I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 343 We Are Too Late

Chapter 343 We Are Too Late

So Li Mudao: "Give me [-] infantry, I am leading [-] cavalry, and I can slowly fight with the Zhou soldiers headed by Xu Shu."

"Okay! Then I will leave you with [-] infantry, and all the cavalry will be under your command." Zhi Boyuan agreed without hesitation, and then led the army out of the city immediately and continued to retreat north.

After walking for half a day, a messenger from the north suddenly rushed south.

He said to Zhi Boyuan with a flustered face: "Zhi Shuai is in trouble, Yong'an City has fallen! Zhou Jun attacked Yong'an City."

"What? Pfft..."

Zhi Boyuan's face changed drastically when he heard this, and his blood pressure shot up instantly.

There is no doubt about the news.

No one dares to spread false news at this time.

"Smart! Smart!"

All the Beishi generals were stunned.

Yong'an City has fallen?

How could it fall?
That has always belonged to the rear.

Could it be... Ye Qing's people played sneak attack again.

Don’t you Da Zhou not afford to lose, you always engage in sneak attacks, you always hit the rear, you are not manly enough, you have the ability to face up!

Waiting for Zhi Boyuan to finally wake up.

He asked in a weak voice: "How long?"

How long?
What's the meaning.

Only the staff understood him, and hurriedly replied, half an hour has passed!

"Then can you speed up the march? Can you tell Li Mu to withdraw?" Zhi Boyuan asked quickly.

The staff shook his head: "Without your order, we can't..."

"Confused, don't look at it...cough cough!" Zhi Boyuan was so angry that he raised his right hand and dropped it back, ordering out of breath:
"Speed ​​up the marching speed, take back Yong'an City at any cost, and at the same time... order Li Mu...to stick to Pingyang!"

"Ah!" The staff was astonished.

Didn't you just tell Li Mu to retreat north quickly?

Why did you suddenly change the order now?

Zhi Boyuan didn't explain, just said: "Hurry up, send the order, we will be defeated if it is too late."

Almost finished speaking through gritted teeth.

At this moment, Zhi Boyuan's mind was completely blank, as if he saw the sunny blue field in Taiyuan.

That's a beauty... Can I go back and take another look in this life?

He has no confidence.

His opponent is Ye Qing, a resolute, cunning and ferocious opponent.

Never seen in my life.

At the age of 14, the old man was defeated and might end his life in the end.

This son is terrible and must not be left behind.

If you can return to Jinyang City alive, you must ask His Majesty...


Li Mu never received Zhi Boyuan's military order at all.

Because when Zhi Boyuan received the news that Yong'an in the north had fallen, Ye Qingyijing led the army to Pingyang City.

Joining forces with Xu Shu, [-] troops surrounded Pingyang tightly.

So all contact with the Northern Stone Army was cut off.

"My lord, there are only about [-] infantry and about [-] cavalry in the city! The rest were taken away by Zhi Boyuan and retreated north." Xu Shu explained the current situation to Ye Qing.

There are not many others, so they dare not chase after Zhi Boyuan, otherwise they will be attacked by Zhi Boyuan and Li Mu.

So I had to bite Li Mu's army.

"[-] troops guarding Pingyang City!" Lord Ye looked at Pingyang City carefully, rubbed his chin and said:
"Hanchen and the others took down Yong'an, did the Northern Stone Army know about it?"

"Shouldn't you know? Otherwise, Li Mu wouldn't have been left in Pingyang City." Xu Shu said, "However, I guess Zhi Boyuan will receive the news today, because he took away Xiangling and Yang County with scriptures." Waiting for the soldiers and horses in other places, it is estimated that the changes in Yong'an City will be discovered soon!"

Ye Qing nodded slightly. For this sake, no matter how well Di Qing pretended, he would still be exposed.

I don't have much time for myself.

It is necessary to quickly take down Pingyang City, eat Li Mu, and then catch up with Zhi Boyuan.

Ye Qing didn't know how long Di Qing could last.

So as soon as possible.

Ye Qing looked at Liu Bowen and said, "What clever plan do you have to capture Pingyang City in the shortest time!"

Although Pingyang is not big, it is not as good as Wenxi back then.

But there are many enemy soldiers inside, and they are all old soldiers, as well as Beishi's cavalry.

The defender of the city was Li Mu, the famous Beishi general.

This guy is not to be underestimated.

Back then, when he fought against Ye Tong, he almost wiped out the main force of Da Zhou.

Although Ye Tong was at fault for this matter, it cannot be denied that Li Mu's keen ability to catch fighters is undeniable.

There is also the courage to serve as a general, and the decisive choice when withdrawing troops.

In short, this general is placed in Ye Qing's camp, and he is also a rare commander-in-chief.

Ye Qing admired him quite a lot.

Liu Bowen said: "If you want to take Pingyang City quickly, there are three strategies!"

"Say!" Ye Qing spat out a word.

I'm still quite displeased with the counselor's behavior of selling out.

Why don't you just say the simplest and most effective one?

You have to show that you are talented, and it is difficult to test your lord.

"The best plan is to lure the enemy back, send the information of Yong'an's fall to the top of the city, let his army know, and at the same time send someone to reach an agreement with the female soldiers in the city, use Zhao Feiyan as a bait, and let the female soldiers in the city open the city gate." Liu Bowen After speaking, he looked at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing frowned slightly.

It was a good plan, first let the Beishi defenders panic and lose their will to resist, and then exchange Zhao Feiyan for two thousand female soldiers to open the city gate.

But Zhao Feiyan and Ye Qing didn't want to let go now.

Or as he himself said, he will never let Zhao Feiyan go in this life.

As for why, I just don't want to let it go.

Why release those who are captured by strength!
Seeing that Ye Qing didn't say a word, Liu Bowen said again: "The middle strategy is to lure the enemy, and the same is to shoot the situation into the city, and then our army pretends to chase Zhi Boyuan and leave a partial army under the city. To save Zhi Boyuan, we still need to attack the partial army under our city. As long as Li Mu leaves the city, they can be surrounded.

The probability of success of this plan is between [-]%, success or failure depends entirely on Li Mu's choice, it is a medium strategy. "

To gamble on Li Mu's character.

To gain his wit.

[-]-[-], gambler psychology.

Ye Qing still didn't speak.

At this time Li Cunxiao said: "Sir, the worst strategy is not to attack the city by force!"

"General Jingsi is right and wrong!" Liu Bowen stroked his beard and said with a smile:

"The worst strategy is to sneak attack on the city, send masters into the city at night, capture the city gate, our army is attacking by force, the difficulty of this strategy is that Li Mu's defense is not thorough, will there be any negligence.

If Li Mu sees through and is prepared, it will be extremely easy for our generals who attacked at night to lose their lives! "

It is not the first time that Yijing from Xiaoyao Mansion has done this to storm the city head and kill Kaesong alone.

I have done it twice in Hedong alone.

Whether Li Mu will avoid this move is unknown.

That's why Liu Bowen said it was the worst policy.

All the generals looked at Li Cunxiao in unison.

He's done this twice.

The inspection is the most abundant.

But Li Cunxiao turned his attention to Shi Potian.

Let's talk about a small expert who breaks the city.

This is the boss.

It takes me three pushes to climb to the top of the wall, but this one did it with two pushes.

And a word can make people open the city gate.

His martial arts are two grades higher than his own.

(End of this chapter)

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