Chapter 331

Although the next road is difficult, it is safe and smooth.

Pass through several mountain gate sites along the way.

These mountain sects not only did not stop them, but also asked their disciples to send warm meals down the mountain to supply to Xu Shu and others.

Xu Shu did not treat them badly either, and gave money and food, and promised to report the matter to Ye Qing.

These mountain sects are grateful for Dade's return.

After trekking all the way.

Xue Rengui, Xu Shu, and Guan Yu finally turned out of the mountain with the recruits.

A dilapidated old city with dilapidated walls and ruins has lost its defensive function.

However, it can be used as a temporary resting place for shelter from wind and snow.

"Jin City! The prosperity and glory of the past have been turned into soil now! 800 years ago, the water flows westward to the Fenjiang River!" Wrapped in a coat, Xu Shu walked around, looking for the old city With traces of history.

Xue Rengui said: "Yuan Zhi, is this the capital of Jin, which was once powerful?"

"That's right, this is, Jin City used to be the largest city in the east, so this is the only thing left, so be vigilant!" Xu Shu touched the ruined wall of the old city, feeling infinitely emotional in his heart.

When it comes to the state of Jin, everyone still knows it.

800 years ago, it was the largest country in the East.

The land includes the current Dazhou Hedong County, Hexi County, and Hongnong County, as well as the entire territory of Beishi Kingdom, Wei Kingdom, and South Korea; its subordinate countries Dai Kingdom, Ji Kingdom and other eastern countries.

How powerful it was at that time.

At that time, Dazhou was just a small country in Xihammer, looking up to the east, and couldn't even get out of Guanzhong, let alone Guandong.

But such a big state of Jin has now vanished in smoke.

It can be seen that when the country is strong and the country is big, there will be a moment when it collapses.

Therefore, every generation of monarchs needs to sleep long and sleepy, and govern the country carefully.

"Yuanzhi is still light, let's attack next, should we go to Yicheng first and Jiangyi?" Xue Rengui asked.

Xu Shu thought for a while, pointed to the east and said, "There is no city to the east of Yicheng, nor to the north or south, and the enemy is only from the west, so we should seize Yicheng to rely on.

In this way, you only need to develop westward, and you don't have to worry about the city being taken.

As long as it is properly arranged, it will be easy to win Yicheng! "

"Okay, then attack Yicheng first!" Xue Rengui also felt that Yi County should be the first priority. If he attacked Jiangyi first, he would be attacked by enemies from all sides. Instead, he helped Ye Tong and others contain Li Mu's army.

Now they are using Ye Tong to restrain Li Mu, so there should be no confusion.

Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted.

The next day, the army set off and quietly approached Yicheng.

And according to Xu Shu's instructions, he selected two thousand soldiers, put on the clothes of the Northern Stone Army, and came to the city under the banner of the Northern Stone Army.

There are not many garrisons in Yicheng, mainly to prevent Di Qing and other cavalry from attacking the city and obtain a place to recuperate.

So there are not many troops.

Seeing the army come to reinforce.

The guard and all the Beishi soldiers were very happy.

The mountains were covered with snow, and the ground was white.

It was freezing cold, and everyone covered their faces and ears tightly.

It is impossible to tell whether it is a Beishi person or a Zhou person.

The guard inspected Xue Rengui's identity card that Xue Rengui had thrown into the city, so he waved his hand: "Open the city gate, quickly let our soldiers enter the city to warm themselves by the fire!"

"Thank you, brother!" Xue Rengui said with a smile as he saw the city gate slowly opening.

But it was just such a sentence that made the guards in the city stunned.

Immediately his face changed greatly, and he shouted again: "Close the city gate, close the city gate quickly, they are Zhou soldiers, they are fake!"

"Hmm!" Xue Rengui was also shocked.

Why was it suddenly discovered.

But no matter so much, since the city gate was opened, how could it be closed by the opponent, so he took the bow and shot an arrow at the top of the city.

He shot and killed General Beishi.

Then he urged the horse to rush to the city gate, swung the halberd, and pressed against the city gate.

"Open!" Vigorously shaking the city gate, Xue Rengui urged his horse to charge in, and then danced left and right, beheading the Beishi army who was closing the gate.

Seeing how brave the general was, the recruits followed up one after another and controlled the city gates and caves.

The Beishi army on the city rushed down to seize the city gate.

He was brutally killed by Xue Rengui again, causing many casualties.

"Kill, occupy the city gate, don't let a Northstone barbarian go!"

After taking down the city gate, Xue Rengui led all the soldiers to kill into the city.

Xu Shu said outside the city: "Yun Chang, you lead people to seal off the main road out of the city, and if any Beishi people escape from the city, they will be killed, and no one will be left alive!"

"It's a military officer!"

Guan Yu took the order and led his troops to ambush outside the city, intercepting the Beishi army who escaped through the net.

After defeating Yicheng, the army gained a foothold in the north, and then immediately attacked Jiangyi City to the west without stopping.

The old-fashioned method, Xue Rengui and the others are more confident this time, and the identities they obtained are more useful, so they sent people to pretend to be deserters to swindle Jiangyi City.

The army swarmed in and fought with the Beishi army for half an hour in the city before taking it with difficulty.

After all, there are two or three times more Beishi troops in the city than in Yicheng.

But the corresponding gains are also great.

The supplies here are more than ten times that of Yicheng.

It is the main logistics rear of Li Mu's army.

Longtou Mountain!
Li Mu and Beishi Army defended very easily.

Fighting was very comfortable.

Ye Tong's series of performances were simply in line with his expectations.

Down in a few days!

Li Mu played with ease.

Great results!

The morale of our soldiers is even more high, and the main force of the Great Zhou has been so low that it is about to collapse.

"After a few more days, the main force of the Great Zhou will be defeated without a fight, and our army will be able to launch a counterattack. Relying on the geographical advantage and attacking from a high position, we will be able to wipe out its main force in one fell swoop." Li Ben went to the front line again to inspect the city. .

While waiting for Da Zhou's main force to attack, he did not forget to dispatch soldiers who were not on the field to continue repairing the city gates.

Especially at night, it is even more processed.

The drums of war thump, thump, thump, thump.

Lord Zhou, the army under the city, began to attack again.

This time Ye Tong held half of the main military power in his hands.

He also began to change his routine, preparing for a serious attack.

The war has not yet begun!
Then some soldiers ran to look for Li Mu from behind.

"General! Something is wrong!"

Li Mu looked at the panicked look of the visitor, and said in displeasure, "Why are you panicking, tell me slowly!"

"General, Zhou Qi attacked Pi's family. Ye Qing's subordinates Da Jiang Di Qing and Huang Zhong led [-] cavalry to attack Pi's family. They went west!"

"What?" Li Mu was shocked.

The Xiaoyaofu riders did not move in the east, but went west.

"Seriously, what happened to Mrs. Pi, what happened to our army?" Li Mu rushed to the pass, grabbing the reporter with one hand.

"General, Pi Shiyi was taken back by the Zhou people. Then Di Qing recruited soldiers from Pi Shi. The guard Pi Shi also sent people across the river to ask for help from Guanzhong. The Zhou soldiers in Guanzhong began to cross the river to reinforce Pi Shi!" vocal cord cry.

It wasn't the worst result for Di Qing to capture Pi's family.

The worst thing is that Da Zhou Yijing sent another team to cross the river from Longmen.

Although the reinforcements over there will not be the elite of the field.

But this is a bad omen.

That's Xiaolongmen's attitude.

The demise of Baibo Valley has already made them intervene in the battle of Hedong.

After all, things are becoming clearer, and they can't pretend to be deaf and dumb, let alone fool the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Otherwise, Ye Qing and others would also kill Xiaolongmen.

How should Xiaolongmen deal with itself.

(End of this chapter)

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