I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 350 Ye Qing's Assassination

Chapter 350 Ye Qing's Assassination
With Zhi Boyuan's death, the Hedong War came to an end!

Dazhou regained the entire territory of Hedong County, wiped out more than 5 Beishi troops, and surrendered more than 4 people.

Although Da Zhou won this battle, he didn't take advantage of it.

Half of Hedong was almost smashed.

Including the soldiers of Hedong County, the casualties were more than 6 or [-].

It is also a great loss of vitality.

It can only be said that both sides suffer.

The only thing worth congratulating is that with this battle, Ye Qing eliminated the Liu family and Baibogu who had controlled the river east for thousands of years.

This provides a good foundation for the rapid development of Hedong in the future.

Don't mention the future, don't remember the past.

Ye Qing did not congratulate Zhi Boyuan's 2-strong army at the first time, nor did he deal with the surrender.

Instead, he stepped onto Yongan City.

Di Qing poured water into ice, and the south side of Yong'an City, which was continuously reinforced, became a world of ice.

The frozen corpses and the traces left by the battlefield still tell everything.

Stepping on slippery ground.

Ye Qing walked up step by step.

His eyes scanned the sides.

Although they are all covered by ice crystals, the degree of tragedy can still be seen at a glance.

Di Qing and others cleared away the stones blocking the gate, and slowly pushed the gate open.

All the soldiers who were still alive, as well as the recruits and civilian husbands came to the city to welcome Ye Qing.

The war is over.

Da Zhou was victorious.

What they did has meaning and is worth remembering.

"The last general Di Qing (Huang Zhong) leads everyone in Yong'an City to meet His Highness!"

Everyone shouted: "Your Highness Wannian! Great Zhou Wannian! Your Majesty Wannian!"

Ye Qing glanced over.

They were all remnants, and few of them were uninjured.

Of the eight hundred Xiaoyaofu riders, less than a third of them can stand up!
There are less than a hundred Huashan sect disciples brought by Yang Guo and others, or people from the rivers and lakes martial arts in the northeastern part of the river.

But all were in high spirits and in high spirits.

In this battle, they re-established the benchmark for the river and lake in Hedong.

In addition to Baibogu, Hedong is still a hero of the rivers and lakes who is sensible, understands righteousness, and dares to sacrifice.

There are still loyal people.

And they will be rewarded accordingly.

Its sect will also be strengthened and developed.

"There is no need to be too polite, you are the most loyal and brave soldiers in the Great Zhou, you are the most lovely people in the Great Zhou, and the most loving and righteous Zhongliang in the world. The empire will never forget you, and I, Ye Qing, will never forget you. His achievements will definitely be written in the history, and will be engraved on the cliff of the stele!" Ye Qing shouted passionately and generously:

"Everyone who was killed, killed or injured in this battle should be rewarded. Everyone knows that I captured the Baibo Valley and captured some floating money. I will take all the money out, except for those who died in the northern war. Everyone, in addition to treating the wounded, will also build a martyr's cemetery, erect a monument to heroes, and build a martyr's shrine!"

Everyone was even more excited when they heard this.

The best way to deal with the dead is to respect them.

The best reward for the living is hope.

Ye Qing did both and gave both.

This is the best superior.

The most worthy of following, the most worthy of love.

"Your highness, ten thousand years! Your highness, ten thousand years! Your highness, ten thousand years!"

Di Qing and others led the crowd to shout.

But just when everyone was shouting and cheering.

Suddenly, a man dressed in a strong dress flashed murderous intent in his eyes, and he took out a dagger from his cuff and stabbed Ye Qing.

Next to Di Qing, a wounded soldier who looked like a recruit also suddenly had flexible legs and flew towards Ye Qing.

These two blocked Ye Qing from left to right.

They both killed again.

Di Qing, Huang Zhong and the others turned pale with fright, and there was no hurry to stop Yijing.

But Ye Qing didn't panic, and didn't even move.

Shi Potian suddenly appeared in front of him in a form-changing form, grabbing his hands to both sides.

He grabbed the hands of the two assassins.

These two assassins are not low in strength, they are both entry-level.

But after being grabbed by Shi Potian, without a trace of resistance, Shi Potian twisted his backhand, and the two turned over and fell to the ground, screaming again and again.

No matter how hard you try, you can't use your strength.

"Ye Qing is to die!"

The two missed, at this moment, the two killers who were mixed with people from the rivers and lakes on the top of the city also jumped off.

The sword in his hand slashed from left to right.

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao jumped up, Chang Qiang and Ma Qiang challenged to fend off the sword attacking Ye Qing.

Then sweep in mid-air.

Chang Qiang and Ma Qian sent them flying into the ice wall.

"My lord, forgive me, I'll wait...be careful." Di Qing and Huang Zhong didn't expect to have so many assassins around them, and just wanted to kneel down on one knee to explain.

Suddenly seeing two concrete corpses on the side of the road under Ye Qing's feet, with a movement, the two iron chains were thrown out and entangled with Ye Qing, and he couldn't help reminding him involuntarily.

It's just that it's too late.

Two iron chains instantly bound Ye Qing's feet.

Then the two jumped up on the ground, pulled hard, and tightened the iron chain, trying to pull Ye Qing's feet apart, and pull them into a straight horse, which can not only restrict Ye Qing's movement, but also strain him. .

But they were disappointed, because Ye Qing didn't get rid of the two iron chains immediately.

And Bai Jubu lightly pressed the ground, shook slightly, and firmly grasped the ground.

The ice slag on the ground instantly shattered into countless pieces.

Ye Qing's feet firmly grasped the ground, sinking two inches in.

The two killers couldn't move at all.

Instead, he was taken aback.

Ye Qing has great arm strength, as we all know.

But how can the feet be so strong.

These two second-rank masters couldn't move a leg of a third-rank general.

This is hell.

After the two were stunned, they immediately took out a dagger from their bodies and shot towards Ye Qingfei.

Ye Qing dodged sideways and gave him a dagger, but his arm was scratched by the dagger.

Shi Potian let go of the two assassins who had fallen to the ground, and with a movement of his body, he slapped the man on the left with his palm. The man vomited blood, and flew backwards and hit Binghua's broken spear head.

Don't be the only one who wants to kill Ye Qing, Ye Qing uses his feet to wrap the iron chain around him.

The man lost his balance and punched crookedly.

Ye Qing misplaced and hit the man's neck with one blow.

The man fell to the ground.

Di Qing and Huang Zhong rushed over and pressed the two assassins that Shi Potian subdued at the beginning, and only then did they realize.

The two died in Yijing.

It wasn't that he was injured by Shi Potian's internal strength, but that he bit the poison and restrained himself.

It turned out that they had hidden poison pills under their tongues.

They are all mortals.

If the assassination failed, he committed suicide immediately.

An entry-level slayer.

What a great handwriting.

It can be seen how powerful the backing is.

But Ye Qing knew where they came from without asking.

There are only two waves of people who send people to kill themselves.

Either Ye Wei or Ye Cai.

Naturally, the other two assassins who were knocked into the air by Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao also committed suicide by biting poison after they landed.

So only the one that Ye Qing knocked out with his own hands didn't come in a hurry.

Shi Potian pinched his throat, then patted him lightly, and a poison pill flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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