I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 333 Li Mu Withdrew His Troops

Chapter 333 Li Mu Withdrew His Troops
"This is impossible, Ye Tong..."

Li Mu suddenly gushed out blood from his chest.


After spitting it out, Li Mu closed his eyes and forced himself to calm down.

The victory in front of him couldn't dazzle his brain.

The crisis in the rear cannot blow away reason.

Must be calm.

Think about it carefully and analyze it carefully.


Li Mu opened his eyes.

"withdraw troops!"

"What? Withdraw troops?"

The Beishi generals who were attacking the Da Zhou barracks were all dumbfounded.

Li Mu gave the wrong order!
At this critical time, they actually want to withdraw their troops!
This is playing heartily.

You actually want to withdraw your troops.

What's the point!
Li Mu said again in a deep voice: "Retreat! Withdraw to the wall, the enemy is cheating!"

After finishing speaking, Li Mu asked the guards to carry the banner and retreat back.

As soon as Li Mu withdrew, the Beishi military generals had no choice but to stomp their feet in resentment, and ordered: "Withdraw!"

The Beishi Army, which rushed down the mountain like a flood, returned to the mountain with a huff.

Not to mention that the Northern Stone Army themselves were in a daze, even Ye Tong and other soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were also in a daze.

The Northern Stone Army, which had gained the upper hand, suddenly withdrew.

They fought back without warning, and withdrew without warning.

What kind of battle is this fighting?

What rules.

I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out, there are only a bunch of numbers.

Fortunately, Daying was saved, and Ye Tong and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the main force was not completely defeated.

Otherwise, it would be a death to go back.

Ye Tong collapsed and sat on the ground, gasping for breath.


The Northern Stone Army withdrew to the wall, and all the generals, full of grievances, went to Li Mu to complain and ask questions.

Li Mu sighed: "Everyone! Dazhou deliberately restrained our army from the front, and then sent a partial army to detour from the northeast to attack our rear, and both Yicheng and Jiangyi were lost."


This time, the generals of Beishi Army were shocked.

Dazhou sent partial troops to attack our rear.

Captured two cities.

At this moment, everyone finally knew why Li Mu withdrew his troops.

Because he was afraid of being attacked by the Zhou army on both sides.

Even Ye Tong, who is vulnerable in front of him, may be a strategy to lure the enemy, in order to trick them out of the barrier.

If you continue to attack Da Zhou's barracks, you may be besieged and killed by the opponent.

So I took advantage and withdrew immediately.

If you continue to fight, you will suffer a loss.

Li Mu went on to say: "It's not a big deal, because Ye Qing's men Di Qing and Huang Zhong attacked Pi's family to the west, and the troops in the Great Zhou Pass crossed the river from Longmen and were also advancing eastward. Coming down to Fen, our army will lose contact with Zhishuai, and will be besieged and killed by Zhou soldiers!"


The generals of Beishi did not expect the situation to be worse.

Pi's also lost.

"So, general, you want to retreat north!" one of the generals asked.

Li Mu nodded and said: "That's right, it's meaningless to continue fighting. Even if we can wipe out the tens of thousands of Da Zhou's main force, it won't help."

There was a sound of lamentation all around.

The great situation turned into nothing in the blink of an eye.

Instead, they have to retreat northward in a panic.

The closed wall that was finally repaired became a waste.


Without much hesitation.

Li Mu led his army and quietly withdrew north that night.

By the time Ye Tong and the others found out, it was too late.

"Retired! When did you withdraw? How did you withdraw?"

Asked three times, and directly asked the person who came back from the wall to report the letter, and was confused.

He is just a young soldier, why?
He didn't know what the Beishi people were going crazy, and they retreated all of a sudden.

"Commander, since the Beishi people have been repelled by us, let's talk about it first!" Zhang Hui suggested.

Ye Tong's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said with a smile, "Yes, that's right, capture the pass wall immediately!"

When Ye Tong and others went to attack the wall, a person from the camp at the rear came to find the generals of the Ministry of War and solved their confusion.

Only then did everyone understand why the Beishi Army suddenly withdrew northward.

Why did Li Mu suddenly stop attacking when he was about to capture the camp.

All the reasons are because of Xu Shu's ingenious plan to seize the northern city.

At the same time, he also learned the news that Baibo Valley was destroyed by Ye Qing.

Everyone was shocked beyond words.


ice city!

Several days passed.

The excavation and tunneling of the Northern Stone Army did not make much progress.

Ye Qing was unmoved by the release of the Beishi army's bait.

The civilians and martyrs who were captured were easily resolved by Ye Qing.

Because he directly pushed Zhao Feiyan out, Zhi Boyuan had no choice but to release the captured people again.

After all, Ye Qing never used Zhao Feiyan to blackmail him, but now he blackmailed Ye Qing's irrelevant people.

It is really immoral.

"Report! Zhishuai, something is wrong, Jiangyi City was breached by Zhou Bing!"

"What?" The faces of Zhi Boyuan and the other generals changed drastically.

"What is the specific situation, tell me all about it!" Zhi Boyuan's chest rose and fell, but fortunately he did not lose his composure.

Jiangyi City was captured by Ye Qing once.

So it's not a big deal even in the fall.

After all, Ye Qing still has an elite group of one thousand riders active near the Weishui River.

It is also possible to be attacked accidentally.

"Commander, it's not Ye Qing's fine cavalry that attacked Jiangyi City this time, but Da Zhou's infantry. This infantry came from the direction of Wen Like, and they captured Yicheng first..."

The visitor will tell the situation one by one.

Divine soldiers descend from heaven!

Da Zhou's army is crazy.

Dare to walk on such a trail in such cold weather.

Aren't you afraid that they will all be buried in the snow?
It seems that we underestimated Da Zhou's determination to take back the northeastern part of the river.

This group of Zhou people, like Ye Qing, have all become lunatics.

"I hope Li Mu can be more decisive, and won't be restrained by the main force of the Great Zhou, and don't be greedy for a momentary victory!" Zhi Boyuan still remembered the victory letter Li Mu gave him.

How mentally handicapped and stupid the Lord General of the Great Zhou Dynasty was.

How the soldiers of the Great Zhou acted like clowns behind the closed wall.

Now it seems that they are really hardworking!

In order to give me Li Mu a little sweetness.

Willing to sacrifice so many soldiers.

Ye Tong is ruthless enough.

Just to round up Li Mu's [-] troops.

"Zhishuai, you want Li Mu to retreat. Don't we take back Jiangyi City? Are we going to give up the northeastern part of the river?"

"Zhishuai, we are going to take back Jiangyi, we are taking back Yicheng, and solve General Li Mu's worries."

At the moment, a general stood up and asked for orders.

If you want to give up the northeast of the river, everything they have done before will be meaningless.

These offensive big weeks are not meant to be in vain.

Not only was the food and grass wasted, but so many soldiers were killed and injured.

There is no such good alliance partner as Baibogu.

If I want to score in the big week in the future, I'm afraid I won't have a chance again.

There are many people who think the same as this will.

Someone stood up again.

Zhi Boyuan glanced over and saw pairs of unwilling eyes and faces wanting to fight.

I also fell into hesitation.

Should it be stopped?

Do you still want to fight?

(End of this chapter)

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