I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 328 Ye Dong's Tactics and Plans

Chapter 328 Ye Dong's Tactics and Plans
Longtou Mountain!
Ye Tong and the others finally arrived!

After setting up the camp, Ye Tong personally took all the generals to inspect the pass built by the Northern Stone Army.

Then he said: "Did you see that the Beishi army has formed a prototype with the scriptures, we must speed up the attack here, once the opponent succeeds in repairing, and it will be integrated with the mountains on both sides, it will be a Xiongguan. At that time It is difficult for an army of 10,000+ to conquer this place."

A group of generals did not make their own remarks.

Attack is definitely going to be attacked.

On this point, they have the same idea as Ye Tong.

It's just that the style of play may deviate from Ye Tong's.

Ye Tong said: "Let's go, go back, this commander must make a big plan, and don't let outsiders leak the news!"

Everyone followed back to the barracks!

Only then did Ye Tong speak frankly in the main account: "My strategy for attacking Longtoushan is very simple, that is, to attack and rob by force. The so-called simplest method is the most effective method, so this time we are the main force arriving, and what we want is With a thunderous strike, we will unleash the might of my mighty Zhou army!"

What kind of bullshit logic is this.

Saying is the same as not saying.

At that moment, a military general asked: "Then dare to ask the commander, Longtou Mountain is narrow, which is not conducive to the deployment of the army. I am afraid that we will not be able to attack the whole army. Let's give the Northern Stone Army a thunderous blow!"

The terrain of Longtoushan is high in the north and low in the south.

It is not wide, and the army cannot be lined up at all.

Da Zhou Kong has a lot but can't use it. Such a strong attack will consume a lot of troops.

At the same time, this is also one of the reasons why Dazhou didn't build a pass here before.

One is to enter the north and there is a Pishi Ferry.

It is a waste of financial resources, and it is not worthwhile to cultivate people's strength.

The second is the reason of the terrain, the north is high and the south is low, so the defense in the south is of little significance.

On the contrary, if such a pass is built, once the north is lost, as in the current situation, it is occupied by Beishi, then how good and strong you built it in the first place.

How difficult it will be to attack in the future.

It is a thankless and self-defeating act.

That's why Da Zhou didn't build a pass in Longtoushan.

When Zhi Boyuan went south to attack Wenxi, he was keenly aware of this.

See through this strange.

That's why he decisively ordered the construction of the pass when the troops were withdrawn.

Even if a wall is randomly piled up, it will have a huge effect on the defense of the army in the north.

So it's not a good idea to storm the idea.

These generals of the Ministry of War are extremely disgusted.

"It's natural. Geographically, we suffer a little loss, but we have the courage and ambition to regain the Northland, so I decided to attack one army at a time until every one of you loses all your soldiers and horses." After more than [-]% of the time, they were withdrawn and replaced, and the wheel battles consumed the Northern Stone Army, making them physically and mentally exhausted." Ye Tong didn't wait for everyone's objections, and directly clapped the case:

"That's it for this matter. For the sake of fairness, I will conduct a lottery. I have numbered you all. Whoever gets drawn first will go first."

Damn it!

All the generals scolded their mothers in their hearts.

Don't even discuss it with them.

Come up and set the board.

It is also called fairness.

"Why, whoever has an opinion, you can raise it, but whoever has an opinion, I will be the first to let him go." Ye Tong seemed to have won the crowd, stood up and glanced at the servants with a smile.

Half of the people who wanted to stand up against it sat back.

Let whoever has an opinion take the lead.

This is obviously a pit.

Although they knew that Ye Tong's tactics were problematic, and he deliberately manipulated them to gain military power, but everyone also had their own little secrets.

When it comes to their own interests, they will not stand out blindly.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's start drawing lots!" Ye Tong waved to Zhang Hui who was next to him, and Zhang Hui took out a small bamboo tube filled with bamboo slips from behind.

The generals saw the props that Ye Tong and Zhang Hui had prepared earlier.

I was very upset.

No one moved first.

"Come on, smoking first has an active advantage, and smoking later will make you more passive." Ye Tong made a gesture of invitation, as if standing and talking without back pain.

All the generals looked at each other, but had no choice but to step forward one by one and pull out a bamboo slip.

The parts of the bamboo slips hidden in the bamboo tube are written with the heavenly stems and earthly branches such as A, B, C, and D.

The first player in the draw is the first, and the later you go, the later you will play.

The lottery will end soon.

The ones who won the first font size will secretly scold their mothers one by one!

"Okay, now the lottery has been drawn, and the registration has been written. Tomorrow, we will attack in this order. Whoever dares not to do his best and commits treachery will be severely punished by the military law." Ye Tong accepted the registration. The brochure is like getting Shangfang's sword, and you can give these generals of the Ministry of War a good meal.

Everyone arched their hands, and then retreated.

After leaving the military tent, a group of generals complained loudly.

"The king of Hejian doesn't want us to have a good life. If we play like this, we will lose weight even if we are a camel!"

"Who says it's not? Isn't this a refueling tactic? The Beishi Army has a geographical advantage, and we don't know how many people will die before we can attack."

"I'm afraid that the barbarians from Beishi are waiting for this kind of attack to come to their door. Hey, according to me, we should sneak attack at night, select elite soldiers and dry generals from the army, and take them down in one go."

"Such a good idea, why didn't you say it just now, if you said it, we will agree to such a plan together!"

"That's right, it's okay to use it like this. To deal with the barbarians of Beishi, you need to use elite soldiers, like the king of Xiaoyao County, to be fierce and use dangerous tactics, so that it can be effective!"

The person who proposed the new idea just now said with a bitter face: "You haven't seen the sinister intentions of Ye Tong and Zhang Hui, have you? , or let me be the first to attack the pass!"

"Hey, what's the point of saying this now? It would be great if Mr. Xu Shu was here. He is the military advisor of the King of Xiaoyao County, and he must have a way to quickly defeat the Beishi Army."

"Don't dream, Xu Shu is from Xiaoyao Mansion, it's good to be able to give us food and sutras, how dare you show up here, let Ye Tong know, and he will be arrested immediately."

"Damn, those helpless civil servants are doing harm to people. How far will they defeat me before they stop. The empire has been fighting like this for years, not to mention us, even the common people are getting a little annoyed!"

Mentioning the status quo of Da Zhou for many years, all the generals sighed.

At the same time, I dare not talk in depth, because there are many monarchs involved, and it is easy to be caught.

The next day!

The Zhou army went out to attack Longtoushan.

Watching a troop sent by Da Zhou pour into the official road and move forward slowly.

Li Mu himself stood on the unrepaired wall, drew his sword and pointed:

"Seeing that there are no lambs sent to us by the stupid coach Da Zhou, thousands of people just want to take down the defenses we have arranged. It is an insult to us."

"Don't worry, general, after Zhou Bing comes up, we will definitely beat them hard, teach them a profound lesson, and let them know what is called Beishi Tiejun!"

(End of this chapter)

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