Chapter 325

"Zhi Shuai, our army's sneak attack failed!"

The Beishi army retreated after being defeated, and Zhi Boyuan knew the answer based on the scriptures. He waved his hand and let people go down.

Without saying a word, he looked at Bingcheng through the misty morning.

It is too difficult to conquer the ice city.

Now he can't do anything.

"Zhi Shuai, otherwise we will continue to build wells, and then use the high position to suppress Bingcheng." The staff thought about it, and had to repeat the old method.

Zhi Boyuan smiled, a little sadly.

"You forgot what happened in Wenxi City. Who can suppress the opponent's sharpshooter? Besides, Ye Qing's arm strength is beyond ordinary. Just using stones can smash down the well fence. It's a waste of time."

The staff's face froze, thinking of the scene of Ye Qing throwing a stone with one hand, he couldn't help but feel lingering fear.

But he was not reconciled, as an aide was to put forward suggestions and ideas.

Then he continued: "Then we can build a wall of soil and get close to the ice city. At the same time, we will dig a hole below and dig through the ice wall secretly."

"The method may be feasible, but it takes too long." Zhi Boyuan said:
"However, you can wipe it away, until there is no particularly good method, that's the only way!"

"Zhi Shuai, the last move is to lure Ye Qing out of the city and lure him out to fight." The staff took out their trump card.

Zhi Boyuan said: "The specific operation?"

Ye Qing had few people, and under normal circumstances, it was impossible for him to come out to fight in the field, even if he came out to destroy the camp like last time.

This time, Ye Qing only had two or three hundred elite riders around him, and the others were all made up improvised folk.

It has not been a few days since I took up the weapon.

It's just a bunch of folks.

With such combat strength, Ye Qing is unlikely to go out of the city to fight.

The aide said: "Chi Shuai, there are two ways. One is that we pretend to capture another group of Xiaoyaofu riders alive, and tie them up in the camp. If Ye Qing cares about them, he will go out of the city to rob the camp. Then we will lay an ambush and surround them." kill.

The second is that we intercept those Dazhou people who defected to Bingcheng to serve Ye Qing and other martial arts people who refused to accept my Beishi, and use them to force Ye Qing to go out of the city to fight. If Ye Qing does not save, his reputation will be damaged. The people of the northern Zhou Dynasty must be disappointed with him, which has weakened his reputation and appeal since then.

If he saves, it will be surrounded and killed as before. "

The staff said with joy, feeling that this plan will definitely work.

Zhi Boyuan said: "Then let's wipe it and arrange it. All available methods have been used. Ice City must be attacked, and it must be fast."

"It's Zhishuai!" The staff immediately went down to make a detailed plan.

Zhi Boyuan turned around and looked at Bingcheng again, and said for a long time: "It took a long time to say, Ye Qing, Ye Qing, will you be fooled?"


Inside the ice city!
Solved the Beishi sneak attack team.

Ye Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the opponent's team of elite generals was destroyed, our side also suffered a lot of losses.

"From now on, the Northern Stone Army will not dare to attack openly. As long as we keep an eye on the city gate, Zhi Boyuan will have nothing to do with us!" Ye Qing waved his hand to ask people to clean up the corpses at the city gate, and then said to Zhao Yun and Li. Save filial piety:
"The two of you take turns guarding the city gate, and train recruits when you have time!"

"It's the lord!" Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao only felt that the burden on their shoulders was heavy.

There were so few generals following Ye Qing that they were a bit out of control.

After staying up all night, Ye Qing was also a little tired, so he returned to the compound where he rested in Wuzhuang.

As soon as the person walked in, the system prompts sounded one after another.

"Ding! Master, Great Zhou Hongnong King Ye Wei wants to know the exact location of His Royal Highness Ye Qing in the northeast of the river on Saturday, so that he can hire killers from the Blood Shadow Pavilion to attack and kill Ye Qing. He is willing to spend 5000 taels of silver as a reward. Do you want to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Great Zhou King Ye Cai wants to know the exact location of His Royal Highness Ye Qing in the northeast of the river on Saturday, so that he can send people to attack and kill Ye Qing. He is willing to spend 5000 taels of silver as a reward. Do you want to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, the Great Zhou Empress Xiong Yue wants to know whether the Great Zhou Emperor Ye Zhen intends to train Ye Qing, and who Ye Zhen intends to appoint as the prince, and is willing to spend 1 taels of silver as a reward, and whether to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Zhi Boyuan, the commander of the Beishi Army, wants to know the status of Di Qing, Huang Zhong and others in Ye Qing's heart, so that he can pretend that the two of them led the army to be captured and set up a siege to kill Ye Qing. Do you want to pay 1000 taels of silver for your own reputation, or do you value the lives of the righteous soldiers who defected to you more, whether to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Li Mu, the general of the Northern Stone Army, wants to know the attitude of Ye Tong, the main coach of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, towards the east and north of the Guangfu River, as well as the strategic layout and tactics. He is willing to spend 1 taels of silver as a reward. Will he sell it?"

One, two, three, four, five!

Five intelligence selling news.

This is the rhythm of the grand prize.

Ye Qing carefully checked each item.

The first two are to kill yourself.

Fortunately, Ye Wei said that he must have been encouraged by the aristocratic family.

Ye Cai has several meanings.

Suddenly it's time for a killer.

Recently, there has been no conflict with the Chuyue Kingdom.

Why did Ye Cai suddenly want to attack.

Did they reach a front alliance.

But carefully ponder the third piece of information.

Ye Qing felt suddenly enlightened again.

Empress Xiongyue suddenly wanted to attack Ye Zhen.

Yijing couldn't bear it anymore.

She probably thought that Ye Zhen wanted to pass on the throne to herself.

What an unreasonable woman.

How could Ye Zhen pass the throne to himself.

No matter what Ye Zhen thought, Ye Qing could still find some wind.

Now I am useful to the emperor.

He will condone and give power.

Once it's useless, immediately turn your face and be ruthless.

Count down how much money I have enriched Ye Zhen's Shaofu.

With enough scriptures, his middle-aged ambition was ignited.

Ye Qing really wanted to know who Ye Zhen wanted to be the crown prince.

It's just that he can't get this information.

Because the system will not tell him clearly.

However, he guessed that Ye Zhen guessed that he hadn't figured out who to stand for yet.

Candidates are also vague.

"Sell it. When the time comes, whoever Xiong Yue is dealing with, targeting, and suppressing the most is whoever it is, and I can also observe it."

In short, Ye Qing didn't think he was the candidate, so it didn't matter!

"System, all five messages are sold."

The latter two are about Beishi Country. After a little weighing, Ye Qing didn't hesitate too much.

It's just that I'm a little confused about the candidate for the coach sent by Chang'an.

Ye Tong, he does have a little image.

That was Ye Zhen's younger brother, who was named King of Hejian County.

He has always been low-key and rarely participates in joint affairs.

This time he became the coach. I don't know what Ye Zhen was thinking.

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have 125200 taels of silver, and 5 chances to draw prizes!"

Ye Qing immediately said: "System, draw a lottery now!"

Five chances, this one can open a lot of things!

(End of this chapter)

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