I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 344 Capture All Phoenix Army

Chapter 344 Capture All Phoenix Army

Li Cunxiao is not afraid.

Just having a companion makes it easier to fight.

Besides, their strength lies there!

Shi Potian seemed to understand what Li Cunxiao meant, and was about to cup his fists at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing said directly: "Use the middle and middle strategies!"

Reason told him that the wrong move was the fastest and most practical.

But he didn't want to take the risk.

Li Mu is not an ordinary person.

There will be defenses.

Ye Qing didn't want Li Cunxiao to gamble with Shi Potian.

"It's my lord, I'll make arrangements right now!" Liu Bowen squinted his eyes halfway, glanced at Li Cunxiao and Shi Potian, with a bright smile on his face.

The two also knew that Ye Qing was protecting them.

I don't want them to have an accident. Although there is passion and impulse, it is more moving.

They are lucky to have such a master.

Just as Liu Bowen arranged, Zhi Boyuan's messenger went south and was captured.

Liu Bowen was overjoyed when he learned about it.

Zhi Boyuan sent an assist here.

So he let the prisoner go to the city to deliver a message to Li Mu.

Zhi Boyuan's messenger felt like a roller coaster.

Thought he was dead.

As a result, Zhou Jun asked him to continue sending messages into the city, until the moment he was pulled into the city by the hanging basket, he still didn't believe that he had escaped.

"Yong'an is lost!" Li Mu clenched his palms tightly, his face turned dark, and he became the bottom of the pot.

"Zhi Shuai really ordered so!"

The person who reported the letter replied tremblingly: "Zhi Shuai has indeed ordered so, the villain dare not tell half a lie."

"Hmph, based on how you could have passed through the Zhou army's blockade, you must have been captured. Someone pulled you out and chopped it down. Don't spread the news!" Li Mu suddenly said to his guards.

The guards stepped forward and took down the messenger, dragging and dragging.

"General! General, the villain is telling the truth. The villain did not betray Beishi..."

Soon there was no sound of this report.

Li Mu rubbed his temples and felt a severe headache.

Yong'an fell, he became an abandoned son, and 4000 people became abandoned sons to contain Ye Qing's army.

Zhi Boyuan's meaning is obvious, let him stick to Pingyang City and buy time for the army.

Anyone who receives such a military order will also be angry.

Li Mu's subordinates were all angry.

All stared at Li Mu.

As long as Li Mu gave an order to break out of the city, they had no objection.

"Strengthen the city, make a plan to defend it, especially be careful of Zhou's army attacking the city in the middle of the night." After thinking about it, Li Mu added, still not at ease: "Block the city gate... with stones, and prepare a barrel at the cave. Oil, I want Zhou Jiang to come and go."

None of Li Mu's subordinates answered.

This is to burn jade and stone together.

Are we really going to die in Binh Duong?
"Report! The general is not good. Zhou Jun shot many arrows from outside the city, and many bamboo slips were tied to the arrows.

It said that Yong'an City was lost, saying that Zhishuai told us to flee immediately, but the general killed Zhishuai's messenger, trying to trick us into defending the city. "

Suddenly a young general ran in to report what happened inside the city gate.

Li Mu stood up abruptly after listening, feeling dizzy and dark.

"It's hit!"

Li Mu sighed in regret.

It was still a bad move.

I didn't expect Ye Qing to do something like this.

He shouldn't have killed the messenger.

Yang conspiracy!

Naked conspiracy.

At this moment, he couldn't explain it even if he wanted to.

The defenders in the city must be in a state of confusion, and they are constantly suspicious of him.

Rumors are limited to wise men, but their Beishi soldiers basically don't have any brains.

Murder is a fact, and Yongan's fall is also a fact.

But fleeing is not a fact.

"General, I'm going to collect all the arrows that shot into the city! I will control the defenders who know about this!" A general said immediately.

Li Mu waved his hand and said: "It's late, there's no need, just tell everyone the news, I believe the soldiers will understand and support me in defending the city."

It is better to conceal than to admit generously.

Even if he can't be recognized by all the soldiers, at least half of them will support him.

"Ye Qing, Ye Qing, what a countermeasure, your military advisor Xu Shu is really amazing!" Li Mu sat back to his seat, reclined, and muttered silently.

He didn't know that this plan was not made by Xu Shu.

It was Liu Bowen who was not famous.

In the evening, another city guard came to report.

"General, there has been a mobilization of soldiers and horses in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they have gone north to chase Zhishuai!"

"Well! I went after Zhishuai, how is this possible?" Li Mu first felt that it was a fake, and hurriedly asked:
"How many Zhou soldiers are there outside the city?"

The young general who defended the city replied: "There are still ten thousand!"

"It's only [-], so it must be a fake." Li Mu asked worriedly, "Did they take the cavalry away?"

The young general replied truthfully: "All the cavalry are out, and the leader is Ye Qing himself. The guards of the camp are unknown!"

Li Mu waved his hand and told the young general to go down.

"Trying to lure me out of the city must be a lie! Ye Qing, Ye Qing, this move of yours is not very clever. You want to take Pingyang quickly. It seems that there are not many people in your department who attacked Yong'an." Li Mu was very confident, and this was Ye Qing's trap again, so he didn't feel a little bit moved.

Only let the generals continue to stick to the city.


Pingcheng West Gate!
Slowly opened, two thousand cavalry came out quietly.

After making a half circle, they headed towards the Zhou army camp outside the west city gate.

At this moment, the Zhou army camp was loosely guarded.

Two thousand riders killed until they didn't notice.

"That's great, Zhou Bing is so careless, sisters follow me to save Her Royal Highness!"

Two thousand female soldiers of the same color broke through the camp gate and entered the Da Zhou barracks.

It's just that they rushed for a while, and found that except for a few soldiers who fled to the inner camp, the front camp was empty, except for tents or tents.

Just when they realized something was wrong, suddenly the direction of the gate was lit with torches.

A fine cavalry blocked the gate of the camp.

Countless torches were also lit in the Dazhou Inner Camp.

Countless soldiers of the Great Zhou rushed out of the crowd.

Shout out to the sky.

All the female cavalrymen instantly changed their colors.


"Northern female soldiers of the Phoenix Army, surrender. If you don't surrender, I will kill your third princess!"

Just when the Beishi female soldiers wanted to rush out of the battalion, Ye Qing came out, holding Zhao Feiyan who was tied up in his hand.

At this moment Zhao Feiyan was gagged, everything she wanted to say turned into whining.

She shook her head vigorously, tears welling in her eyes.

This time, the Phoenix Army was completely cheated by Ye Qing.

One didn't run.

The Beishi female soldiers she worked so hard to build were gone.

"your Highness!"

Seeing Zhao Feiyan in Ye Qing's hands.

The female soldiers and generals of the Phoenix Army were full of eagerness and remorse.

In the end, he had no choice but to drop his weapon, jump off his horse, and catch him without a fight.

"Take it!" Ye Qing beckoned, and all the soldiers stepped forward with guns and knives and captured all the Beishi female soldiers.

After taking down these female soldiers, Ye Qing released Zhao Feiyan's bondage with a sword.

"You are despicable, didn't you say you would exchange me? Why did you break your word and take my female soldiers prisoner?" Zhao Feiyan let go of her hands, tore off the gag from her mouth, and attacked Ye Qing while cursing .

(End of this chapter)

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