I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 340 Defeating the Enemy with 3 Great Victories

Chapter 340 Defeating the Enemy Thirty Thousand and Four Great Victories

The leader of the Northern Stone Army was killed by Shi Potian!

The large army was also beheaded by Zhou Qi.

Not even [-] Beishi cavalry could survive.

There is no advantage in the melee.

On the other hand, Ye Qing led all the riders on a rampage and started killing.

Rush all the way.

The northern stone pawns were easily overwhelmed.

The Northern Stone Army had long been feared by Ye Qing habitually.

It was not the first time Ye Qing stepped on them, so when he saw Ye Qing rushing, he automatically dodged and dodged.

But they were able to avoid the impact of Ye Qing's hundreds of riders.

But he couldn't avoid the four or five thousand Zhou Qi who followed behind.

With such a huge number, a wave of crushing crashes past.

The Beishi army was divided and scattered into several sections.

The entire infantry army has no formation at all.

The whole team was in a mess.

If a soldier finds a general, he will not be able to find his own soldier!

In addition, Xue Rengui and other infantry came from the right wing to attack and kill.

It doesn't take half an hour.

In three steps, Beishi's army was surrounded.

An hour later, the sunset glow in the sky set off the afterglow of the evening, illuminating the entire battlefield.

At the end of the battle, people mourned and horses cried, the incomplete battle flags were hung obliquely, weapons were scattered all over the place, and there were countless dead bodies.

The blood also condensed into one piece with the cold wind.

Both sides fought fiercely, and both sides suffered many casualties.

Part of the Beishi army fled, including cavalry and infantry.

Although Da Zhou won in this respect, after a day of running, retreating or chasing, after winning the battle, he no longer has the strength to chase the fleeing enemy soldiers.

"Count up the losses, find all the wounded in our army, and save them as much as possible!" Ye Qing rode a horse, looked around the entire battlefield, and did not give orders to everyone.

The generals went down to recount their subordinates, clean up the battlefield, and gather up the spoils.

After resting for half an hour, the basic situation was also counted.

They all came together soon.

"How's the situation!" Ye Qing asked.

Xu Shu said: "Our army's cavalry has more than 500 casualties, most of them were seriously injured or killed in battle!"

Although the cavalry is very fierce on the battlefield, as long as they are injured, they are basically seriously injured, especially in large corps battles.

Either you don't fall from the horse, or you fall from the horse, almost ten fall, eight deaths and two injuries. "

"Of course, except for the three or four hundred enemy cavalry who escaped, the rest were all beheaded by our army!" Xu Shu added.

Of the [-] Northern Stone Army cavalry, only three or four hundred escaped in the end. It can be said that the entire army was wiped out.

Ye Qing looked at Xue Rengui.

Xue Rengui looked at each other with the other generals, and then replied: "My new army infantry lost more than 400 people, and the other generals also suffered about [-] casualties.

There were about [-] Beishi infantry who escaped, and the soldiers were too tired to wipe out the enemy. "

More than 4000 enemies were wiped out, and 9000 of our own were lost.

Four to one battle loss ratio.

It's a big win.

But don't be too happy.

One thousand kills, eight hundred self-damages.

Eighty-nine thousand people were killed or injured.

There are only more than 1 people who can use it.

Zhi Boyuan still has [-] in his hand.

Li Mu also has more than 2 people in his hands.

A total of [-] to [-] people.

Still not to be underestimated.

"Everyone has made great contributions in this battle. Record the achievements according to the facts. All the achievements that cannot be counted will be shared equally. I don't count the share of my Xiaoyaofu riding." Ye Qing stood up and glanced at the excited crowd.

"Although this battle is won, the enemy's commander and general are still there. We still need to continue to work hard. Now I order!"

Hearing this, everyone straightened up.

Ye Qing continued: "Xue Rengui received the order, now you are in charge of the army, Xu Shu is in charge of planning, you two lead the army to the north, keep an eye on Zhi Boyuan, if you want to fight, you can't fight, but you can't let them run away.

When I lead the army to the north, we will encircle and suppress the remaining main force of Beishi together! "


Xue Rengui and Xu Shu both took over.

Xu Shu said: "Master, do you want to go to Jiangyi City to mobilize the main force?"

Go grab soldiers from Ye Tong!
Everyone's expressions tensed up again.

Ye Qing said that he wanted to lead an army to the north, but it could only be the army in Ye Tong's hands.

There is no other army in Hedong.

Ye Qing said: "It's natural, Ye Tong is incompetent, I should take it myself."

After speaking, Ye Qing looked at Shi Potian, who was still carrying Qiu Hongyan's head.

The meaning is obvious, those who stand in my way will die.

Is Ye Tong's life as hard as Qiu Hongyan's?

the answer is negative.

"But my lord, the Shadowless Sword is in Anyi City!" Xu Shu reminded Ye Qing.

The ability to cut first and play later was not brought, so Ding Yuan went to save his life.

Ye Qing said: "It's okay, I'm not trying to kill Ye Tong, I'm just going north to encircle and wipe out the Beishi army with soldiers who are willing to fight.

By the way, I want to tell you a piece of news, Han Chen and his team succeeded in attacking Yong'an with [-] elite cavalry, so we must go all out in this battle, and we cannot let what he did become meaningless! "

Yongan City!
That's an important frontier city in the north of the river.

It is the only way out of the river to the north.

After closing this place, the Northern Stone Army became a turtle in a urn.

If Zhi Boyuan and Li Mu found out, the Beishi army would retreat northward like crazy.

After attacking Yong'an like a madman, he captured Yong'an.

No wonder Ye Qing wanted to take hundreds of cavalry southward, and the South blamed now going to Jiangyi City to seize military power.

Because of the opportunity, if you miss it, it will be gone.

Even two tiger generals will be buried.

For the final victory, to wipe out all the Beishi soldiers and horses that entered the country.

For the benefit of the Great Zhou Kingdom, he had no choice.

Because he is Ye Qing, he is the sixth prince.

He is the royal family of Ye family.

Everything has to be borne by him.

"I am willing to go back to Jiangyi to help His Highness!"

After all the generals in the Ministry of War understood, they clasped their fists and bowed on one knee.

Ye Qing was too weak to seize Ye Tong's military power.

As generals of the Ministry of War, even if they couldn't tie up Ye Tong, they could understand them with emotion, move them with reason, and pull away more troops.

As long as it is a big victory, as long as the Beishi army is eliminated.

Ye Zhen would not blame them, after all, the law does not blame the public.

Ye Qing helped all the generals up one by one and said: "No need, I appreciate your kindness, your task now is to follow Rengui and Yuanzhi, and bite Zhi Boyuan to me, so that he can't easily retreat Yong'an City, as long as this is done, you will be my best support."

"But my lord!" Xue Rengui and the others were still a little worried.

Ye Qing waved his hand and said, "I don't have time, I'm going south now, you follow orders!"

After speaking, Ye Qing gave Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao and Shi Po Angel a wink, and then the three of them took two hundred horses with him, got on their horses, and headed towards Jiangyi City.

When it was dark, Ye Qing and other talents arrived in Jiangyi City!


The city guards shot down the top of the city with an arrow and shouted loudly.

The guards on the city rushed to the battlements with torches, staring at them.

Ye Qing pointed to his battle flag and said, "I am Ye Qing, King of Xiaoyao County of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Now I want to enter the city, open the door!"

Ye Qing's voice was not very high-pitched, but it was mixed with domineering.

The defenders of the city were all astonished.

The King of Xiaoyao County...Ye Qing!
Why is he here!

(End of this chapter)

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