I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 330 Wonderful!nice!

Chapter 330 Wonderful!nice!
The following generals are no longer following Chen Ye and Wan Ben's style of play.

Try to control casualties as much as possible, mainly shield soldiers, and advance slowly.

It will be replaced sooner or later.

As a result, no powerful offensive was formed, but the Northern Stone Army calmly shot arrows and threw stones.

The Northern Stone Army had almost no casualties.

The Zhou army's casualties soared.

Four to 500 people died in each battalion, adding up to more at once.

And Ye Tong is like a rigorous mathematician.

Deadlock [-]% of this casualty ratio.

Those who did not reach [-]% of the casualties will be punished as cowardice according to the law and their positions will be cut.

If the casualties reached [-]%, they were also wiped out with reasons.

At the end of the day, many generals were removed from their positions.

It made the main soldiers and generals of the Great Zhou cry.

"Hahaha, what an idiot, Ye Zhen is such a shrewd emperor, how could he choose such an idiot as the coach, God bless me, Beishi." At the end of the day, after cleaning up the battle, counting the corpses, and counting the casualties of the enemy and ourselves.

Standing in the pass, Li Mu couldn't help laughing wantonly.

According to Ye Tong's tossing method, he can not only block the main force of the Great Zhou from advancing northward.

It can also fight back and swallow the main force of Da Zhou.

At that time, reorganize the army and go south, take down Wenxi, the hard nail, and sweep across the southeast of the river.

"General, shall we report this good news to Zhishuai?" a subordinate asked.

Such a battle situation is really rare good news, and it should be shared with all armies.

Especially giving Zhi Boyuan an assist.

Li Mu thought for a while and said, "Yes! Report to Zhishuai truthfully, don't add oil and vinegar!"

"No!" The subordinates were overjoyed, this is an opportunity to show their merits, of course they must be diligent.

When the battle broke out on the Longtoushan side, a large Zhou Xin army in the east quietly moved along the small mountain road in the northeast.

Xue Rengui's army went surprisingly smoothly along the way, not only the people who helped them along the way, but even the bandits in the cottages and people from the Jianghu who were entrenched in one side, generously donated their money and let them go out of the mountain road for them to move forward.

The reason is simple, Shadow Guard and Black and White Wuchang took the first step to solve all the troubles.

All the forces in the rivers and lakes loyal to Baibo Valley will be wiped out.

The rest are loyal to the court, or neutral.

As Zhou people, even if they don't like the imperial court, they will not help Beishi, let alone like Beishi barbarians to occupy their hometown.

So marching all the way, Xue Rengui found that the biggest problem encountered by the new army was actually the weather.

It was freezing cold.

It is really a painful thing to march on an unofficial road without a station or a city.

Not even a place to rest, stop and warm yourself.

In the vast mountains, turn east and turn west.

I don't know when it is a head, and there is no coordinate reference.

The whistling north wind blows snow, and the mountain is at least two degrees lower than the outside.

So it's extremely cold.

The wind blew on his face like a knife, and it hurt.

Finally, soon they walked out of a continuous mountain range.

The front suddenly became clear.

Xue Rengui was overjoyed, greeted his men, cheered up the troops, and told them the good news.

Xu Shu took out the map and said, "There are two hurdles, and now we have only passed one, and the next one is the most difficult."

Xue Rengui stepped forward to look at the map.

My heart went cold.

It turned out that they just spared Wenxi and went to a small basin and plain in the northeast of Wenxi County.

In other words, they are still in the occupied area.

He just climbed over an iron mountain, and then deceived his own people.

They have fooled the main force of the Great Zhou, mainly led by Ye Tong.

If they go west and then go north, that's where Ye Tong's army camped.

So they have not yet reached the northeast of the river in the enemy-occupied area.

From the current position, they still had to continue into the mountain northeast, and then follow another trail, winding north.

Finally, I went out of the mountain and reached the middle and upper reaches of the Weishui River, that is, between Yicheng and Jiangyi.

This is the real success of the detour.

"Although the next road is not so dangerous and the terrain is not high, it is a longer road. I don't know if the soldiers can hold it!" Xue Rengui looked at the new army who was half dead from exhaustion, and really didn't want to tell them to carry it out.

Guan Yu came over with a knife in his hand and said: "The soldiers are all from poor backgrounds, and they are not afraid of being tired. Yu really thinks that the next mountain road is not easy to pass. This place is closer to the north and is more deeply influenced by the Baibo Valley. Black and white Impermanence, can they solve those aliens smoothly!"

The road is not easy to walk, but people still have to wade through it.

As long as there is a way, there is always a way to go.

But there are people blocking on the road, and some people tipping off the news, that is the most dangerous.

Xu Shu said: "Since it's okay, let's keep going. If there is no bad news from Black and White Wuchang and His Majesty's shadow guard, it means good news. Let's go on."

Everyone didn't slack off, they went out of the mountain and found a sheltered place to rest for a while, and then continued to march northeast
As soon as he entered the mountain, Bai Wuchang came back to get in touch with Xu Shu.

"God help us, do you know what His Highness did in the north?" Bai Wuchang was excited and excited to sell a pass.

Xu Shu said: "It's not my lord who will destroy Baibo Valley!"

It was originally a joke, but Bai Wuchang's expression seemed to freeze instantly.

Xue Rengui said: "Why, Yuan Zhi guessed right?"

"Hey, I'm so tired of chatting with you guys. It's meaningless, so I can't..." Bai Wuchang spat out, and the ground instantly froze. He congratulated him:
"Congratulations, everyone. Your Xiaoyao Mansion has made great achievements again this time. His Highness the Sixth Highness is extraordinary. He dared to kill Baibogu with 300 people. Heihe, he really beat him down. Baibogu was wiped out by you! From now on, there will be no white wave trough in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The six major factions have become the four major factions! "

"What? My lord, they are going to fight Baibo Valley!"

Xue Rengui and the others looked astonished.

Even Xu Shu, who guessed right just now, was surprised.

The lord really dared to fight, and killed Baibogu.

in this way.

Without Baibo Valley, all the rivers and lakes and martial arts in the northeastern part of the river will change.

"So everyone, you can go north boldly, no one will stop you, and no one dares to be your enemy without opening your eyes." Bai Wuchang laughed loudly, patted Xue Rengui on the shoulder heavily and said:
"I'm going back to pass the news, and I have to send the news back to Chang'an as quickly as possible. By then, many people will definitely have quite a lot of expressions."

As he spoke, Bai Wuchang picked up a bowl, poured a bowl of hot soup into the soup pot, poured it down his throat, wiped his mouth before getting up and leaving.

At this time Xue Rengui shouted at him: "By the way, Bai Wuchang, you are also from Xiaoyao Mansion!"

"I...uh, it seems to be!" Bai Wuchang turned around and showed an embarrassed but suddenly warm smile, then his expression faded away, and with a leap of luck, he disappeared into the white mountains and snowy forests.

It was as if his white skin had never appeared before.

(End of this chapter)

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