I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 332?? I fell for Ye Tong's trick

Chapter 332 I fell into Ye Tong's trick
"This battle is not easy to fight!"

Li Mu let go of the messenger's collar.

My mind is a little messed up.

Once Pi's family is lost, Di Qing can advance eastward, followed by Yiting, Linfen, and Jiangyi.

Not only did it threaten his rear, it might also disrupt Zhi Boyuan's rhythm.

If retreat!
Ye Tong's main force will catch up, if he doesn't retreat, he will be outflanked.

"General, Zhou Bing is about to attack, and this time he has changed his tactics." A soldier from the front came over to remind him.

Only then did Li Mu wave his hand to drive away the reporter, and walked up the wall again.

That's right, this time Da Zhou played the same way Chen Ziying and Wan Ziying played the previous day.

But Li Mu smiled disdainfully: "It's too late, if you still want to use this method now, you won't be able to kill my wall!"

It’s different in the past.

His own walls are heightened and thickened with scriptures, the morale is like a rainbow, and the fighting spirit of the soldiers is high.

"Otherwise, first defeat and eat the opponent's main force, and solve the worries in the south?"

Suddenly, a bold idea popped into Li Mu's mind.

Immediately he slapped his thigh and said: "Come here, beat the drums and gather the generals. The whole army is ready. I intend to fight against the main force of the Great Zhou!"

The Beishi soldiers didn't take a deep breath when they heard this.

A decisive battle with the main force of the Great Zhou.

At this time, it is necessary to counter-kill the main force of the Great Zhou.

Great for my General Lee.

Although a little ridiculous.

However, it is very feasible to make a risky move by soldiers.

Because Da Zhou definitely couldn't think of it.

In addition, Beishi people are born with an adventurous spirit.

And a straighter mind.

If you want to do it, you can do it, if you want to fight, you can fight.

Li Mu gathered the generals, briefly talked about his tactics, and immediately got the approval of the generals.

They were all eager to try, and their blood was surging.

Howling like a war wolf.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's turn against the main force of Zhou's army next week, take advantage of their retreat, and charge towards the Great Zhou's camp. If you can capture the Great Zhou's coach Ye Tong alive, I will ask His Majesty to make him a Marquis!"

Just do what you say, the Beishi army has assembled, and it is densely packed on the north side of the pass wall.

When the fight ahead was about the same, the generals of the Zhou Dynasty really had no way to go up, and when they were about to retreat, Li Mu drew his sword and pointed: "Attack, carry my general flag to the front, the people are here, the flag is here, the flag is here." I'm rushing!"


Numerous Beishi soldiers rushed out ferociously, taking advantage of the terrain to charge back and kill Zhou soldiers under the city.


Ye Tong also pinned his hopes on success today.

Because he changed tactics, he got half of the military power and replaced half of his confidantes.

It can be a serious attack once.

He killed Longtou Mountain without asking for it once.

But today it must be conquered, even if it is dark.

Thinking about it, he felt that he didn't have that much time.

The mess must be cut quickly!
As a result, the first wave of attack failed to attack, and now the North Stone Army is uncharacteristically.

Instead, he launched an attack and rushed through the wall.

And how can the soldiers of the Great Zhou retreating back be stopped.

I didn't have much strength, and my morale was gone.

He could only turn his back on the Beishi army and flee for his life down the south slope in a panic.


The Beishi army rushed quickly, rushed down the slope in an instant, and rushed into the Da Zhou army waiting to change their attack.

The Great Zhou army did not make any predictions at all, let alone prepared for a single defense.

Suddenly the enemy came in and collapsed.

The Beishi army took advantage of the situation and continued to charge.

"The commander-in-chief retreats quickly, and returns to the camp quickly, it can't be stopped, the Beishi army is too fierce!"

Zhang Hui couldn't control the army, and the Beishi army was coming towards him, so he could only desperately urge Ye Tong to retreat.

Soldiers can die, but Lord Ye Tong can't have any accidents.

Otherwise, the main force of the Great Zhou will be leaderless.

"Yes! Withdraw! Immediately withdraw to the camp!" Ye Tong was also in a cold sweat from fright, got on his horse, turned around and fled towards the camp.

As soon as he left, his subordinates all retreated to the camp.

Except for a few generals of the Ministry of War who stood up to stabilize the army and fought desperately with Beishi's army, all the Dazhou troops who pulled out of the camp were defeated and fled back to the camp.

"Heaven! Are you going to kill me for a long time?"

"At this time, how many soldiers and horses can we keep when we return to the camp? If you stretch out your hand, you will die, and if you withdraw your hand, you will die. Fight to the death with the barbarians of Beishi!"

In the fierce fighting, countless generals of the Zhou Dynasty were eventually rushed to death by the Beishi army.

After all, Li Mu had [-] generals, and they all rushed down to launch a fatal blow.

It's not something a few generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty can stop.

Even if Ye Tong can put on a desperate posture and never retreat or collapse, he is doomed to fail.

Soon Li Mu rushed to the main camp of the Great Zhou.

At this time, the camp was closed, and Ye Tong ordered the generals to occupy the camp and guard it.

Although Ye Tong's commanding ability is not good, he is quite good at saving his life.

He ruthlessly rejected the request of some Da Zhou routs to enter the camp, and decisively closed the camp gate.

She gave up the small and kept the big, and it was done neatly, without sloppiness at all.

As a result, when the Northern Stone Army rushed over, they couldn't take advantage of the situation and enter the camp.

It can be regarded as helping the main force of the Great Zhou to retain a bit of vitality.

Li Mu didn't care about these, he assigned a small team to hunt down the defeated soldiers of the Great Zhou that failed to enter the camp, and at the same time ordered the army to continue attacking the main camp of the Great Zhou.

At this time, although the main force of the Great Zhou fled into the camp, their morale was completely lost, and they were vulnerable to a blow like a frightened bird.

When you seize the opportunity, you will win the big camp in one fell swoop and create brilliant results again.

"Attack! Take down the Zhou army camp!"

Li Mu was in high spirits, pointing his sword at Ye Tong's position, with a pair of tiger eyes, shooting out the brilliance of contemptuous heroes.


The Beishi army immediately attacked Da Zhou's camp frantically.

At this moment, another general came to report to Li Mu.

At this time Li Mu didn't have the mind to listen to other intelligence reports at all, and only had the idea of ​​capturing the Great Zhou camp in his mind.

There is only one desire.

"General, something is wrong, you must listen to what I have to say!"

Li Mu's face was full of displeasure, and he said with a cold face: "What you want to say, it's better to be bigger than the one in front of you, otherwise I will deal with you by military law because you interfere with my command of the army and profit for the enemy."

"General, Jiangyi City has fallen!" The visitor explained:

"Yicheng was also lost. Zhou soldiers bypassed Longtou Mountain and entered the north from the east. They first attacked Yicheng and then went down to Jiangyi. Our army lost all its supplies and was blocked from the north."

"What did you say? Jiang...Jiangyi was also taken by Zhou Bing?" Li Mu almost lost his footing and fell.

He stared at the person in horror.

A pair of eyes turned red in an instant, like a demon that was about to devour all living beings.

"General, Da Zhou sent a partial army to secretly enter the north from the east through the mountain road, attacked Yicheng, and then captured Jiangyi City. If the general does not make a decision soon, the army may lose!" painfully.

It was heartbreaking to lose these two cities.

As a result, Longtoushan played so smoothly and achieved brilliant results.

But the bigger the victory here, the more ironic it is.

Because the army was about to be surrounded by Da Zhou.

The greater the victory, the more incompetent Li Mu and them will appear.

"This... how is it possible." Li Mu suddenly lost his spirit, looked at the Da Zhou barracks, and murmured to himself in a panic:

"Could it be that I fell for Ye Tong's trick..."

(End of this chapter)

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