I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 329 The Strong Zhou General Zhou Bing

Chapter 329 The Strong Zhou General Zhou Bing

"Attack, kill me!"

Soon the first wave of Zhou Bing rushed up.

The disadvantage of upward attack is that charging is extremely energy-intensive.

Every step is tough.

What's more, there are bows and arrows and stones coming from above.

It was difficult for Zhou Bing to move an inch, and he had to pay a huge price for every step.

"The general can't fight like this, the brothers have suffered a lot of casualties, let's retreat!"

A young junior general in the front came back and complained to the round-faced general with a bitter face.

The round face will draw the number A lottery. Although it is unlucky, the blood of a soldier is there.

I saw him push the young general away, drew his sword and pointed to the front and said: "I will kill you. There is no retreat here today. Don't go back alive if you can't kill him. The northeastern part of the river is still waiting for us to recover. If we can't attack here Come down and talk about eggs!"

After finishing speaking, the round-faced general rushed forward with his personal guards.

The fight had just started, and the people below called Qu and wanted to retreat.

How does this work!
Ye Tong and Zhang Hui were still waiting to see the joke, but once they retreated at this time, they would immediately take him, remove him from his post, and seize the military power.

So no matter whether it was for himself or for the empire, he could not withdraw.

Only bite the bullet.

The man will either return in triumph, or be shrouded in horse leather!
"Kill! Follow the general!"

Under the leadership of the round-faced general, the soldiers who were a little timid to retreat immediately were encouraged to come together like chicken blood.

One by one, they rushed upwards screaming.

Soon Zhou Bing rushed up to the low wall, but the price he paid was huge, with most of them killed or injured.

Li Mudu was a little surprised, he led his men to reinforce the city, and fought with Zhou Bing and Zhou General.

The round-faced General Zhou was outnumbered and killed by Li Mu and others.

Soon Zhou Bing retreated.

While retreating, part of them were shot and killed.

Looking at all this from a distance, the generals of the Great Zhou Clenched their fists and let out a long sigh.

"Marshal, why didn't you send troops to reinforce Chen Ziying just now?"

Facing the general who jumped out to accuse him, Ye Tong said with a cold face: "This commander has long said that every time a general tackles a key problem, his subordinates will retreat after [-]% of their casualties.

The generals of Chen Ziying disregarded the cost of the entire battalion's casualties, but forcibly killed Shangguan City and fought to the death with the Beishi army. Killing them is the consequence of disrespecting military orders. "

Before he could refute it, Ye Tong said again: "Since you doubt my commander's tactics, then you should attack second. Now you are taking over from Chen Ziying to attack Longtoushan. If you don't have [-]% casualties, you can't retreat!"

"You!" This will be annoyed immediately, pointing at Ye Tong.

Ye Tong drew out his sword and pointed, "What? You want to disobey orders, come and take him down by military law, and remove him from his post!"

At that moment, Ye Tong's personal guards rushed over.

This general snorted coldly and said: "If you don't bother you, I will hit you when I hit you. If you stretch out your head, you will hit one head, and if you shrink your head, it will be a knife. The brothers in Chen Ziying are good, and Laozi Wanziying is not a coward!"

After saying this, the general was furious, and rushed out from Ye Tong's guards with a killing intent.

Ye Tong waved his hand to let the guards go down.

I really dare not directly force this general to stay.

Otherwise, everyone else will rebel.

The generals were very upset, but Ye Tong was the coach after all.

They had to pray for the general who just went out.

I hope that after Chen Ziying, he can lead another army to kill and capture Guancheng!

They even made up their minds that as long as the soldiers of the Wanzi Battalion can kill Guancheng, they will immediately send troops to reinforce it.

It doesn't matter whether there is Ye Tong's order or not.

Even if it is to disobey military orders.

Ye Tong retreated quietly, and said to Zhang Hui: "Chen Ye died in battle, and there is no one in charge of Chen Ziying, you go and recruit the generals of Chen Ziying!"

"It's the commander, I know how to do it!" Zhang Hui cupped his fists and accepted the order.

I didn't expect Chen Ye, who was the first to play, to be so brave.

Moreover, the Beishi army was so careless that Chen Ziying attacked Guancheng in one go.

It seems that today's battle will be a little different from what was expected, and it will be too intense.

These generals are too bloody people.

No wonder they failed to subdue them all the way.

Not to mention Zhang Hui's little tricks.

The second batch of Zhou soldiers and Zhou generals who went out to battle immediately launched a new offensive. At the beginning, the main general took the lead in charging.

Holding the shield, he rushed to Guancheng in one breath.

But this time Li Mu gained experience, so he mobilized more troops and crossbowmen.

The Zhou soldiers and generals who rushed up were shot and wounded one after another.

Soon he died all over the place, and the entire mountain road was full of corpses.

Although most of them were killed or injured, Zhou Bing still rushed up fiercely.

"Damn it, when did Zhou Bing become so good at fighting, come here, pour a pot of oil on me!"

Li Mu commanded his warriors, and immediately poured a pot of hot boiling oil down.

Hot oil splashed all over the sky.

The Zhou soldiers and Zhou generals who were rushing forward screamed and fell to the ground whenever they were stained.

Even the soldiers holding shields against the rain of arrows couldn't hold on.

Li Muzao used his bow to set up an arrow. His arrow was a special rocket with an arrowhead tied with oilcloth. After it was ignited, he shot it down immediately.

The rocket landed and immediately ignited the hot oil just now.

A little spark can ignite a fire.

In an instant, the area was filled with fire dragons.

Zhou Bing and Zhou generals had no choice but to withdraw, because of the fire, they couldn't move forward.

Zai Chong is just courting death and setting himself on fire.

Attack stalled.

More than 2000 people went up, and only 800 people retreated with injuries.

As soon as he got down, Ye Tong waved his hand, and the guards rushed over and pointed their weapons at Wan Ben, the leader of the Wanzi camp.

"Wan Ben didn't follow the military order, and forcibly tackled key problems, causing heavy losses to the Wanzi Battalion. He is now arrested and detained, and he will be convicted at a later date!"

The general named Wan Ben lost all hope, and looked at Ye Tong with complete disappointment: "Catch us, catch us all! Who do you rely on to recover the north? It depends on luck or your fantasy, hahahaha... ..."

"Take it away!" Ye Tong's face was extremely ugly, he gave Wan Ben a hard look, and waved his hand to let the guards take him away.

He just wants to gain some military power, to control you and let you be honest.

Just let them be obedient, why are they so stubborn.

If you have to fight to the death, fight the barbarians of the Northern Stone Army until you get rid of them all.

Seeing the casualties of three thousand soldiers, Ye Tong felt distressed.

These are soldiers who can be used by him and obey his orders.

The good soldiers of Dazhou have all been defeated by Wan Ben, Chen Ye and you brainless people.

Seeing Wan Ben's end, the remaining generals couldn't help feeling a little desolate in their hearts.

One general is incompetent and kills one army.

We are handsome and incompetent, and we want to destroy the three armies.

It would not be such a useless battle if the people in charge of their military department were replaced.

Not to mention changing Ye Qing to lead, even if Xiliang King Ye Yu came, he would not let them suffer this kind of grievance.

The empire still has to be handed over to the monarch who will lead the army to fight.

Warriors must have enough power, otherwise they will be overwhelmed by civil officials sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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