Chapter 342

do you know who he is?
do you know?

Where do I know?
Who the hell knows who he is?

What has it got to do with me?
Ye Tong shook his head with a dazed look on his face.

I don't know what Ye Qing wants to do?
Shrinking the head is a knife, extending the head is also a knife.

Can you give me a good time!
"He is Qiu Hongyan! I killed him with my own hands."

Ye Qing didn't reply to Ye Tong's words, but Shi Potian beside him replied in a calm tone.

He is Qiu Hongyan!I killed it with my own hands!
What a calm and flat sentence.

But what a powerful message it conveyed.

Who is Qiu Hongyan?
He is the head of Baibo Valley.

The strength of the sixth-rank realm is dignified and above.

One of the few supreme powerhouses in Dazhou.

The result was killed!
was killed...

Only then did Ye Tong come back to his senses.

Generally, it is not easy to break into the rank realm, let alone a person with strength above rank six.

Ye Tong raised his head and turned his eyes to Shi Potian who was speaking.

In my 20s.

too young.

He... killed Qiu Hongyan.

Then his strength must be at least rank six, or even higher.

Who is he?
He actually followed Ye Qing.

Brother Huang's people?

It was also the supreme being recruited by Ye Qing secretly.

No matter which one it is, Ye Tong now clearly realizes that he has no money to make trouble with Ye Qing.

There is no capital to oppose him!
"I've heard that Baibogu was destroyed a long time ago. It turns out that he is Qiu Hongyan. This dog thief died well and killed well!"

In any case, Baibogu rebelled against Da Zhou. As a member of Ye's royal family, Ye Tong's cruelty to Qiu Hongyan is unquestionable.

Whoever rebelled against his Ye family should be killed.

"Just this afternoon, Xu Shu and others defeated the 4000 Beishi Army with [-] people, beheaded more than [-] enemy heads, and Beishi's momentum has gone." Ye Qing said here, and then changed his mind. One turn:

"I want to transfer Jiangyi's army. I want to borrow your commander's seal. Would you like to borrow it?"

Xu Shu and others won the battle.

Wait, how did the Northern Stone Army become [-].

Isn't there only seven thousand cavalry?
Thirty thousand more.

No wonder... pawns.

[-] against [-], and we won.

How can this guy fight Xue Rengui and Guan Yu so well.

Suddenly Ye Tong raised his head, looked at Ye Qing, and met his eyes.

Borrow the handsome seal.

Ye Qing wants to transfer the army and wants command.

borrow it?

It seems to be asking.

But with that tone and that unquestionable look in his eyes, Yijing made it impossible for Zhong Dong to say no.

However, he still struggled in his heart, and then said: "Can I follow along?"

He is a commander in chief, even if Ye Qing is to make arrangements, even if he is a puppet, he must have a name, and he should lead the army northward.

"No! Jiangyi City is not stable, you need to be a commander in chief, you just need to wait in the back with peace of mind!" Ye Qing stood up suddenly, then walked out of the hall, when passing by Ye Tong, he stopped suddenly down:
"Don't make me wait too long!"

After speaking, he took the people and left the official office.

Then go to the military camps in the city.

Directly request all ministries to start preparations, and they will set off at dawn tomorrow morning.

Anyone who said nothing, Ye Qing directly brought them up and killed them.

Soon the troop transfer order stamped with the commander's seal was passed on to the generals.

Only then did everyone understand that all the main forces were under the command and dispatch of Ye Qing.

Cook before dawn, and after eating and drinking enough, the army set off.

Looking at the [-] infantry and [-] cavalry behind him, Ye Qing was very satisfied.

Ye Tong finally didn't finish tossing the main force.

These soldiers are enough.

With this team, Ye Qing rushed directly to the west of Linfen City.

Li Mu was also a cunning fox on the battlefield. After hearing the news, he also ran northward with his troops early in the morning.

When Ye Qing reached Linfen, it was an empty city.

Li Mu escaped early.

Ye Qing was not disappointed, and continued northward with the army.

After chasing Baibo Valley, Zhi Boyuan and Li Mu both went north by the classics.

The two men marched northward to Pingyang City with a total of 4 troops. Xu Shu did not dare to attack, but followed closely behind.

The number of cavalry on both sides was comparable, a brief contact battle broke out, and then separated again.

There is no plan to go on to fight it out.

"My lord, after you left, Zhi Boyuan came to attack the ice city once, but was beaten back by our army." Liu Bowen went out of the city and briefly reported the information behind to General Ye Qing.

Ye Qingdao: "Choose 5000 troops to go north with me, we should settle the ledger with the Northern Stone Army and settle the matter in Hedong!"

"It's my lord!" Liu Bowen immediately asked Zhang Liao to gather five thousand recruits, leaving Zhang He to defend the city.

Then, together with Ye Qing's [-] troops, a total of [-] troops marched northward.

Pingyang City!
"How about it, Ye Qing has led Dazhou's main force to the north!"

After retreating to Pingyang City, Zhi Boyuan was still uneasy.

I still feel that something is wrong again, but I just can't find it.

Li Mu was even more so, anxious and uneasy. In short, a voice told him to continue to retreat northward.

There was another voice telling him that the Beishi Kingdom failed in this southward invasion, and it cannot be completely defeated.

The main force needs to be brought back.

The scout who was in charge of going south reported: "Hui Zhishuai, Ye Qing brought [-] pawns from Jiangyi City, [-] fine cavalry went north, and [-] pawns in Baibo Valley!"

"Thirty-eight thousand, including Xu Shu's team, Ye Qingbei's army chasing after him is more than 4000 horses! The classics are not inferior to our army." Zhi Boyuan asked:

"Ma Ke from Xiangling, Gaoliangting, and Yang counties has moved closer to our army."

The total number of people in these three places is eight or nine thousand, plus the people guarding Yong'an, there are another two thousand, and there are more than 3000 people on my own side.

It is almost the same as Ye Qing.

The only difference is that Ye Qing's cavalry is stronger than his own.

Moreover, the morale of the army is higher and there are more generals.

"Back to Commander, the troops from the three places have already withdrawn from the garrison and are heading west." The staff told the truth about the latest news reported.

Li Mu suggested: "Marshal, I think we have to continue to retreat. This Pingyang City is not a city of perseverance. Let's retreat to Yong'an directly, and let the people from the three cities go to Yong'an first."

"That's exactly what I mean. Ye Qing has more cavalry than us. If he avoids Pingyang and goes to attack Yong'an, we will become an isolated island in Pingyang. We can't go or defend!" Zhi Boyuan nodded, and then said to Li Mu. :

"You stay here to contain Xu Shu temporarily. I will lead the army to withdraw first, and I will send people to meet you along the way."

Li Mu knew that he would receive such a task, because he still had two cavalry in his hand.

One is his original four thousand cavalry, and the other is the two thousand female cavalry directly under Zhao Feiyan's hands.

After Zhao Feiyan was captured, they sent them to guard Pingyang City.

That's when there was no movement from them.

But Li Mu and Zhao Feiyan had a closer relationship, and this female soldier was more willing to listen to Li Mu than Zhi Boyuan.

Moreover, it is a tradition for the cavalry to break the rear to cover the retreat of the army.

(End of this chapter)

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