I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 351 Ye Qing was in a coma and Ye Tong was killed

Chapter 351 Ye Qing was in a coma and Ye Tong was killed
"My lord, please punish me! It's our negligence!"

Di Qing and Huang Zhong both led the charge.

Ye Qing said: "This has nothing to do with you, it's because we were dazzled by the victory..."

Speaking of this, Ye Qing suddenly closed his eyes and fell down!

Fortunately, the generals helped him up.

"Not good! There is poison in the sword, quickly send His Highness back to the camp for treatment!"

With a loud cry, Li Cunxiao picked up the assassin's sword on the ground and hid it, then followed the crowd to carry Ye Qing down the mountain.

When they heard that Ye Qing was injured and poisoned, everyone felt tense, feeling like the sky was falling.

When the news spread to the Beishi army camp, the generals of the Beishi army also looked confused.

Even some people are just around the corner.

Do you want to take advantage of the chaos to mutiny and break out of Yong'an City?

Guo Kai stood up and said: "Everyone, don't move around, don't disappoint Zhishuai's painstaking efforts!"

As soon as Zhi Boyuan was mentioned, everyone instantly extinguished all their desires.

Zhi Boyuan, who was lying down, was still holding the saber given by Ye Qing!

Ye Qing was injured and fell into a coma. After being brought back to the camp, he was quickly taken southward, and finally sent to Baibo Valley.

During this period, Xu Shu and Liu Bowen were in charge of everything.

Xu Shu handled the affairs of the army, communicated and negotiated with the surrendered soldiers, and Liu Bowen was in charge of relocating the wounded soldiers.

Xu Shu rearranged the army to garrison Yong'an City.

The news was still blocked, and the news about Hedong was not allowed to spread to Beishi Kingdom.

This side escorted the captives to the south.

All were sent to Pingyang City, where they were detained together with Li Mu's army.

After discussing with Liu Bowen, Xu Shu and Liu Bowen dispatched generals to garrison all the recovered cities, and appointed new officials to take charge of the actual power of the military, government and civilians.


Jiangyi City!
Hearing the news of great victories one after another, the restoration of one city after another, the Beishi army fled north in panic.

Ye Tong felt sad for a while.

I can only call Zhang Hui, and drink bowl after bowl to relieve boredom.

The smoother Ye Qing fought, the more enemy soldiers he eliminated and surrendered.

The greater the exploits, the more he felt like a clown.

And the more uncomfortable I feel.

It would be great if the protagonist was replaced by him.

"Master, good news, good news!"

A confidant hurried in with a wicked look on his face.

But Ye Tong smashed it with a wine bowl.

"Go away, I don't want to listen to the good news!"

The most exciting news has just been sent back.

Zhi Boyuan kissed himself to death, and more than 2 main forces surrendered.

Ye Qing summed up the Battle of Hedong.

Make immortal achievements.

Now Ye Tong wants to beat someone up when he hears the good news.

The heart was smashed violently, and a big lump immediately swelled up on the head, and he continued to say aggrievedly: "Marshal, this news is good news for you, Ye Qing was assassinated!"

"En!" Ye Tong and Zhang Hui were both stunned for a moment.

Then Teng both stood up.

There was a sparkle in the eyes.

"Tell me, what's the matter, who assassinated Ye Qing? Is he dead?" When Ye Tong asked this question, he glanced outside, really afraid of being heard, and Ye Qing finally found out about the fall.

The confidant also replied in a low voice: "I don't know who it is, but Ye Qing was injured by the sword. The sword was poisonous, and Ye Qing fell into a coma on the spot!"

Hit by the sword, there is poison in the sword.

In a coma.

Very good!
Ye Tong closed his eyes, afraid that the news was false, and opened his eyes again, seeing this sly-eyed subordinate, how could he feel comfortable.

"Hahaha, good! That's great!" Ye Tong laughed loudly.

Ye Qing heard the poison, then Ye Qing must die.

Assassin's sword poison is not easy.

It must be seeing blood to seal the throat.

Otherwise, you don't deserve to be called an assassin.

"The commander-in-chief matter is extremely beneficial to us. You are the commander-in-chief. You should lead the Dongdong victory. Although Ye Qing defeated the Northern Stone Army, you are the real commander." Zhang Hui said first. Holding Ye Tong in his hand, he smiled and said:

"Now that Ye Qing is dead, there is no one who can fight against you, Commander. No one is qualified to control the armies in Hedong. Only you, Commander, have the power. Commander should go north immediately and take over the main force again.

And deal with captives. "

"That's right! That's how it should be!" said the sly-eyed subordinate.

Ye Tong was full of pride and passion, he clenched his fist and nodded and said, "Okay! If that's the case, now we're going north, and this king wants to get back everything that belongs to me! By the way, let's see how Ye Qing died, isn't it ugly! "

Just do what you said, Ye Tong, Zhang Hui and others left the city drunk all the way.

Twenty miles away from the city.

Ye Tong just sobered up, and suddenly he said with fear and timidity: "Isn't it good for us to do this? What if Xu Shu, Xue Rengui and others don't hand over the military power? If his subordinates think that I assassinated Ye Qing, they will be killed." How about killing us?"

Zhang Hui was also startled into a cold sweat when he heard the words, and he was half sober at the moment.

Thumping his throat, he said, "How about, Commander, let's go back first, send someone to inquire about Ye Qing's injury, and ask Xu Shu and others about their tone!"

"Come on, go back, turn around and go back!"

Ye Tong quit immediately after hearing this.

Numbness, fortunately calmed down, otherwise it would be a thousand miles away, and there would be no return.

But Hades wants you to die on the third watch, and dare not keep you until the fifth watch.

It is said that Ye Tong and Zhang Hui did not advance but retreated, and they called back home, but the return trip did not pass three miles.

Suddenly the way forward was blocked.

"Who? Actually..."

Ye Tong's guards hadn't finished speaking when the people blocking the way rushed up and shot him dead with random arrows.

Then there was a short handover.

Ye Tong's guards were beheaded by these masters one after another.

Ye Tong and Zhang Hui heard the movement and lifted the curtain to look outside.

Immediately, he withdrew his hand.

Until all the guards are killed.

Footsteps approached slowly.

"Heroes, if you ask for money, I can take all the silver on my body. If you..."

"If I want your life, would you like to borrow my head?"

The banter of thieves sounded outside the carriage.

Ye Tong knew it was over, and this wave of people came for him.

Damn it, he shouldn't have been out of town.

Moreover, the drunk only brought dozens of guards, not even the soldiers, which was really a mistake.

"Heroes, can I know who is going to kill me? I, Ye Tong, have no vendettas in the past, and I have no grievances in the near future. I don't know when I offended you." own sword.

His eyes pointed to Zhang Hui.

Zhang Hui also has second-rate strength.

Being able to be sent to be the prefect, he still has some martial arts skills.

After all, the prefect not only manages politics, but also manages the army.

"The dead are not qualified to know the answer, but I can tell you one thing, you are damned, your death is meaningful!"

After finishing speaking, the killers outside rushed forward, and then stabbed the carriage with swords from all directions.

Zhong Dong kicked at the car window panel, smashing the wooden beam above his head.

Zhang Hui also leaped away holding the sword.

But he was killed by a sword as soon as he came out.

The body fell to the ground without a trace of movement.

And Ye Tong also felt uncomfortable, a gray-clothed masked expert volleyed against him.

One person's sword clanged several times in the air.

In Houzhong Dong was kicked by the opponent, and Ye Tong turned around and wanted to run after landing, when a knife flew from behind.

It went right through his back, into his lungs, and then through his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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