I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 352 Ye Qing's Situation

Chapter 352 Ye Qing's Situation


Bai Wuchang immediately brought back the news that Baibo Valley was destroyed.

This news shocked Ye Zhen again.

At the same time, the whole of Chang'an was boiled again.

"Baibo Valley, hehe, it's good to be wiped out!"

Ye Zhen was emotional, and wanted to look up to the sky and laugh out loud, but suddenly coughed.

The chest was uncomfortable, and the originally excited emotions were also involved.

"Anyone who betrays me should be killed."

Once the Liu family and Baibo Valley are destroyed, all obstacles in the east of the river will be cleared. This is definitely beneficial and harmless to Ye Zhen and the Zhou court.

All of a sudden, another big tiger that hindered the development of Dazhou was eliminated.

Ye Zhen closed his eyes and pondered for a while, and then said: "Pass the decree, Ye Qing has made great achievements in destroying Baibo Valley, punished the rebels to promote the country's prestige, became the king of Xiaoyao, increased the army by eight thousand, and the reward will be waived!"

Ye Qing was definitely not short of money and food, so Ye Zhen simply didn't bother to reward them.

The news came out of the palace.

The whole Chang'an is boiling.

The Baibo Valley of the six major factions was also wiped out by Ye Qing.

Ye Qing, the king of Xiaoyao County, is really a small expert in destroying faction.

When he came up, he overturned another big sect.

How do Xiaolongmen, Lantian Valley, Tumen Town, and Qishan Pavilion feel about this?

But no matter what, the Baibo Valley here is different from Taihua Mountain.

Taihua Mountain is a personal grievance, and there is a reason to blame and attack Ye Qing.

Baibo Valley is different, it has lost the righteousness, the real treason and surrender to the enemy, brewing the great event of the fall of Hedong.

As a result, Hedong was involved in the flames of war, and countless people were displaced and died unexpectedly.

Therefore, Baibogu died unjustly, and it is not an exaggeration to destroy it.

The other four factions will not help to say a word of justice.

This is the main reason why Ye Zhen dared to do this.


Fufeng Palace!

"This guy has wiped out another faction, how can he do it so well!" Ye Tao was dumbfounded again.

Forget about destroying the Huashan faction last time, but this time also destroying Baibogu.

Could it be that the father secretly sent all the experts in the palace to help him?

Otherwise, how could Baibo Valley be wiped out, and it was right under the eyes of the Northern Stone Manzi.

"I hope he doesn't come back alive and die in the battle with the Northern Rock barbarian, otherwise... the crown prince will be his!"

Ye Tao is very anxious now.

Ye Qing wiped out the Liu family and Baibo Valley, and his reputation was immeasurable.

If he is pacifying the northern stone barbarians, then his prestige and reputation are not only far superior to their princes.

Even the emperor must be compared.

Hongnong Palace!

"I don't know if it will be successful or not. There are such experts around Ye Qing who can attack Baibo Valley head-on. Shi Potian and Ding Chunqiu are definitely the strongest in the world. It is extremely difficult to attack Ye Qing without them!"

Ye Wei faced the direction of the palace on the attic, muttering to himself with a sad face: "Father, is this the master you sent? Are you cultivating him, or compensating him..."

Old Chu Palace!

"The mother's guess is right. If Ye Qing is not dead, everyone is useless. Let Ye Qing make a contribution to solve the problem in Hedong, and we will all lose our light and become clowns."

"King Xiaoyao looks like a free and unrestrained king, but he is actually full of ambitions. With such a group of people under his command, where is the glory of the king? Why do he only favor him..."

When Ye Cai heard Ye Zhen's praise of Ye Qing, her eyes also turned red.

Although King Xiaoyao is still not as noble as his King Chu, Yijing has become his biggest obstacle.

If Ye Qing is not dead, he will never have a chance in his life.

"I hope I can kill you this time, we have sent such a strong lineup, if you are not dead..."



White Valley!
Ye Qing is poisoned!
It's true, that sword has been tempered and poisoned!
So Ye Qing is not pretending.

Fortunately, Shi Potian followed him.

Shi Potian immediately used the Taixuan Sutra to seal the poison on Ye Qing's body.

Then he continued to adjust his breath and exercise his skills to force out some of the toxins.

However, this poison is overbearing, Shi Potian couldn't completely remove it, he could only suppress and control it from wandering and spreading around the injured place.

Therefore, Shi Potian needs to apply his kung fu every two hours.

Therefore, Ye Qing woke up when he returned to the tent.

He is also planning to go back to Baibo Valley to recuperate and find a good way to remove toxins.

And Liu Bowen took advantage of this to make a living.

Simply let Ye Qing continue to pretend to be dizzy, so as to attract all ghosts and monsters.

At the same time, the time for fighting is delayed, so that the deployment of Jiaojiao in Hedong is good.

Ye Qing didn't object, and handed over the power to him and Xu Shu, and then led a group of elites south to Bingcheng, and then went to Baibo Valley.

"How! Is there a way to solve it?"

Everyone looked at Ding Chunqiu, a master poison user.

Ding Chunqiu said: "I am a person who uses poison, not a person who detoxifies. I understand how to poison people to death, but I don't know how to detoxify and treat them, but..."

Everyone frowned when they heard this.

There is basically no antidote to this old guy's poison.

Sure enough, I can't report any hope on him.

"However, let's talk directly!" Ye Qing said.

Ding Chunqiu said: "My lord, my Hua Gong Dafa may be able to get rid of this poison, but it needs to be practiced by the lord himself, from the inside, and it cannot be introduced from the outside by me, otherwise the poison will be gone, but the lord's internal strength will also be abolished. "

"Practice Huagong Dafa!" Ye Qing raised his eyebrows slightly.

Not to mention that Huagong Dafa is an evil practice.

After refining this thing, the reputation will be damaged to some extent, and people will not be ashamed.

The key is whether you can make it yourself.

Ding Chunqiu saw that Ye Qing didn't make a sound, his face was slightly embarrassed, and then he said: "Of course, my lord doesn't practice Huagong Dafa, you can also practice another martial art."

"What martial arts!" Ye Qing was curious.

Ding Chunqiu besides transforming kung fu and poison kung fu, what other high-quality kung fu can he do.

Ding Chunqiu replied: "That is the Beiming Divine Art of Xiaoyao Sect!"

Beiming Divine Art!

Ye Qing knows that this is the highest martial art in Tianlong.

After practicing the Beiming magic skill, every acupuncture point in the body can absorb people's internal energy and turn it into Beiming Zhenqi. Beiming Zhenqi has both yin and yang. several times.

It is also compatible with the world's martial arts, it is immune to all poisons, it is fierce and domineering, and it has great power when it is attacked casually.The defense of the zhenqi shield is greatly increased, and the enemy will be shocked when attacked.The speed is greatly increased, going up the mountain is like going down the mountain, coming and going without a trace.

The problem is, Ye Qing said with a smile: "You don't know this skill!"

"Uh...!" Ding Bangchun clasped his fists together and said, "My lord is wise, I don't know how to do this magical skill."

If he could, he wouldn't have created his own Huagong Dafa.

When everyone heard the words, they cast a contemptuous look.

No, what a fart!

"Okay, then you will teach me the mental method of Huagong Dafa, and I will see if I can practice it. For detoxification, take your time, don't worry!" Ye Qing smiled, very carefree.

It is not impossible for him to obtain the Beiming Divine Art. It is impossible to have a system without anything.

And next time, maybe the system will issue a healing card, or it will be done.

With Shi Potian around, he doesn't have to worry about his life, and he doesn't have to worry about being poisoned to death.

The only thing I'm not happy with is that I can't use my internal strength or use force.

Fortunately, the Hedong war is over.

In the future, there is no need to fight, and you can focus on governing and restoring the east of the river.

"Ye Wei, Ye Cai, you two wash your necks in Chang'an, just wait, I, Ye Qing, are going to war with them!"

(End of this chapter)

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