I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 341 I Want to Lend You Something, Prince Hejian

Chapter 341 Prince Hejian, I Want to Lend You Something

"You are really His Royal Highness Xiaoyao County King!"

The guard stretched his neck, snatched the torch from his subordinates, and looked down carefully.

"What? Does anyone else dare to impersonate me?" Ye Qing roared angrily:
"Da Zhou Ye Qing is here, open the city, if you don't open it, enter!"

After a roar, everyone behind them drew their swords and drew their knives, and the bright weapons gleamed coldly.

The guard was taken aback.

My heart is about to burst out.

But he was called by Ye Tong, so he swallowed his throat and replied: "Your Highness, wait a moment, the commander-in-chief is required to open the city gate, and I am asking the commander-in-chief to come here."

In order to prevent someone from going out of the city to support Xu Shu, Ye Tong changed all the generals guarding the city gate.

The purpose is to prevent what happened during the day from repeating itself.

Don't allow yourself to be passive.

Ye Qing glanced at Li Cunxiao and Shi Potian.

The two nodded in understanding.

Li Cunxiao urges the horse to charge forward, and Ma Qian makes a throw.

"Clang!" It pierced into the wall with a bang.

Shi Potian jumped up, stepped on the horse's head, leaped with his strength, and then jumped onto Li Cunxiao's horse spear, and then shot a flying arrow above his head, and shot into the wall above.

Shi Potian stepped on the horse's spear lightly, flicked it with force, and then reached the position of the arrow, stretched his arm, grasped it with movement, and lightly borrowed force.

The person jumped onto the wall.

He turned around and stopped until there was any movement outside, and the guard who had stopped for a while was taken aback.

Then I saw a figure in front of me.

Shi Potian turned half of his face and asked: "Where do you want to go? Seeing that His Highness won't open the city, you want to seek rebellion!"

Although Shi Potian's whole body exudes kindness and gentleness, and his face is as gentle as a scholar's temperament, the guard dare not ignore him.

Even my legs became weak.

Those who can fly up the city wall are either the supreme powerhouse or the perverted.

It is estimated that there are not many in the whole week.

Anyone who dares to underestimate him probably doesn't know how to move his head.

"Open...open...open the city...gate!"

The guard gave the order hesitantly.

The soldiers under his command put down their weapons one after another from their astonishment, and then went down to open the city gate.

Soon Ye Qing and others entered the city.

Only then did Shi Potian smile slightly at the guard and said, "The person who asked me to fight alone last time was called Qiu Hongyan, and I brought the head!"

After speaking, Po Potian slowly walked down the stairs and headed towards the inner city.

Qiu Hongyan!
Head of Baibogu!
Qiuhongyan is above the sixth rank.


This young man killed the head of Baibo Valley.

The guard instantly collapsed and sat on the ground.

Sweating profusely, eyes full of joy.

Ye Qing led the people all the way to the county government office!
Ye Tong was living here at this time.

The person guarding the gate was Ye Tong's personal guard. Seeing the aggressive Ye Qing, he immediately drew his sword to stop him.

Li Cunxiao yelled: "The King of Xiaoyao County has something to discuss with the King of Hejian County. Whoever dares to stop it will delay the military situation and kill without mercy!"

When they heard that it was Ye Qing, all the guards were taken aback.

Then he was knocked away by Xiaoyao's murderous Xiaoyao Fuqi.

The door opened, and Ye Qing stepped into the hall.

But he didn't go to the back office where Ye Tong lived.

Ye Tong, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly awakened by his subordinates knocking on the door.

He scolded angrily: "What is it called, is it called a ghost?"

Although he knew that something urgent must have happened, Ye Tong was still upset that his son of a rich man's habit broke out, and Wuming angrily reprimanded him.

"The commander-in-chief is not good, Ye Qing has entered the government office!"

"Who? Who came in?" Ye Tong was a little confused.

Ye Qing, I didn't hear that, the subordinates were talking about Ye Qing.

"Marshal, that Ye Qing entered the city, now he entered the government office, just sit in the lobby!"

"Ahem!" Ye Tong was so frightened that he fell off the edge of the bed.

After all, the lights were turned on before going to bed, so I was in a hurry to find clothes, so I couldn't get them all in one go.

How did Ye Qing come in here?

What is he going to do.

After finally standing up, he simply put on some clothes for himself.

Ye Tong opened the door and asked, "What's going on? What's going on? How did he enter the city, how did he enter the government office? What does he want to do?"

His subordinates were also confused by the question.

You ask me, who do I ask!
"Marshal, I don't know about this. Ye Qing led people in and broke in directly. Our people... dare not move!" The subordinate explained aggrievedly.

Ye Tong slapped him with a slap, his face livid and ferocious.

"Trash, what do you need?"

Don't dare to move, what are you doing?
If Ye Qing wanted to kill himself, there would be no reminder as to whether his head would fall.

Ye Tong was so angry!

He is also the majestic king of the county, and the coach who came to Hedong this time, how could he live so uselessly.

I didn't even know that I was forced into the bed.

After putting on the outer python robe, Ye Tong kicked his hands and said, "Lead the way ahead, I want to ask Ye Qing, what does he want to do?"

It was loud enough to say it, but Ye Tong's auxiliary words lacked confidence.

The subordinates didn't care so much, they got up and led the way.

Soon Ye Tong rushed to the front hall with an angry expression on his face.

I haven't entered yet, but I saw outside the Xiaoyaofu cavalry covered in blood, as well as Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun and other fierce generals who were full of murderous looks.

The last trace of confidence disappeared without a trace.

I began to feel uneasy in my heart, hesitated for a while, and then walked into the hall cautiously.

While walking, he was also wary of the swords on Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao's waists.

For fear that the two of them would suddenly draw their swords and stab him to death.

"Hejian County King is here, and I just want to borrow something from you." Seeing Ye Tong walk in, Ye Qing threw Qiu Hongyan's head on the table.

lend me something!

Ye Tong's feet went limp and paralyzed, especially when he saw Qiu Hongyan's head, his heart suddenly felt cold.

Ye Qing wanted to kill me.

I want to borrow my head!
This guy really wanted to kill me.

"Hejian County King, what's the matter with you, what are you doing sitting on the ground?" Seeing Ye Tong's vulnerability, Ye Qing sneered.

Ye Tong was completely disheartened by the scriptures at this moment, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Ye Qing, you are so cruel and ruthless. Although I, Ye Tong, am not a good person, I did something that I shouldn't do for you, but no matter what, I am also you. Uncle, it is a big taboo for you to kill me without the emperor's consent, and if you kill me, you will not be able to be the emperor..."

"Stop! Stop, what the hell, when did I say I'm going to kill you!" Ye Qingzhong clapped the case and asked with an innocent face:

"Tell me, when am I going to kill you!"

"Ah! Aren't you going to kill me?" Ye Tong's heart was about to jump out of Ye Qing's yell, and his eyes froze.

Ye Qing didn't explain, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a trace of evil charm.

Ye Tong came back to his senses, pointed at Qiu Hongyan's head and said, "Aren't you..."

"Do you know who he is?" Ye Qing sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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