I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 334? Zhi Boyuan Makes Another Move

Chapter 334: Zhi Boyuan Makes Another Move
"Report! Marshal, Pi's fall..."

At this moment, someone came to report again.

Hear the word Pi Shi.

Zhi Boyuan immediately had an answer.

After Xun asked clearly, he sighed and said: "I always thought that Ye Qing had no connection with the main force of the Great Zhou in the south, but now it seems that they cooperate tacitly and are closely connected.

Without the Baibo Valley, we didn't even have a foothold in the east of the river, and we became blind and deaf.

Nothing can be done!Let Li Mu withdraw his troops!There is no need to take back Jiangyi City.

Just keep Linfen well. "

The other generals are no longer making trouble.

Now the Yijing is not a question of Jiangyi city or not, but a question of whether Li Mu can withdraw and come back, avoiding the east-west confrontation of Da Zhou, and besieging him.

Waved his hand to let the generals go down, Zhi Boyuan had to reconsider his next plan.

Take the worst case into account.

My brain hurts badly.

If you want to keep Linfen, you still have to take down Ye Qing's ice city.

But the value of the ice city is not great.

In the past, they didn't want Ye Qing to echo the main force of the Great Zhou.

Now it seems that this sutra is self-defeating, and others echo it with the sutra.

"Come on! Speed ​​up the excavation." Zhi Boyuan thought for a while and ordered:
"Remove the blockade, let the people of Dazhou enter the ice city, and at the same time let me sneak in in disguise..."

In the end, Zhi Boyuan wanted to make a final gamble.

If he can really capture Bingcheng, solve Ye Qing, the starting point of all troubles, and capture Baibo Valley, then he will have the confidence to fight the Zhou army in the northeast of the river for a long time.

"It's Zhishuai!"


Inside the ice city!
Ye Qing and Liu Bowen, who were keenly aware of the movements of the Northern Stone Army, went up to the ice wall to inspect.

Ye Qing pointed at Zhi Boyuan and accelerated the approach of the two soldiers piled up with soil: "Bowen, Zhi Boyuan seems to be in a hurry. We haven't bit the bait all the time, and he's a little bit impatient."

"My lord, I guess something happened in the south. There must be something wrong in the south, which made him anxious." Liu Bowen stroked his beard and cupped his fists and said:

"Congratulations, my lord, our most difficult day is over, and it's our turn to attack."

There was a flash of light in Ye Qing's eyes, he stopped his body, looked outside the city and said, "Your thought is that Hanchen and the others have made new progress, or that the main force of my Great Zhou has gone northward, and achieved something that Beishi had to do." A highly valued achievement!"

"That's right! My lord, I guess Zhi Boyuan is making his last move. This time, he must have come up with a darker trick, and it's not just about capturing the ice city, but destroying our command center." Liu Bowen half-closed his eyes. He lowered his voice and said:
"My lord, soon we will have a group of elite soldiers entering the city!"

"Hmm! What do you mean..." Ye Qing seemed to have guessed something after Liu Bowen said so much.

Then the smile on his face became even more evil.

Sure enough, within an hour, Beishi's envoy approached the city gate.

"What's the point of coming here?"

An arrow shot in front of Beishi envoy's horse.

The Beishi envoy reined in his horse and said loudly: "My Zhishuai said that the two armies should not be beheaded when they fight, and should not make things difficult for each other's people, so from today on, our Beishi army will not make things difficult for your people, and you can enter the ice if you want. The people of Da Zhou in the city went in, but..."

"But how?" Zhao Yun, who was guarding the city, asked.

I was a little excited.

If the Northern Stone Army doesn't stop them, then Bingcheng will have a steady stream of strong men and recruits.

"But you have to treat our third princess well, don't bully her, don't let her suffer a little bit, if possible, we hope that your sixth highness can make a promise, when can we release our third princess?" Bei Shi came to envoy Said.

Zhao Yun thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, your Princess Zhao Feiyan will not be abused. She is entertained by my highness every day. She sleeps wherever my highness sleeps. She eats whatever my highness says. No one will bully her." she!"

As for when to release people, Zhao Yun would not answer such a question even if he was stupid.

Ye Qing is in charge of this matter.

And Ye Qing didn't seem to have any plans to send Zhao Feiyan back to Beishi.

The envoy also knew that there would be no answer, so he didn't ask any more questions, and beat the horse back.

In the afternoon, some martyrs and civilians released by the Northern Stone Army came to the gate of the ice city.

Ye Qing let everyone in.

After entering, let people break up all the places first.

Then the strong and strong were selected, and they were not organized into an army, but were pulled to build houses and other civil buildings, or to pave roads and transport stones.

In the next few days, countless people were let in.

Ye Qing still had the same arrangement.

At this time Li Muyi withdrew to Linfen.

The main force of the Great Zhou Dynasty of the Middle Dong Dynasty also entered the north and came to Jiangyi City.

Ye Tong met Xu Shu for the first time.

At this moment, his heart is complicated.

Unexpectedly, after all the calculations, I still missed Xu Shu.

Xu Shu and Xue Rengui went around to the back of Beishi Army without telling him, which gave him a chance to enter Beishi.

He became a laughing stock, and instead of making an inch of merit, he lost troops and generals.

All the hard work has paid off for Xu Shu and the others.

"Xu Shu, are you particularly proud at the moment, this time you Xiaoyao Mansion has made great contributions again, should I thank you or thank you!" Ye Tong entered the city, but he didn't look good to Xu Shu.

Although Xu Shu could have prevented him from entering the city, let him camp outside with the main force.

However, in order to maintain the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Great Zhou, they were still released.

Because the main force of the Great Zhou has indeed been fighting in the wild for a long time.

Need a warm place sheltered from the wind to rest.

Xu Shu clasped his fists and said, "I dare not guess what the commander-in-chief thinks, and there is no need for the commander-in-chief to thank you, because the Xiaoyao Mansion is only doing things for the Great Zhou, only for the people of the Great Zhou, and only to be loyal to His Majesty."

"Hmph! I hope so!" Once in the city, Ye Dongcheng occupied the county government office, and occupied the most comfortable place in the city, which is the most convenient place to work.

But Xu Shu didn't make any sense, he wouldn't argue with him, he just smiled and said:

"Commander, the Beishi army is still in the north. Linfen is only a few tens of miles away from here, and it's very fast to hit here. Since the commander likes Jiangyi, then I will give it to the commander."

When the generals of the Ministry of War heard that Xu Shu was going to leave, Ye Tong was also a little surprised to hear that Xu Shu was going to give up Jiangyi, and shouted, "Wait, where are you going? You don't want to act with the army, but you want to act alone!"

Ye Tong already knew Xu Shu's resourcefulness, Xue Rengui's talent in commanding troops, and Guan Yu's bravery.

Where are you willing to let them go.

If you don't hold such a good knife in your hand, how can you open up a new situation.

He knew that relying on Zhang Hui and other trusted generals, it would be fine if he didn't lose.

Whether he can make great contributions and redeem his sins will depend on Xu Shu and other people from Xiaoyao Mansion.

What's more, the generals sent by the Ministry of War also have hearts for Xu Shu and don't want to play with him.

If Xu Shu leaves, will these guys leave with him?

At that time, what he got was an empty Jiangyi city, and there were only a few old, weak, sick and disabled under his command. Was he going to fight and attack, or was he here to help Xu Shu defend the city?
(End of this chapter)

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