I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 339 Avoid Ye Qing, go around

Chapter 339 Avoid Ye Qing, go around
"Everyone, thank you very much. I am very grateful to Xiaoyao Mansion for everyone to come!"

Xu Shu led Guan Yu and the generals of the reinforcement army to welcome them into the formation.

Facts have proved that all judgments are correct.

Ye Tong has no morale in the army.

The generals from the Ministry of War did not want to follow him.

"Mr. Xu, you are being polite. It is our responsibility to fight the barbarians of the north and recover the east of the river. It is the duty of every soldier in my Da Zhou!"

"That's right, even if we are bastards, we can't just sit back and watch my Great Zhou's army get eaten by the northern stone barbarians.

It's okay if you don't know, but if you know it and don't come out to rescue, that is not being a minister, not being a Zhou. "

"Mr. Xu, just tell me how to fight. Although the troops we have brought are not many, we still have [-] infantry and [-] fine cavalry. questionable."

All the generals looked at Xu Shu.

Xu Shu was about to reveal his plan when someone pointed to the north and said, "Look, everyone, what is that?"

Then everyone looked north.

I saw hundreds of black dots approaching from far away, and red military flags, battle flags, and general flags fluttered high in the cold wind.

Although he couldn't see the flag clearly, he couldn't see the other party's face either.

However, Xu Shu and others immediately judged who was coming.

"Yes...it's the lord!"

In an instant, Xu Shu and Xue Rengui choked up.

Amidst the excitement, there was deep reverence in his eyes.

Then they heard the familiar sound of crackling arrows.

Three long and one short!
The specially made loud arrows shot into the sky.

unique communication language.

Xue Rengui drew his sword and pointed to the north, saying: "Soldiers, our Sixth Highness has returned! He said, fight!"

"Is that His Highness the Sixth Highness?" Although the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty were also excited, they were somewhat suspicious.

Xu Shu also pulled out his own sword, and said to everyone with a firm face: "Everyone, it is undoubtedly His Highness, only Your Highness dares to intercept the enemy's thousands of horses with hundreds of horses, and dares to order us to attack, and the result will be fruitful." Jue ordered to destroy Beishi's army.

So now it's not my order for you to fight side by side, but your Highness's order, everyone is willing to accept the order! "


It's really Ye Qing!
What else is there to say.

There are more than 5000 enemy cavalry, and now they have more than 5000 cavalry in Dazhou, and there are more than 2 infantry.

Should have fought.

"I will wait for the order and swear to fight to the death with the northern rock barbarians!"

All the generals drew their swords one after another.

Xu Shu said: "Well, you are all iron-blooded warriors of my Great Zhou. Today, with these more than 5000 enemy cavalry, I will open my way to restore the East of the Great Zhou, and make my name as a strong army of the Great Zhou! Everyone... Attack! "




Thousands of troops thundered and roared in unison.

Like the ground shaking.

The pawns moved towards the north cloud.

Iron cavalry also rushed out from the flanks.

Rolling like thunder, powerful like mountains, fast like tigers and leopards.

The Beishi Iron Cavalry was instantly timid and had no intention of fighting.

Urge the horse to retreat northward.

Ye Qing, who stood in their way of retreating north, held the Overlord Panlong Halberd again.

All the soldiers raised their crossbows together.

Don't move like a mountain!

Like a Poseidon needle, it remains motionless.

"Rush over, forget about it, avoid Ye Qing, go around!"

The Beishi military general who led the Beishi cavalry saw Ye Qing's flag, as well as the Zhao and Li flags on the left and right wings.

The fighting spirit that was full just now suddenly lost the courage to rush forward.

"Seeing that there are no brothers, the Beishi people are afraid. They have five thousand cavalry, but they are afraid of two or three hundred of us, hahaha!" road:

"Bite his right wing and shoot.!"

After speaking, Ye Qing urged the horse to rush out, Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao followed, changed their spears into bows, approached the Beishi army, opened a certain distance, and then opened their bows to shoot arrows.

Gang, who was approaching the Beishi cavalry in Xiaoyaofu, shot with a crossbow.

Those who are far away change their bows for arrows, and shoot arrows while swimming to catch up.

The Beishi cavalry didn't dare to stop shooting at each other, they just kept fleeing northward.

They were afraid that if they stopped and slowed down, they would be chased and bitten by the cavalry of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Once entangled, destruction is not far away.

Only retreat north as soon as possible to join our infantry army.

Only then can we retain our vitality and turn defeat into victory.

Fighting against Qing at this time is nothing more than a small loss.

Ye Qing has few people, so even if he bites, he can bite as much meat as possible.

But soon they regretted it.

Ye Qingfang bit tightly and killed fiercely.

Quickly shot and killed [-] Beishi cavalry.

Looking at the team that lost a lot of weight, the commander of the Beishi cavalry, his intestines were full of regret.

Looking back, the good guy Da Zhou Tieqi has caught up with him.

Because Zhou Qi has the three treasures of horses.

Horses have horseshoes, which can run faster and save horsepower.

Therefore, the war horses of the Northern Stone Army who had been chasing for a long time had already been exhausted.

At this time, I still have to run fiercely, and I have long lost the speed of the original pursuit.

Being chased is also normal.

"Damn it, attack Ye Qing and kill him!"

Since fighting is inevitable, let's take Ye Qing first.

If all the cavalry are exhausted, Ye Qing can be killed.

It's worth it.

Therefore, the cavalry general of the Northern Stone Army waved his cavalry to the right.

"Well done, all the soldiers change their weapons and rush with me!"

At this time, Ye Qing just finished shooting all the arrows.

Regardless of whether it is a crossbow or a bow, all arrows have been shot.

Since he can't fight at a distance, close combat is just what he wants.

So holding the Overlord Panlong Halberd in his hand, he charged forward and waved it.


The Beishi soldiers who were pressing over were cut in half with a halberd. Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao and others were even more ferocious, and they were also the ultimate move.

Following Ye Qing, he rushed into the Beishi cavalry.

Swipe left and right.


The big Zhou cavalry who came up were even more excited.

After rushing to the Beishi Army's team, he immediately killed them.

Just a shock.

The Beishi Iron Cavalry was reduced by half.

Then the cavalry from both sides mingled together and fought in a melee.

"Death!" Seeing the opponent's general rushing towards him, Shi Potian jumped over, stepped on the head of a Beishi soldier, and then struck out with his palm.

The North Stone Master swung his weapon and swept it horizontally.



Shi Potian's internal strength is so profound, he folded the weapon with one palm, and then hit the enemy general's chest unabated.

Suddenly the enemy will fall to his death.

At this time Beishi's [-] infantry arrived.

Seeing that our cavalry suffered a disadvantage, they immediately slaughtered them.

Seeing this, Ye Qing said to the crowd: "Move to the left!"

As soon as Ye Qing moved, the Xiaoyao Mansion riders followed.

Xu Shu and others also followed Ye Qing's banner with a thousand horses.

The other generals who commanded Zhou Qi also left the battlefield one after another and moved to the left.

After they came out, Ye Qing led the army to charge the northern stone infantry.

Over there, Xue Rengui took Zhou Bing for more than two steps to pursue, and outflanked him from the right wing.

Another interspersed scuffle erupted, and the two armies had no extra time to think, and there was still room for preparation, so they could only swing their weapons towards each other with their bravery.

(End of this chapter)

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