I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 349 Zhi Boyuan commits suicide

Chapter 349 Zhi Boyuan commits suicide
"Go back, think it over and talk to me." Ye Qing looked at Guo Kai and said:
"Surrender to me without any conditions, because I will not make any promises, the only guarantee is that you will not die!"

In fact, both sides have obtained what they want, although it is not perfect.

But there are gains.

Guo Kai bowed and withdrew.

After leaving the camp, he rode on his horse and returned to the camp quickly.

Originally, he did this secretly, but now he needs to tell Zhi Boyuan.

As soon as he entered, Zhi Boyuan's cold voice sounded even more.

"Go to see Ye Qing?"

Guo Kai was taken aback!
I forgot, this is a rare wise man in Beishi, not a mediocre person.

Guo Kai replied generously: "See you!"

"How was the talk?" Zhi Boyuan didn't even lift his eyelids, nor did he open his eyes.

Guo Kai replied truthfully: "No success, because of Ye Qing's extraordinary wisdom and almost monstrous cunning!"

"It's up to you to judge and criticize. I really want to see with my own eyes what kind of extraordinary existence he is." Zhi Boyuan suddenly stood up, opened his eyes and said:

"The results of it?"

Guo Kai took a deep breath and sighed: "We want to surrender, but nothing is unconditional... Both the third princess and Li Mu surrendered!"

"Li Mu! I forgot about our third princess. After all, she is a daughter. A woman is detrimental to the country. If I knew it earlier, I would have insisted not to let Your Majesty... It's too late to say anything." Zhi Boyuan also showed a wry smile on his face.

Even Li Mu has surrendered, there is still something to talk about.

Presumably Li Mu also surrendered unconditionally.

If there is one, there will be two.

How could Beishi straighten his back in the future?

"Zhi Shuai, Ye Qing's plan is very big. This son's ambition is higher than the sky. I am afraid that the whole world will be a plaything in his hands in the future. We Beishi need to readjust our strategy and national policy!" Guo Kai knows that everything can be done now. Tell Zhi Boyuan.

Because it is impossible for this Zhiboyuan to return to Beishi alive.

"Oh, my Guo family, the number one family in Beishi, is actually afraid of a young man. Do I want to despise you, Guo Kai, for your sharpness back then!" Zhi Boyuan snorted rather dissatisfied.

Guo Kai sighed leisurely, and then recounted the conversation with Ye Qing and the whole process.

That night, Zhi Boyuan chatted with Guo Kai all night long.

The next day!

The sun is rising!

The refracted light is gorgeous and colorful!

But the Beishi army camp did not show any anger.

The twilight was so heavy that the whole camp was oppressed and depressed.

For some reason, until lunch time, there was no order from the barracks.

That is, do not attack Yong'an City.

Nor did they engage Ye Qing's cavalry.

Ye Qing also tacitly did not attack.

"Dong dong dong..."

Suddenly, the Jujiang drum sounded in the Beishi army camp.

All the generals from Beishi came to the coach's tent one after another.

Zhi Boyuan sat at the top.

All the generals arrived one after another, and then paid their respects one by one.

When all the generals are assembled, the drumbeat stops.

Zhi Boyuan's pair of divine tiger eyes swept across the crowd.

Everyone straightened their backs.

The final battle is about to begin so soon.

After this battle, without...

"Everyone, you have worked hard all the way to follow me, Zhi, to the south to fight. In this battle, I have failed His Majesty and the country's favor. It is not a pity to die wisely.

However, everyone is the backbone of my Beishi, the elite of the empire, and the hope of the empire! When Zhi Boyuan said this, he paused on purpose.

Finally, he swept across everyone's faces one by one and said:

"So, let's end this battle here, I, Zhi, I'm sorry everyone, surrender, we lost!"

When he said these two words, Zhi Boyuan felt a sense of relief.

On the contrary, there is a kind of calmness!
This burden was finally put down very irresponsibly.

The northern stone generals were taken aback!
What a surrender!
One by one, their eyes widened and their mouths opened wide.

You heard me right.

Zhishuai didn't mean to have a final battle, a final fight, to play the prestige of Beishi Kingdom.

But to surrender!
"Zhishuai...how can this be!"

"Master Zhi, we still have more than 2 troops, we can still fight!"

"Zhi Shuai, we have to fight until the last soldier. Even if we die, we will make Ye Qing feel uncomfortable, and we will also drag down a half of Zhou people!"

All the generals shouted.

This result is unacceptable.

Zhi Boyuan slapped the table heavily, staring at the table, his eyes were like knives: "Bastard, I am still the coach now, I have the final say, whoever is yelling, the military staff will die!"

In an instant, the entire big tent fell silent.

Seeing Zhi Boyuan go crazy, they lowered their heads one by one.

"You want to fight, but you have asked the soldiers outside, do they want to fight? You want to die, what about them? If you die, the house will not collapse, but what about them?" Zhi Boyuan said earnestly:
"Surrender does not mean the end, if you lose, you lose, and if you win it next time.

The three princesses surrendered, and General Li Mu also surrendered. They can all save their faces and save their soldiers. Why can't you do it?
Are you more noble than the three princesses?
Are you higher than General Li Mu? "


All the Beishi generals had their words blocked in their chests.

Yes, how are they compared to the three princesses?
How is it compared to General Li Mu?
How about Bi Zhishuai?
Zhishuai should be the one who doesn't want to surrender the most!

They, Qiu Ba, only had to obey orders, and Zhi Boyuan took all the pressure.

"Let's all go back. I submitted the letter of surrender to Ye Qing through scriptures, and he promised that everyone should return to the camp and wait for Zhou Qi to come over to take over the camp!" Zhi Boyuan waved his hand and drove everyone out.

Everyone sighed helplessly.

"You go out too, go pick Ye Qing up!" Zhi Boyuan didn't look up, knowing that Guo Kai was still there.

Guo Kai clasped his fists together, then waved to the guards in the tent, calling them all out.

Then lower the tent slowly.

Only Zhi Boyuan was left inside.

When Guo drove to the gate of the camp, suddenly there were crying and howling in the camp.

Zhi Boyuan committed suicide.

Died by his own sword.

Everyone can be immortal, but he can't.

Everyone can surrender, but he can't!

Ye Qing brought people to take over Beishi's army and camp.

A howling sound was heard from the ground of the camp.

He gave Guo Kai a hard look, then got off his horse and hurried towards Zhi Boyuan's big tent on foot.

At this time, all the stone generals are inside.

The first place is Zhi Boyuan who kissed himself to death.

A half-white-haired, wise and heroic commander died with his eyes closed.

"Ye Qing!"

A group of Beishi generals drew their swords from their waists one after another.

Ye Qing cast a glance at them, then walked towards Zhi Boyuan as if no one else was there.

Until Zhi Boyuan's case.

Take his self-kissing sword from Zhi Boyuan's hand.

Wipe it twice on the outside of his thigh.

Picking up the scabbard on the case again, he inserted the sword into it.

Then he took off his saber, put it in Zhi Boyuan's hand, and held Zhi Boyuan's sword in his pocket.

Then he crossed his sword and turned around and said: "Prepare the coffin, treat it generously, send it back to Beishi Kingdom, and hand it over to His Majesty the Emperor of Beishi Kingdom!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qing walked out of the big tent in front of the Beishi generals on both sides.

None of Beishi's generals dared to stab him with a sword.

It wasn't until Ye Qing walked over that they threw their swords to the ground, and knelt down on one knee to Zhi Boyuan's body:

"Let's go, Zhishuai!"

(End of this chapter)

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