I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 346 Di Qing's Reinforcements

Chapter 346 Di Qing's Reinforcements

Zhao Feiyan picked up some things that could be said and told Li Mu.

After hearing this, Li Mu basically understood.

"Uncle Li, what do you think Ye Qing wants to do? Can my Phoenix Army... go back to Beishi?" Seeing Li Mu's silence, Zhao Feiyan asked.

She couldn't make up her mind anymore. In this matter, Ye Qing's actions were really...

Li Mu suddenly smiled: "Your Highness, none of the Phoenix Army may be able to go back. Judging from Ye Qing's tactics, he deliberately matched the Phoenix Army and the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry, and even wanted to use the hands of female soldiers to dispel them." The grievances between us Beishi and Dazhou.

He wants to ease the conflict between our two countries, and intends to make peace with me, Beishi.

And he firmly believes that it can be done, otherwise he wouldn't covet Your Highness your Phoenix Army! "

Speaking of this, Li Mu took a look at Zhao Feiyan, and there was another meaning, which he couldn't say out loud.

Zhao Feiyan didn't notice it, but she became even more angry when she heard it.

"Don't even think about it. The Phoenix Army belongs to me, Beishi. It is impossible to give Ye Qing his life, let alone surrender to Da Zhou!"

Zhao Feiyan was even more annoyed when her inner thoughts were confirmed.

Ye Qing's trick will not succeed.

As long as I am alive, I will never let this bastard succeed.


Zhi Boyuan didn't have much time to stay with him.

He knew that Pingyang City would be captured at any time.

Ye Qing might appear in front of his eyes in the next moment.

So while he was on his way, he attacked Cui Lingrang's [-] troops who had rushed to Yongwan City earlier.

And justifiably regardless of the cost.

The [-] troops who arrived earlier stormed for a whole day.

Paid three or four thousand casualties.

Still failed to capture Yongan City.

The battle flag on the top of the city has long been replaced by the flag of Da Zhou.

But at the head of Beicheng, Di Qing was still quite clever and did not replace him.

The Beishi army in the north does not know the situation in the south, so as long as the Beishi flag is still there, they will not attack southward.

This allowed him to rest assured and concentrate on dealing with the Beishi enemy army in the south.

He and Huang Zhong took turns to repel the onslaught of the Northern Stone Army round after round.

The casualties of the soldiers in the city also increased a little bit.

Fortunately, there are several days of preparation.

He has a lot of supplies for defending the city.

The city is full of people from the original Dazhou.

Also actively cooperate.

Defend the city together.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the city is silent.

The Beishi army receding like a tide finally made the Xiaoyaofu riders who had fought for a day limp on the ground. They didn't want to move at all, they just wanted to lie down and take a breath.

Even the assistant civilian husband was exhausted.

Only Di Qing and Huang Zhong, holding weapons, still stood on the top of the city, looking into the distance.

The night passed quickly, and the next morning was early.

The Beishi army under the city began to storm the city again.

Di Qing and others fought hard to resist, half of the city's casualties were guarded, and one-third of the recruits who had been training temporarily died.

The civilian husband also lost a lot.

The Beishi army under the city attacked frantically, and arrows continued to shoot at the top of the city.

It's noon!
Beishi army attacked the top of the city, and the generals of Beishi led a steady stream of troops to fight bloody battles with Di Qing, Huang Zhong and others at the top of the city.

The most tragic battle for the head of the city broke out between the two sides.

Just when Di Qing and the others were struggling to hold on.

There was commotion behind the Beishi army that suddenly attacked.

A group of people with different clothes and different weapons rushed out.

Disturb the back of the Northern Stone Army.

These people killed and slashed all the way, disturbing the back of the Beishi army, and then came towards the head of the city.

Soon, mainly three warriors, they quickly rushed under the city wall.

All three of them were good sword wielders, and when they swung their long swords, all Beishi soldiers around them were killed.

As soon as the three of them stepped on the ladder, they jumped up the wall one after another.

"It's from the Huashan faction!"

Huang Zhong pointed at Yang Guo and the others, he was overjoyed.

Di Qing and the others were even more excited, they had reinforcements, and they were all masters of the rivers and lakes.

Morale soared instantly.

Beishi soldiers rushing to the city will be attacked from both sides, and their morale will plummet.

Those who were killed were killed, and those who jumped off the city jumped off the city.

The high-ranking people under the city took advantage of the trend and went to the top of the city one after another.

The original team of hundreds of people was also cut in half at this time.

It can be seen that the charge just now was extremely dangerous and the battle was fierce.

"Fortunately, everyone arrived at the extreme time! The city was almost lost!"

Thinking about the situation just now, Di Qing and the others were afraid.

But now with the help of Yang Guo, Feng Qingyang and other hundreds of martial arts experts, the defense of the city is hopeful again.

"General Di, you're being polite. If you need us, just give us orders. We are good at killing us recklessly. We are not good at forming troops, so we have to listen to the general!" Feng Qingyang said modestly with a smile.

Di Qing said: "Okay! Everyone is in the same boat and came here for the great cause of defending the city, but the younger generation will be disrespectful. Please follow me to the gate tower, and I will rearrange it!"

Di Qing led the crowd to rearrange the defense of the city.

Huang Zhong commanded the rest of the soldiers and the guards to manage the city and collect useful weapons and arrows.

Under the city, the retreating Beishi army all sighed.

It seems that Yong'an is about to be captured.

He actually killed a group of people who did bad things.

So that all previous efforts were wasted.

From yesterday to now, out of 1000 soldiers and horses, only [-] remained.

And with injuries.

It is impossible to storm Yijing.

I didn't know that Zhi Boyuan would punish them like this when he arrived.

For an hour and a half at noon, the Northern Stone Army was not launching an attack.

But soon, Di Qing and others rushed to the top of the city.

They were awakened by the sound of the ground shaking.

Outside the South City!
The black heads filled the entire river valley official road.

Can't see the end.

It is said that the number of people exceeds ten thousand, and there are no boundaries.

Tens of thousands of troops stretched to the horizon.

The army of Zhi Boyuan who just arrived, with banners like the sea, is fluttering against the wind.

"The main force of the enemy army is coming, and the time to test us the most has come." Di Qing looked at the Beishi army outside the city, his eyes were restrained, his brows were slightly raised, and his face was solemn.

The same is true for Huang Zhong and others.


Under the city barracks!

Zhi Boyuan's face became more and more cold after listening to the retelling of the generals who attacked the city before, and finally waved his hands expressionlessly: "Drag it down and cut it off!"

"Zhishuai spare your life! Zhishuai spare your life, I will try my best!"

"Zhishuai, I have tried my best, and I almost broke through Yong'an...Give us a chance..."

Three generals were beheaded as soon as he came up, which showed Zhi Boyuan's determination.

The generals of the Northern Stone Army raised their spirits to [-]%.

"Everyone, this is a matter of life and death for us. There is no sloppy, negligent, almost, or almost." Zhi Boyuan glanced at the crowd:

"We have only one way, to capture Yong'an; if we fail to capture, everyone will be buried in the east of the river."

"It's Zhishuai, we will definitely conquer Yong'an!"

The generals responded with a bang.

There is no choice but to conquer Yong'an.

No luck, only go all out,
"Siege the city after half a stick of incense. Once the city is attacked, there is no retreat, only until the end of the attack. I don't care if it is day or night, as long as Yong'an is not captured, I will continue to fight." Zhi Boyuan stretched out his hand and grabbed the bamboo tube. Throw all the general signs on the ground:

"I'd rather you all die in battle at the top of Yong'an City than be stabbed to death by Ye Qing from behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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