flower.

Under the impact of the wrestlers, it will inevitably collapse.

"Fire the arrows!" On the top of the city, the experienced cavalry officers and soldiers of Xiaoyao Mansion commanded their archers and immediately launched a counterattack.

With an order, it was the first time in the city that the archers, who had no shooting skills, threw their arrows out of the city in a hurry.

"Don't let go of the arrow, turn around and sling, keep shooting, don't care about the result, hurry up!"

This kind of battle does not require precision, nor does it need to be very lethal. What is important is rhythm and group attack.

So the soldiers of Xiaoyao Mansion shouted one after another.

This also eased the pressure on this group of recruits.

You don't need to aim at the head, and you don't need to worry about whether the shot hits the target, just shoot the arrow with the greatest strength.

It doesn't matter so much, just do as you are told.

Having said that, the group of attacking arrows flew out, and still caused a lot of casualties to the Beishi army.

After dodging two arrows, the Northern Stone Army attacked the city.

Then he picked up the bumper and slammed into the ice wall fiercely.


It's different from what I imagined.

The ice wall, which was supposed to shatter upon impact, didn't react at all.

The wrestlers holding the bumper were bounced back.

Looking at the place where it was hit, only a small piece of ice slag was pierced on the surface.

The soldiers of the Northern Stone Army couldn't believe it.

"Bump again!"

The force is hitting.


Still the same result, the more force you use, the more reaction you will have.

The warriors of the Beishi Army who were holding the bumper bounced back and fell down one after another.

The unbelievers bumped into it again, and the ice wall didn't move at all.

This was too unexpected for Beishi Jun.

The ice wall is much stronger than they thought.

What annoys them even more is not here, but the ladder to climb up.

The icy wall is not stressed at all.

The ladder slid aside in an instant.

Before anyone could climb, Yijing fell down.

What's wrong with this!
The ladder couldn't hold up.

There is no way to attack the city!

"Hahaha brother, do you see that, don't be afraid of the northern rock barbarians, our ice wall is indestructible, and don't worry about them climbing up, shoot them hard!"

"Pour gold juice, throw stones at me, and beat him up hard!"

On the ice wall, the soldiers guarding the city were overjoyed to see the Beishi army performing like monkeys without gaining anything.

Take the opportunity to inspire everyone, and then fight back crazily.

The new ice folks also gradually gained confidence from their original fear.

If the opponent can't kill him, he can only be beaten passively.

Where can I find such a good thing, smash it, smash it hard!
Beishi military generals who failed to attack the city and a group of masters also wanted to cry but had no tears.

With their strength, it is very difficult to climb this slippery ice wall.

What's more, there are arrows on it, which are smashed down with stones.

Helplessly, General Beishi on the north and south walls could only shout: "Retreat!"

Then hula la withdrew.

As for Dongzheng, attacking the side of the city gate was also fruitless.

But there is one place where they can continue to attack, and that is the city gate.

The gate of the ice wall is not considered strong, it is only made of rolled wooden nails, not the copper and iron gates of ordinary cities, nor the red lacquered gate made of square wood.

It's a mountain gate like a cottage.

It was made temporarily these days.

Divided into three gates.

The outermost path opens from the inside to the outside.

The second way is to slide left and right.

The third way is to open from the outside to the inside.

In front of the outermost gate, two ice piers with a height of half a foot and three or four people hugging each other were erected in the center. ,

In order to prevent the Beishi army from carrying the bumper from the front to hit the gate.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the Northern Stone Army to destroy the city gate with a ram.

It can only be to spare Bingdun and use swords and shields to attack and destroy the city gate.

(End of this chapter)

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