Chapter 348

"Then... I hope he will be a real warrior, not so shameless!"

Zhi Boyuan didn't want to bother to guess.

After all, the result is predetermined.

How is the process, why bother so much.

Seeing Zhi Boyuan who lost his mind, the staff's face twitched slightly.

He turned around and said, "Zhi Shuai rests first, maybe tomorrow will not be as bad as we expected!"

Zhi Boyuan waved his hand lightly.

Good staff come out.

A group of generals asked: "How is it, what did Zhishuai say?"

It turned out that after all the generals returned to the camp, the more they thought about it, the more wrong they became, and they came one after another.

But Zhi Boyuan had ordered not to meet anyone!

Everything is obviously talking.

The staff looked up at the crowd with earnest eyes, and lamented: "There will be results tomorrow morning. Everyone has worked hard. Go back and have a good sleep. It's cold and windy, remember to warm up by the fire!"

After speaking, the staff left.

"This this……"

A group of generals were embarrassed there.

What is this called.

Fight or surrender.

Anyhow, give a result.

Yong'an was unable to attack, and Ye Qing led his troops to kill them again.

I really want to kill them.

After the staff left, they rode their horses and took two personal guards with them, and headed straight for Ye Qing's army.

At this time, Ye Qing led the people to climb up the mountainside, and saw with the binoculars that the flag of the Great Zhou was still hanging on the opposite side of Yong'an City.

Then he was relieved.

If Yong'an is not trapped tonight, he will have the confidence to fight Zhi Boyuan tomorrow.

Soon he saw the three cavalry rushing out from Zhiboyuan's camp.

Can't help being curious.

Then he took the people back to the camp.

After returning, I saw three cavalry from the Northern Stone Army negotiating in front of the camp gate.

"My lord, there is someone from the Northern Stone Army asking to see you!" When Ye Qing came back, the front battalion immediately came to report.

Ye Qing had known for a long time that in fact, there were many people coming, and they were cavalry. There was no decent camp at all, they were all temporary tents, so Ye Qing bypassed the front camp and came in.

So he waved his hand and said, "Bring it in!"

Soon Zhi Boyuan's staff was brought over.

Ye Qing said: "Who are you? What do you want to see me?"

"Foreign minister Guo Kai, pay homage to His Royal Highness Xiaoyao King!" Zhi Boyuan's subordinates clasped their fists in a foreign minister's salute.

Ye Qing stared at this person, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and corrected him: "It's the king of the county!"

"I believe that after this battle, His Highness is the real king, and the king of all kings!" Guo Kai continued to flatter him.

Ye Qingshang flashed a bright light, with a playful smile on his face: "It's interesting, Guo Kai, you are Zhi Boyuan's staff!"

Guo Kai didn't have the aura of a warrior, let alone energy fluctuations.

"Your Highness has sharp eyes, and the foreign minister is Zhishuai's staff, helping to sort out some sundries in the army!" Guo Kai replied bluntly without hiding it.

Ye Qing said: "Tell me, what is your purpose here? What did Zhi Boyuan send you to think about?"

"Your Highness, Guo Kai would like to ask, how will His Highness return to Beijing after winning the victory? With His Highness's merits, he is fully qualified to succeed the crown prince, but the Great Zhou Emperor will do what His Highness wishes, and will all the kings agree? Will all the officials agree? ?” Guo Kai bypassed Ye Qing’s question and instead asked several times.

This caused the generals around to draw their swords to kill Guo Kai.

In the army, he ignored this question, did he want to trap Ye Qing in an injustice?

What a credit it is to recover Hedong and defeat Beishi's [-] troops.

The killing of the Hedong Liu family also included the suppression of the Baibogu sect.

Harvest a huge amount of supplies.

Ye Qinggong is a high-ranking master, with heavy troops in his hands, rich in money and food, which can rival the enemy's country.

Taking advantage of the trend to advance into Guanzhong, it is possible to approach Chang'an and take the throne.

Isn't such an existence worth pondering?

Ye Zhen can still indulge, isn't he afraid?
"Hahahaha, don't bother Beishiguo to worry about it for me. My house is Xiaoyao, and I want to be free and unrestrained. Have I valued any name and power?" Ye Qing stared at Guo Kai with a smile and said:
"Mr. Guo, the counselors around me are ten times smarter than you. If you still want to take countermeasures at this time, it will only make your remaining 2 soldiers die even more tragically.

At first I thought... Now it seems unnecessary! "

Seeing the fierce light flashing in Ye Qing's eyes, Guo Kai instantly knew something was wrong.

Ye Qing is not an ordinary person, this kind of trick is useless to him.

Unavoidably regretful, he hurriedly said: "Your Highness, you are planning to recruit our army, and Guo Kai is willing to help Your Highness!"

That's right, Ye Qing must not be afraid of Guo Kai's countermeasures.

Because the killers sent by those Chang'an people were already on their way, and Yijing might be nearby.

Who wants to deal with him, he will not know.


What Guo Kai didn't finish was nothing more than letting Zhi Boyuan's army escape from Hedong. This would not only reduce some credit, but also reduce the impact of the Battle of Hedong, and put less pressure on the emperor and the kings.

At the same time, he secretly got the support of Beishi Kingdom, and there was a backer alliance. Hedong was recovered by Ye Qing, and then Hedong could become Ye Qing's base.

It became the capital for his rise and the confidence for him to fight for the throne.

How could Ye Qing do this kind of thing of raising a thief's self-respect and being in the country.

Stupid enough to lay mines on yourself?

Stupid enough to send a knife to the enemy.

Guo Kai, you underestimate Ye Qing's brain.

Ye Qingrao looked at Guo Kai with interest and sneered, "Do you know why I came after me so quickly? Li Mu surrendered, and I won Pingyang without bloodshed!"

Li Mu surrendered?
How could Li Mu surrender!

Guo Kai's body shook, and his mind went blank for an instant.

"So, you are not the first to surrender, nor will you be the last. In fact, your surrender is not unexpected, because your three princesses have taken a good lead.

I admire her very much, and I admire her Phoenix Army even more. I want to stay in the Phoenix Army forever, and give birth to, bring up, and teach children to the soldiers who have made great contributions to me. Quite exciting. "As Ye Qing said, he took out his sword, drew it lightly, then sent it in again, raised his head and smiled:
"dont you agree!"

Guo Kai wanted to cry.

More than 2000 Phoenix Army, the Iron Lady of the Great Zhou.

You really dare to think about it.

He wanted to betroth them to his generals.

Why don't you die beautifully.

Wait... the third princess.

No wonder, this guy couldn't have slept with the third princess!

Suddenly a strange thing mixed into the brain.

Guo Kai felt that this possibility was too great.

Damn it!

Only then did Guo Kai realize that he was playing tricks.

It is much more cost-effective for Ye Qing to sleep with the three princesses than to let Zhi Boyuan's 2-strong army escape.

Becoming the son-in-law of Beishi Kingdom, the relationship with Beishi became closer.

It is more reliable and easier to obtain the support of Beishi Country.

Moreover, the Great Zhou Emperor in Chang'an had nothing to say.

This guy... is more greedy than expected!
Guo Kai lost all his bets in an instant, and the things he was proud of were suddenly worthless.

Zhao Feiyan was put to sleep, and Li Mu surrendered again.

Ye Qing wanted to recruit more than 2 Beishi troops, which became much easier in the past.

You don't need him at all.

(End of this chapter)

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