I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 345 Li Mu Surrenders

Chapter 345 Li Mu Surrenders
Ye Qing blocked it from left to right, then covered Zhao Feiyan's hands with his right hand, and then embraced Zhao Feiyan with his left hand, and said with a sneer:

"It was you who broke your word first. I told them to open the city and surrender, let our army enter the city, and I will let you go unconditionally. Who would have thought that they would be so greedy, not only not open the city, but also want to take you away, so It is also difficult to raise only women and villains in this world."

"You're shameless!" Zhao Feiyan yelled loudly with a sobbing voice, who couldn't beat Ye Qing.

Ye Qing laughed again: "You haven't slept with me, how do you know I'm shameless!"

"You..." Zhao Feiyan was so angry and ashamed.

The biggest regret in her life was surrendering at the beginning.

Now directly pit all the Phoenix Army.

It also allowed Ye Qing to seize the opportunity to break the city.



Li Mu was awakened in an instant, jumped out of bed, grabbed his weapon and rushed out of the room.

At this time, a confidant general stumbled in: "The general is in trouble, and the Zhou army has attacked the city."

"What's the matter, how could it be attacked by the Zhou army? Didn't I say that once the Zhou army attacked at night, would you notify me as soon as possible?" Li Muhong's eyes turned grim.

Ye Qing has entered the city, so Li Mu is finished.

This is the end of the [-] army.

The visitor replied: "Ximen fell first, and the Phoenix Army left the city without permission in the middle of the night, so that the Ximen was empty, and was captured by Zhou Bing skillfully. Only then did Zhou Bing's army enter the city. Our army couldn't resist, and half of Yijing surrendered."

Li Mu spat out a mouthful of blood.

Thousands of calculations have been made, and his own female soldiers have been neglected.

They didn't respect the military order and went out of the city without authorization.

This is what caused the catastrophe.

Unexpectedly, I, Li Muying, was defeated by my own female soldiers.

Heaven is good to reincarnate.

Back then he supported Zhao Feiyan's formation of female soldiers, but in the end...

What an irony.

"General, let's get out of the city as soon as possible. The pawns are hopeless. If we can take away the cavalry..." the visitor urged:

"If you're late, don't rush!"

Li Mu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's not necessary, we blocked the city gate by ourselves, there is no rush to leave now, even if you leave the city, you think Ye Qing will have no backup, there must be Zhou Jun's cavalry ambushing outside the city .”

With a long sigh, Li Mu threw away the weapon in his hand and said: "Surrender, let the soldiers surrender. This battle is over, don't make fearless sacrifices. Although Ye Qing is cunning and ruthless, but still If you are trustworthy, you will not embarrass our soldiers too much."

"But the general... hey!" The coming general also knew what Li Mu was thinking.

Starting from beheading the messenger during the day, he fell into the trap of Da Zhou step by step.

The soldiers in the city have long been unwilling to fight.

At this time, when the Da Zhou troops rushed into the city, half of them surrendered in an instant.

It can be seen that the morale of the army is not available. If the fight continues, it will only increase casualties, and thousands of corpses will be added.

Can't change the overall situation.

Following Li Mu's order.

Soon the Beishi army in the entire city put down their weapons one after another.

Zhou Jun regained Pingyang, killing more than 2000 enemies overnight and taking more than [-] prisoners.

It was also a great feat for Dazhou and even Ye Qing to capture so many Beishi generals for the first time.

Ye Qing did not embarrass or mistreat the Beishi generals when they were selected.

Instead, he called Li Mu over immediately.

"General Li came to my Dazhou for the second time, but he didn't bring a gift. It's really rude!" Seeing Li Mu coming in, Ye Qing gestured with his hand to let him sit down, and didn't let anyone tie him up.

Li Mu clasped his fists and said: "Foreign Minister Li Mu pays homage to His Royal Highness Prince Xiaoyao County. It is a pity that Chang'an and his party failed to see His Highness. If we see Your Highness sooner, we may not have lost today. I regret it!"

"General Li Mu is speaking out of anger. If you had seen me sooner, you would have brought 20 troops instead of [-]. Then I would not dare to come to Hedong!" Ye Qing said with a smile:
"Don't worry, general, our army has always treated prisoners preferentially. It seems that Beishi and I came out of the Central Plains together. Although our national policies and preferences are different, they are always connected by blood."

"With His Highness's words, Li Mu felt a lot more at ease. Li Mu thanked His Highness for the kindness of the soldiers who survived by chance." Li Mu really felt better at this moment.

Ye Qing's ability to say these words, according to the scriptures, is an obvious attitude.

At least not to kill prisoners.

Ten thousand elite soldiers will always have a chance to return home.

To save them is to preserve Beishi's vitality.

You must know that the population of Beishi is far less than that of Dazhou.

The land is barren, dry and rainless.

Soldiers are not easy to come by.

Ye Qing nodded slightly, seeing is better than hearing a hundred things.

This Li Mu has an extraordinary bearing, and he talks and laughs freely.

It is really rare for him to face himself as a prisoner and still care about his subordinates so much.

"General Li, go down and rest. If you want to see Zhao Feiyan, you can do it now!" Ye Qing also said to Li Mu with a magnanimous and polite smile.

Li Mu was overwhelmed by the flattery, he clasped his fists and saluted again: "Thank you, Your Highness!"

Soon Li Mu was taken down, and then saw Zhao Feiyan with red eyes.

"your Highness!"

As soon as Zhao Feiyan looked up and saw Li Mu, she became emotional immediately.

"Uncle Li, why are you here?"

After asking Zhao Feiyan, her mood fell again, and she murmured in frustration: "I was the one who killed Uncle Li. If it wasn't for me, the Phoenix Army would not have fallen into Ye Qing's trap, and Pingyang City would not have been attacked by Ye Qing!"

At this time, Zhao Feiyan doesn't have the original arrogant and arrogant.

It's like changing the world, with a little more love for children.

"Your Highness, the princess is serious. This matter has nothing to do with you. Ye Qing's strategy is superior to ours. It is not a shame to be defeated by him." Li Mu comforted Zhao Feiyan and said:
"Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. Don't lose your confidence, Your Highness. Just learn from his strengths and find his weaknesses. One day, His Highness will overcome him and be able to defeat him."

Zhao Feiyan felt better after hearing this, and asked, "Uncle Li, Ye Qing didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Ye Qing took him prisoner, but he yelled and shouted every day, treating him like a little maid.

Li Mu smiled and said: "Princess, don't worry, Ye Qing is a magnanimous person, and he didn't make things difficult for me. He is an enemy on the battlefield. In private, he is quite easy to talk to, and he is not as impersonal and difficult to contact as imagined." .”

"Uh! Uncle Li, are you bewitched by an evil spirit, and you still speak for him!" Zhao Feiyan pouted and snorted:
"You have never seen how despicable, shameless, and hateful he is! He is simply a big villain with sores on the soles of his feet and festering on his head!"

When saying this, Zhao Feiyan gritted her teeth like a little girl.

Li Mu couldn't help being slightly startled when he saw it.

What did Zhao Feiyan go through these days.

It seems that the willful shadow of the original female general is missing, and there is more of a girlish sorrow.

Ye Qing couldn't have planted some other kind of seeds in her heart!
"Uh, Your Royal Highness, can you tell me about Ye Qing's situation you have observed, and what he has done recently, so that you can fully understand him, so that you can know yourself and the enemy, so that we can get to know him in the future. Beishiguo should deal with him." Li Mu was really curious, there must be many things he didn't know that could make Zhao Feiyan honor Ye Qing so much.

(End of this chapter)

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