I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 347 Di Qing's Water Attack and Ice Defense

Chapter 347 Di Qing's Water Attack and Ice Defense
After half a column of incense!

The Northern Stone Army launched a fierce attack!

This time it was more violent than this morning and yesterday.

Because Zhi Boyuan's belief in winning Yong'an is stronger.

More troops.

There are also more warlords available.

So attack more fiercely.

But Di Qing, who got the kick, also gained confidence.

Lead the crowd to continue to fight back.

Arrows, stones, and wood kept venting down.

All the masters guarded the top of the city, and the northern stone soldiers who came up were quickly cleared.

Even if they rushed to the second-rank generals, there were still people who would fight against them.

Yang Guo, Qing Qingyang and others helped share the pressure.

Di Qing can command calmly.

"Pour oil and set fire!"

Di Qing knew that the only way to prolong the defense was to interrupt the enemy's offensive rhythm.

So take your chance and have someone pour hot oil out of town.

He also carried half a bucket and smashed it down.

Then the rockets went down one by one.

The fire outside the city suddenly rose.

Countless small fire dragons gathered into a big fire dragon, devouring all around.

Corpses, clothes, weapons, wooden shields, flags, and 檑木 Aitō were set on fire.

The fire isolated the attacking Beishi army.

The Beishi army had no choice but to retreat temporarily, and let the soldiers shovel the soil to fight the fire.

Obtaining this short stop time, Di Qing and others hurried to rest.

The civilian husband immediately replenished the supplies for the city.

Carry wounded soldiers and throw away enemy corpses.

Collect the weapons on the city.

Once the fire was extinguished, the Northern Stone Army attacked again.

Stepping on the charred and fleshy corpses of their accomplices, the Northern Stone Army roared and rushed forward.

After a round of battle, Di Qing repeated his old tricks.

The Beishi army was forced to stop again.

Repeatedly, the battle continued until dark.

Di Qing and the others thought they could rest.

But Zhi Boyuan didn't intend to give up, and attacked at night.

There is no rest.

The fierce battle continued throughout the day and continued at night. At this time, the competition was all about the consciousness and clear command decisions of both sides.

Fight until midnight.

There are very few usable supplies left in the city.

Di Qing also ran out of oil.

Can't use fire attack now.

"Hanchen, we're out of gas. The next wave of attack, the Beishi people will be on the top of the wall. We may not be able to defend tonight!"

The whistling north wind kept blowing, Huang Zhong said: "Plus, the weather is very cold, the oil can't burn, and it will be extinguished immediately."

Di Qing also looked sad.

How can they disrupt the rhythm of Beishi people's attack when they run out of gas.

etc!Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Di Qing's mind.

Thinking of something, he patted Huang Zhong on the shoulder and said, "We're out of gas, we have water! Hahaha, look at how cold it is, it's so fucking cold, hahahaha!"

"Uh! Hanchen, what do you mean?" Huang Zhong looked confused.

How to use water to interrupt the attack rhythm of Beishi people!

Di Qing said: "Do you know how the lord's ice city was built? Water! Water!"

After finishing speaking, Di Qing immediately went to get water with everyone.

No matter what tool is used, in short, immediately get the water in the city to the top of the city.

Everyone was puzzled, but followed the order.

Then Di Qing asked someone to pour water on the wall and flow down the wall.

It was cold and windy.

When the cold wind blows, it freezes instantly.

Reach out and touch it to be extremely smooth.

Look down with a torch, and the wall is the same.

The wet and slippery wall ladder is difficult to mount.

It was not easy for the Beishi army to attack the city.

This is not finished.

Di Qing ordered someone to immediately pour water outside the city.

Freeze everything outside the city.

Whether it's corpses, weapons, armor, soil, all sprinkled with water, it becomes slippery and easy to fall.

Yong'an City has a high terrain.

The water splashed out, fell to the ground, and after flowing down for a short time, it immediately solidified.

With basins and buckets of water splashed out.

Soon the main road of attack turned into a world of ice.


The Northern Stone Army took a short rest and immediately launched an attack again.

At this time, Di Qing only gave two orders: "The crossbowmen are ready, shoot as soon as the enemy is close! Others get me water, and when they come up, pour it on the enemy for me, and pour it on me vigorously!"

Splashing golden juice, I have seen pouring boiling oil.

It was the first time to splash water on an enemy.

But soon someone understood the meaning.

It's late at night, the temperature is low, and water is better than oil.

If a person is wet, he will lose his combat effectiveness in an instant, and he will not be able to hold a weapon if he is so cold, and he will not have the desire to attack the city.

Sure enough, a new round of Beishi army attacked, and everyone defended the city according to Di Qing's new method.

The Beishi army under the city either stepped on the ground too slippery, and then fell down.

Or be wounded by arrows.

Either they were splashed by the flying water, and then their hands, faces, and clothes were instantly wet.

As soon as the cold air blew, it was so cold that his spine shivered.

The weapon in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Everyone sneezed coldly, and there was no fighting spirit to attack the city.

Those who barely passed the level set up the ladder again, crashed, and fell down.


Even if Zhi Boyuan gave the order to die, General Beishi, who was leading the charge at this moment, would not dare to attack again.

Back with his men.

When I retreated, it was the same as when I came. I accidentally slipped and fell, and my nose was bruised and my face was swollen.

"Great Zhou Wannian! His Highness Wannian, General Wannian!"

The enemy was repulsed so easily, and the defenders couldn't help cheering.

And Zhi Boyuan was so angry that he was about to cheat.

He kicked the retreating general.


After attacking for a long time, they got such a result.

A small basin of water stopped his army at the foot of Yong'an City.

The Ice City reappears.

Go to TM's ice city.

Got hurt by this thing again.

"Retract your troops! Go back and rest! We will be fighting tomorrow morning!"

Zhi Boyuan's heart was ashamed, he knew that if he stopped, it would basically be a dead end.

Di Qing, who has mastered the ice city skills, will definitely take advantage of the night to increase the height and thicken the ice layer.

Wake up tomorrow, Yong'an City will be even more difficult to conquer.

The army is hopeless to break through.

There is no hope.

The rest is a struggle.

The generals were equally unwilling, but had no choice but to order to withdraw to the camp.

"Report! Commander! There are...enemy cavalry behind our army!"

Bad news came one after another, and Zhi Boyuan asked feebly, "How much? What banner?"

"Six thousand riders, leader of the Great Zhou Xiaoyao County King Ye Qing!" The messenger replied tremblingly.

Six thousand cavalry came after them, and Beishi's army was in danger.

"Hey, General Li Mu, you can't buy us too much time!" Zhi Boyuan gave a wry smile, waved his hand and said:

"Go, tell Ye Qing that the battle will start tomorrow morning, and I will fight him!"

"No!" The reporter immediately went down to convey Zhi Boyuan's meaning.

Back at the barracks, the staff said, "Zhishuai, don't we have a choice?"

"Yes, but it's embarrassing." Zhi Boyuan lay on the couch, he didn't even want to move, and he didn't even look at his staff, he just laughed at himself:

"It's no shame to lose at the hands of cavalry.

I still have more than 2 troops. Even if I can't beat Ye Qing, it should be no problem to lose half of his [-] cavalry! "

This is to burn jade and stone together!

A trace of resignation flashed across the staff's face. They stared at Zhi Boyuan, then turned away and said, "But Zhishuai, Ye Qing may not fight us in the end. We don't have a choice, but he has a choice!"

(End of this chapter)

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