Chapter 336 Out of the city to fight
War is not a dinner party!

Not to mention defending the city.

If you seize an important city, you must defend it, and defense is the first priority.

Di Qing immediately made new arrangements for his subordinates:
"Don't chop off the Beishi people's flag, continue to hang it on the top of the city, and confuse the Beishi people. If the Beishi people's team or messengers come, put them into the city, and then take them down, and capture them alive."

"If it's Beishi's brigade, don't let it go into the city, wait for me to come and deal with it?"

"No! The last general is going to do it?" A general took the order at the moment.

Then Di Qing said again: "Send two waves of people to contact the lord and Yuan Zhi, and we must deliver the news of Yong'an to them safely!"

Huang Zhong said: "I'll make arrangements."

Di Qing nodded, and then said: "Collect all the food in the city and put it under military control! From now on, all the food will be managed in a unified manner, and the fires will be lit for cooking. At the same time, all the men in the city will be recruited for training, so that they can fight and transport. Idlers."

"No! The last general will arrange it now."

"Finally! Gather the carpenters and blacksmiths to build weapons and arrows for me day and night. It would be the best if they can make crossbows. Our army needs countless crossbows and bows. The more the better!"

"No! The last general will find someone now!"

After arranging these, Di Qing waved his hand and told his subordinates to go out.

What can be done, he Di Qing has done.

Whether Yong'an can hold on, that's up to God.


White Valley!
Zhi Boyuan, always a little restless, asked his confidant: "Where is Ye Qing's fine horse? Are there any traces of them?"

The staff thought for a while and replied: "I'm not sure, our people didn't find the enemy cavalry. Pi's Zhou soldiers didn't seem to have made any major advances, and they haven't moved much. It's the Zhou soldiers from Jiangyi who left the city and headed north. Yes, it's coming directly to us."

"Here we are, does Ye Tong still want to eat me first and fight Li Mu? Does he still want to divide his troops and play a triangle battle?" Zhi Boyuan couldn't help laughing.

But he even asked: "How many Zhou soldiers are coming towards us?"

"About [-]?" The staff member also wondered a little strangely:

"And they brought about a thousand cavalry, which is equivalent to Ye Qing's fine cavalry."

"Oh, who is the team leader? From Xiaoyao Mansion?" Zhi Boyuan still had some understanding of Da Zhou's situation.

Ye Qing's Xiaoyao Mansion seems to be in conflict with the factions of the Great Zhou, which is not happy.

The aide replied: "With Xu Ziqi and Xue Ziqi, it should be Xu Shu and Xue Rengui from Xiaoyao Mansion!"

"These two again? They were the ones who took a detour to attack Jiangyi, it seems that the cavalry they brought was Ye Qing's fine cavalry." Zhi Boyuan didn't speculate much this time, and made a conclusion out of it, but Immediately some frowns:
"If 1 people want to come and eat me, I'm so courageous. If I'm a shrimp, then I want to see what kind of stomach he uses."

The next day!

Xu Shu and other troops marched to Baibo Valley.

After showing his face, he took the initiative to retreat twenty miles!
Then the camp was set up on the east bank of the Fen River, built according to the mountain, and the camp was built very small, like a defense.

Zhi Boyuan sent out scouts and repeatedly confirmed that there was no main force of the Great Zhou behind Xu Shu, and decisively said to his opponent:

"Attack Xu Shu and eat Xue Rengui. If 1 people dare to come out, I will kill him first."

The staff said: "Chi Shuai, what if Xu Shu and the others flee south?"

Zhi Boyuan said: "In pursuit, send out all the cavalry to bite him. Since he dares to come, I will beat him until he can't find the south, east, west, and northwest!"

Bingcheng is not easy to fight by itself, could it be that the little Xu Shu still can't take it down?

The dumplings brought here, Zhi Boyuan is not polite.

An army of [-] was sent to attack Xu Shu!

"Retreat, don't make camp! Just run!" Xu Shu received the news that Zhi Boyuan was attacking, and immediately retreated south with his people.

Not at all.

Beishi's army opened a distance of twenty or thirty miles away from him.

Except for the cavalry who could chase him, the infantry couldn't chase Xu Shu at all.

Of course, just as Zhi Boyuan ordered, all his cavalry were dispatched to pursue Xu Shu with all their strength.

The cavalry is in front and the infantry is in the rear.

As long as the cavalry bit Xu Shu's infantry, there would be a chance for the infantry behind to catch up and encircle him.

When Zhi Boyuan made a move, Ye Qing from Bingcheng was not idle either, Xu Shu's arrival was a signal to him.

Ye Qing immediately ordered his subordinates: "Take down all the Beishi soldiers who sneaked in, and lock them up!"

"It's the lord!" Zhang He immediately led his troops down to take down the marked Beishi spies.

Zhi Boyuan's little trick was already seen through by Liu Bowen.

From the very beginning, the meat buns went to the city, never to return.

After capturing the Beishi spies who sneaked into the city, Ye Qing rushed out of the city with his troops.

Head towards Beishi camp to kill.

The crossbow arrows in the hands of hundreds of riders shot fiercely, killing all the Beishi soldiers who piled up the soil.

Seeing that he was about to rush to the Beishi army's camp, Ye Qing reined in his horse and stopped.

"Northern stone barbarians, I, Ye Qing, are here today. Anyone who is not afraid of death dares to fight me. If he wins, this ice city will be given to you. If you lose, you don't need to leave Hedong. Just call!"

"Great week ten thousand years, Your Highness ten thousand years!"

All the soldiers shouted.

Zhi Boyuan led a group of generals, looking at Ye Qing who had rushed out of the city, he hated and felt helpless!
This kid decided that there were no cavalry in his camp, so he came out to fight.

"I'll go, Commander. I have the strength of the second rank, so I might not be able to kill him." A member of Beishi Lord General stood up.

Ye Qing is really too arrogant.

Tolerable or unbearable.

Zhi Boyuan waved his hand and said: "No need, let Ye Qing call outside if he wants to call, I don't have many strong generals in Beishi, there must be no loss, you have to keep the suppressing army.

There can be no generals in an army! "

Originally, Beishi still had quite a few generals, but the surprise attack that morning caused a lot of losses.

Now facing Ye Qing in a one-on-one match, Zhi Boyuan didn't have the slightest confidence.

Ye Qing has the strength of the third rank, then Zhao Yun has the fourth rank, and Li Cunxiao also has the third rank.

All are peerless warriors.

The second grade on my side is not enough to look at.

It's better to bear it for a while than to lose it for nothing.

When the cavalry wiped out the infantry of the Great Zhou led by Xu Shu, they would rush back.

At that time, Ye Qing will return to the city.

Ye Qing led all the cavalry to fight for half a stick of incense in the Beishi army camp. His intention was to hit the morale of the Beishi army.

Seeing that Zhi Boyuan didn't send out generals, he turned around and withdrew to the city.

When returning to the city, suddenly a small group of fine cavalry came from the north.

The number of people is no more than a dozen.

At the same time, there was a man in a different costume among them.

"Shi Potian has lived up to the lord's entrustment, and now kills Qiu Hongyan and brings him back. Please verify the real identity of the lord!"

It turned out that it was Shi Potian who came back with this elite cavalry. Looking at the corpse he left behind, Ye Qing took a look and said happily: "Yes, Shi Potian, you have done a good job. You have made a great contribution. You have another thing when you return to Chang'an." I will reward you."

"Thank you, my lord!"

Then Ye Qing said to the ten riders behind him: "Where do you come from, where are Han Chen and Han Sheng?"

These ten riders were not the fine riders he brought to Bingcheng, but followed the large army.

Ye Qing is quite discerning about this point.

The leader of the ten riders replied: "My lord, General Di Qing and General Huang Zhong led us to sneak attack on Yong'an City, and now I have been ordered to report this matter to the lord. I happened to meet Mr. Shi on the way, so This is why we came to Ice City together!"

(End of this chapter)

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