Chapter 337
"Ahem! What are you talking about? Yong'an has been taken down!"

Ye Qing was a little surprised and excited, and the location of Yong'an City in the northeast of the river immediately appeared in his mind.

A big red dot was immediately marked prominently.

At the same time, there are countless thoughts floating in my mind.

"My lord, I dare not lie. Yong'an City was successfully attacked by us. General Di Qing sent two groups of people, one to inform the lord, and the other to inform Mr. Xu and them!" Lai Qi reported truthfully.

"it is good!"

Ye Qing couldn't help clenching his fists and applauding.

Yong'an was restored, and the Beishi army was imprisoned in Hedong, and it was not so easy to leave.

Once this news spreads, not only the armies of Da Zhou in Hedong will be cheered up, but also the Beishi army will collapse in an instant and flee north in panic.

"Ten people enter the city, and report the details to Liu Ji. From now on, Liu Ji will be in charge of the affairs of the ice city!" Ye Qing gave the order to the ten riders, and then said to Shi Potian:
"You and I go to find Xu Shu and Xue Rengui, and bring Qiu Hongyan's head."

After speaking, Ye Qing threw the saber to Shi Potian, and then led the riders towards the southeast.

Shi Potian didn't know what Ye Qing wanted to do, but he drew his sword to do so, beheaded Qiu Hongyan, and ran towards the southeast with him.


Xu Shu and others retreated all the way south, and all the soldiers ran fast.

In terms of fighting tough battles, Xue Rengui's over [-] recruits cannot do it.

However, the infantry of Xiaoyao Mansion trains troops, the first speed is connected, and the soles of the feet are connected.

Running comes first.

When infantry is being used in combat, there are few of them. They are either marching or retreating.

Being able to run is strong.

Therefore, in addition to strengthening discipline, Xue Rengui also trained the recruits' ability to run and long-distance running every day.

Now throwing off his arms and running, it is quite fast.

Xu Shu took the borrowed cavalry behind and chose a narrow place. Xu Shu said to the riders:

"Pour out half of the caltrops in the bag, don't make it too dense, spread it evenly!"

The last row of cavalry soldiers opened a bag they were carrying.

The black tripod inside was scattered on the ground.

The scientific name of these species is terrestris, which is made of iron and has four spikes.

Throw it on the ground randomly, and there will be three spikes standing on it.

The spike on the top is facing upwards, and it is a small gadget specially used to block the enemy's horse and hurt the horse's shoe.

Of course, it can also be used against people at night.

The production is simple, the material is also simple, and it is a simple and practical thing.

"Mr. Xu, can this thing work? There are too many Beishi cavalry!" Zhou Qi asked worriedly.

Xu Shu said: "This road is the only way to go south to chase us. The Beishi people have no choice, and they will definitely be recruited.

When we come back later, we can gain something! "

After speaking, Xu Shu took all the riders to the front and hid.

Soon, more than 7000 Beishi Iron Army rumbled after them.

The Northern Stone Army chased him eagerly, who would have thought that Xu Shu would play such a trick.

The vanguard charged into the field strewn with caltrops.

In the next moment, countless Beishi army horses neighed and screamed, and they ran like crazy, or jumped wildly, or raised their front feet and neighed with their heads raised.

The Beishi army immediately fell from their horses one after another.

Or collide and crash to the ground.

All of a sudden, one hundred and eighty riders were killed or injured.

At this time, Beishi Jun's eyesight was good and he noticed the barbed wire on the ground.

He couldn't help but gasped.

What a cunning Zhou Jun.

Even put a hidden weapon.


Just when the Qiqian Beishi Army stopped, they wanted to clean up the caltrops on the ground.

At this time, Xu Shu led a thousand riders to fight out.

The bows and arrows were thrown indiscriminately.

After shooting, he turned around and left.

After a round of blows, another two or three hundred Beishi troops were killed or injured.

The Beishi cavalry gritted their teeth in anger.

The caltrops were quickly cleaned up, and the Beishi cavalry continued to chase.

Soon there were big Zhou cavalry in front of them again.

Xu Shu and his riders stopped in front.

A pair of meaning to a duel.

Beishi generals were overjoyed, drew their swords and pointed: "Attack, kill Zhou Qi!"


Seven thousand against one thousand, overwhelming advantage, Beishi wins!
Rumble rushed over, at this time Xu Shu just directed the riders to shoot arrows at 45 degrees.

Beishi Zhongqi was hit by a round, causing hundreds of casualties.

Then the Beishi cavalry rushing forward fell down again.

It turned out that Xu Shu had sprinkled barbed thorns on the ground again.

The North Stone Army, who only wanted to eliminate Xu Shu, ignored this point again.

Using caltrops once or twice can be quite irritating.

The Northern Stone Army reined in their horses and stopped.

One rider collided with another, and hundreds of riders were damaged.

Coupled with Xu Shu's non-stop archery attacks.

In an instant, the densely packed [-] Beishi army lost [-] to [-] people.

After beating Xu Shu, he ran away immediately.

"Ah, damn Zhou Qi, extremely hateful!"

After clearing all the caltrops on the ground, the Beishi riders chased after him.

Not long after, they saw Xu Shu stopping at the same spot with Zhou Qi again.

It seems to be waiting for them.

This time, the Beishi cavalry became more cautious and did not rush forward.

Instead, he reined in the horse and stopped on his own initiative.

"See if there are any caltrops in front."

Suffered by this thing, the Beishi cavalry were all soldiers, so they didn't dare to be careless.

Three Beishi cavalrymen jumped down and inspected on foot. Halfway through the inspection, Xu Shu led Zhou Qi around and accelerated southward.

At this time, Beishi's followers suddenly realized.


Xu Shu has no more barbed wire.

He was wasting time, wasting time for Zhou Bing's infantry.

So he immediately urged the horse to chase down.

Half a day later, Beishi Zhongqi finally caught up.

The cavalry on both sides opened the stage to chase cavalry and shoot.

One side is in front and the other side is behind, bowing and shooting fiercely.

There are many soldiers in Beishi, but few riders in Zhou Dynasty.

It seems that the Northern Stone Army is dominant, but it is not.

Because Zhou Qi is equipped with the three treasures of the horse.

Although they are not as elite as Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry, they are better than Beishi Army in riding and shooting on horseback.

Moreover, it still shoots backwards, naturally there is a reverse force, the initial velocity of the arrow is higher, and the lethality is stronger.

Of course, the Northern Stone Army is not bad either. Their arrows are special and they can shoot from a long distance.

Both sides come and go, and during the chase, people keep falling.

It was like this for half an hour.

Finally, Beishi Zhongqi saw the shadow of Zhou Jun's infantry.

"Kill, kill Zhou Qi, and step on Zhou Jun!"

The Beishi riders were overjoyed, and finally bit Xu Shu and Xue Rengui.

These more than 1 Zhou troops could not escape.

The spirits of the Beishi riders were greatly shaken, and they became even more excited, slapped the horses hard, and accelerated the impact.

Xue Rengui knew that running was useless, so he ordered the troops to stop.

Then he ordered: "End the formation!"

Ten thousand infantry immediately formed formations among their respective generals, and the wheelbarrows were pushed out one by one, and then piled up in rows in front.

This is the wheelbarrow used by Xue Rengui's army to transport supplies.

This car was proposed by Ye Qing and designed by Lu Ban.

A special car that doesn't exist in Longteng Continent.

Lightweight and flexible, easy to make.

So Xue Rengui ordered people to make it, and it was specially used to transport materials to his troops.

At this time, take them all out to block the enemy cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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