I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 326 Liu Bowen and Fang Xuanling

Chapter 326 Liu Bowen and Fang Xuanling

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for winning three general cards!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for drawing a Famous Official Card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a strategist card!"

Yes, it's all military and political.

Ye Qing said: "System, use cards!"

"Good host."

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining the Three Kingdoms Zhang Liao (first class)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and getting the Three Kingdoms Zhang He (first class)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining the Three Kingdoms Taishici (first grade)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the Famous Official Card and obtaining Fang Xuanling of the Great Tang Dynasty!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the counselor card and obtaining the Great Ming Liu Bowen!"

The five sons of Zhang Liao and Zhang He, the good generals, are here to make a happy progress, and the five sons of the good generals of Wei Guo will be all together.

Jiangdong Taishici!
Wu Guo fierce general, one of the 24 fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms.

Being able to ride and shoot, he can use a lot of weapons, and his archery skills are also top-notch.

One of the rare marksmen of the Three Kingdoms.

The three fierce generals filled the vacancy at once.

"Fang Xuanling, a famous prime minister in the early Tang Dynasty, and Du Ruhui, collectively known as Fang Mou Du Duan! He can make strategies and handle government affairs. He is Li Shimin's virtuous minister!"

"Liu Bowen, ho ho, Lao Zhu's number one counselor, he claims to know five hundred people from the top and five hundred people from the bottom. He knows everything by observing the stars and the moon."

One minister, one plan, it's really time.

Ye Qing asked the system: "System, the five of them should not be in other places this time!"

"No master, they are not from Hedong County. Naturally, they will appear immediately with your call!"

Ye Qing patted his thigh and said, "Okay! I'll just wait for your words!"

Ye Qing said to the guards outside the door: "Come here, go and find Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Tai Shici, Fang Xuanling, and Liu Bowen!"

The guard said: "My lord, do you know where these five people are?"

Ye Qingdao: "They are among the new recruits I have recruited and the people who have defected to the city. You say that I am thirsty for talents and need talents. I will call five people."

"It's my lord, I'll understand!"

At present, the guards went to the various armies and the people who entered the city to openly search for them.

One heard that Ye Qing was recruiting talents.

Soon someone led the guards.

Take advantage of the dawn to find the five people.

And brought it to Ye Qing.

"Crassman Zhang Liao (Zhang Yun, Tai Shici, Fang Xuanling, Liu Bowen) pay homage to His Highness!" The five people came together and bowed one after another.

Ye Qingdao: "Zhang Liao and Zhang He listened to the order. I know that you two have the talent to command and train troops. I now order you two to be Zhao Yun's and Li Cunxiao's lieutenants. They are responsible for training new soldiers and training elite soldiers."

"Thank you, my lord!" Zhang Liao and Zhang He were overjoyed upon hearing this.

Then Ye Qing said kindly to Tai Shi: "Tai Shi Ziyi, you are very skilled in martial arts and skilled in bow and horse. From now on, you will be the captain of my bodyguard and accompany me. You will also go to select good soldiers from among the recruits and train your own guards."

"Tai Shici takes the order!" Tai Shici clasped his fists and took the order with a bang.

Only then did Ye Qing wave his hand to let the three of them go down.

Then he said to Fang Xuanling: "I heard that you are highly talented and have made great achievements in the affairs of the government and the public. Now I want to appoint you to give in and manage the people in the city, so as not to disturb the people or shock the city."

"Your Highness has an order, how dare you disobey it, Xuanling accepts it!" Fang Xuanling bowed and accepted Ye Qing's appointment.

He is good at managing and governing the people.

Ye Qing finally looked at Liu Bowen.

Liu Bowen said: "My lord, needless to say, Bowen certainly understands, I will come up with ideas beside His Highness, and provide His Highness with strategies to defend, defeat, and destroy the enemy!"

"Mr. who knows me!" Ye Qing couldn't help secretly praising.

As expected of being Lao Zhu's number one adviser, he helped Lao Zhu conquer such a huge country.

Liu Bowen said modestly: "I have not made an inch of merit, so I dare not take it!"

"Then according to Mr., what should we do now?" Ye Qing asked.

If there are counselors who don't use it, they are fools.

Liu Bowen said: "My lord, the Northern Stone Army cannot enter the Ice City with a strong attack. If they don't withdraw, they will use all the tricks used to siege the city one by one, such as piling up soil to approach the city, digging tunnels, and catching some Someone who can make the lord fear and scruples will threaten the lord, or lure us out of the city to fight in the field!"

Ye Qing didn't speak, Fang Xuanling said: "It's hard to say that it took ten or eight days to pile up the soil, and we couldn't push it closer. We can continue to increase the ice wall, and then shoot from a high place to suppress it.

It is a real cave, and we listen to and monitor the ground in earthen pots. It is winter now, and the ground is hard and dry, making it difficult to dig in. It takes less than ten days and a half months to dig under the city wall. "

Liu Bowen nodded and said: "So the main thing is not to go out of the city to fight in the field. We have the power of the sky and the ground, so we can hold on and consume Beishi Country to death. They are the ones fighting for the battle, so they are the ones who have a loophole."

"Understood, you two go down to deal with other matters first!" After hearing the conversation between the two, Ye Qing waved his hand to let the two go down, without expressing his position or revealing any information.

The two retired.

Ye Qing then went into the bedroom to take a rest.

Now that there are three more generals, and there are civil servants and advisors to assist, they can have a good sleep and replenish their energy.

A qualified leader must maintain adequate sleep and maintain the best condition at all times.

There is Fang Xuanling in government affairs, and Liu Bowen in military affairs.

Soon the whole ice city showed another spiritual outlook.

Everything is more reasonable and orderly.

I heard that Ye Qing hired five helpers to relieve the pressure. Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao were both happy and stressed.

Looking at his subordinates Zhang Liao and Zhang He.

It seems that their martial arts are not bad, and they are better than them in terms of military strategy.

If you don't work hard, it will be replaced soon.


As for the Northern Stone Army, they really did what Zhi Boyuan's staff said.

While piling up soil, they dug tunnels secretly.

On the other side, they are intercepting all the great Zhou righteous men and rebels who threw themselves at Bingcheng.

Soon many people were caught.

Then people pretended to be Di Qing and others to move around.

He also intentionally let in a group of righteous men who defected to Ye Qing.

If this news is confirmed, it will be possible to confuse the false with the real.

On the other side, Di Qing and others wandered around Yicheng and Jiangyi City.

Seeing that you have not defended the city of Beishi Army, you have never had a chance.

Had to go west.

"Report! General, I found a group of northern stone barbarians coming east."

Suddenly a scout came back to report the situation.

Di Qing asked: "How many troops are there? What banners are they playing?"

"Return to the general, no less than [-], under the banner of Li Zi, mostly infantry, but there are also four or five thousand riding ahead to clear the way." Tan Ma replied truthfully, and handed in the binoculars.

With this thing, they can find the enemy from a distance.

The Beishi cavalry first noticed the opponent one step at a time.

Telescopes are important treasures in the military. Most people can only borrow them, and only generals can have them.

Di Qing put away the binoculars, thought for a while and said, "It is estimated that Li Mu's army, another member of Beishi, was transferred from Pi Shi to deal with the main force of my Great Zhou."

"What? Hanchen, do you want to beat him up, hit Li Mu's army, and buy time for my main force to go north?" Huang Zhong asked seeing Di Qing lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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